{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (118 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 118 of 118)

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(empty) (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#92 atlod - document correct 'default' options for CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch new defect trivial JamieStevens 09/16/09
#95 xmtv24 - use xmtv in a 24-bit X display MIRIAD - main line closed fixed enhancement minor VincentMcIntyre 01/15/14
#94 64 bit version of Miriad for Macs MIRIAD - main line closed fixed enhancement minor VincentMcIntyre 01/15/14
#69 axisrms and axismax have different units? MIRIAD - main line closed fixed defect minor MarkCalabretta 04/20/10
#93 new task: pgflag MIRIAD - CABB branch closed fixed enhancement major JamieStevens 02/17/10
#91 hard to flag CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch closed fixed enhancement major MarkWieringa 02/12/10
#100 Can uvsplit separate two IFs at the same frequency MIRIAD - CABB branch closed fixed defect major MarkWieringa 10/14/09
#99 MFCAL and GPCAL weirdness at L-band MIRIAD - CABB branch closed fixed defect major MarkWieringa 10/14/09
#98 DxiFIOQS MIRIAD - main line closed invalid defect major YROnzNETpLapbITlLV 10/14/09
#97 DxiFIOQS MIRIAD - main line closed invalid defect major YROnzNETpLapbITlLV 10/14/09
#96 DxiFIOQS MIRIAD - main line closed invalid defect major YROnzNETpLapbITlLV 10/14/09
#68 additional search locations for EXTLIBS MIRIAD - main line closed fixed enhancement minor MarkCalabretta 09/23/09
#86 mirds9 script MIRIAD - main line closed wontfix enhancement minor VincentMcIntyre 09/23/09
#88 CABB: fits output of UV data does not read into AIPS properly MIRIAD - main line closed fixed defect major MarkCalabretta 09/09/09
#89 calred output format needs updating MIRIAD - CABB branch closed fixed defect minor MarkWieringa 09/07/09
#85 Hit Fortran integer limit during imaging MIRIAD - CABB branch closed fixed defect major MarkWieringa 08/04/09
#87 PRB report Jul 2009 miriad4cabb project closed fixed task major VincentMcIntyre 07/17/09
#55 test simpleticket miriad4cabb project closed wontfix defect minor VincentMcIntyre 01/30/08
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