{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (523 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (301 - 400 of 523)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Release-1.7 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#492 How much More Right Mma Fitness And Training Gym FITS reader closed invalid 1.1.8 task major high MatthewWhiting derek_lanning@… 07/02/20
#496 Discover A New Entire world With Internet Marketing and advertising! other closed invalid 1.3 enhancement major high MatthewWhiting rickiebellinger@… 07/02/20
#498 Get Your Search engine optimisation To A Higher Level By Using These Amazing Suggestions! Smoothing closed invalid 0.9.2 enhancement trivial high MatthewWhiting irwinstansfield@… 07/02/20
#512 Great Ways To Make Redesigning Hassle-free Input closed invalid 1.1.13 enhancement normal high MatthewWhiting natalie_hearon@… 07/02/20
#516 Ideas To Make Home Improvement Projects See Effortless FITS reader closed invalid 1.3 task trivial high MatthewWhiting winfredharries@… 07/02/20
#517 Home Improvement Recommendations You'll Be Death To Test Smoothing closed invalid 1.1.5 enhancement normal high MatthewWhiting laurieeliott@… 07/02/20
#227 Logfile always reported in param list, regardless of flagLog value Output closed fixed 1.6 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/04/14

Release-1.6.2 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#527 Release 1.6.2 Code base new 1.6.1 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/25/17
#525 Spectral plotting broken Output closed fixed 1.6.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/25/17
#524 Scale of ellipses in karma annotation is incorrect Output closed fixed 1.6.1 defect major high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/25/17
#523 Error in user guide - flux conversion expression Documentation closed fixed 1.6.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/25/17
#526 Add patches from askapsoft development Code base closed fixed 1.6.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/24/17

Release-1.6.1 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#228 Release 1.6.1 Code base closed fixed 1.6 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/05/14
#226 memory issue with duchamp other closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting qnguyen@… 05/05/14

Release-1.6 (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#212 Build problems on OS X Mavericks (10.9) Building/Installation closed fixed 1.5 defect normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 11/26/15
#201 Release 1.6 Building/Installation closed fixed 1.5 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/29/14
#213 Segmentation error - Duchamp FITS reader closed fixed 1.5 defect normal low MatthewWhiting srinivraghav@… 04/22/14
#224 Make lines indicating spectral boundaries of sources solid Output closed fixed 1.5 defect minor normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/22/14
#220 Add additional text to User Guide on absorption-line sources Documentation closed fixed 1.5 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/22/14
#225 Output FITS filenames fail when given a .fits.gz input Input closed fixed 1.5 defect normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/22/14
#86 Make sure VOTable definition is up to date Output closed fixed 1.1.13 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/11/14
#207 Parameter documentation fixing-up Documentation closed fixed 1.5 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/10/14
#200 Improve plotting of detection border Output closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/10/14
#211 Bugs in binary writing/reading of parameters Output closed fixed 1.5 defect major normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/10/14
#219 Erroneous behaviour in Negative-search mode Output closed fixed 1.5 defect major normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/10/14
#210 Build warnings from RTC Building/Installation closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/04/14
#203 Documentation improvements Documentation closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/04/14
#216 Fix UCD formatting in VOTable header Output closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/01/14
#209 size of mask image can be bigger than input image Output closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 03/14/14
#206 Update VOTable spec to 1.3 Output closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 03/12/14
#202 Fix makefile issues from 1.5 Building/Installation closed fixed 1.5 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/12/13

Release-1.5 (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#199 Release 1.5 Code base closed fixed 1.4 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/29/13
#198 Velocity width measurement failing Code base closed fixed 1.4 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/28/13
#125 Set a maximum size Searching closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/28/13
#77 Edge treatment for GaussSmooth2D Smoothing closed fixed 1.1.8 enhancement normal low MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/28/13
#107 Implement median baselining Searching closed fixed 1.1.10 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/28/13
#197 Spacing of velocity channel not correct for negative velocities Output closed fixed 1.4 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/20/13
#196 When baseline subtraction is done, thresholds are incorrectly plotted Output closed fixed 1.4 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/28/13
#152 Improve 1D spectral output Output closed fixed enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/27/13
#193 Generalise MW masking Input closed fixed 1.3.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/27/13
#195 Refactor the various Plot classes Code base closed fixed 1.4 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/27/13

Release-1.4 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#194 Release 1.4 Code base closed fixed 1.3.2 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/24/13
#192 Enable shared library creation Building/Installation closed fixed 1.3.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/20/13
#191 DS9 annotation files orienting ellipses incorrectly Output closed fixed 1.3.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/18/13
#190 Improve determination of column widths Output closed fixed 1.3.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/27/13

Release-1.3.1 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#189 Release 1.3.1 other closed fixed 1.3 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/18/13
#188 Update verification script for 2D smoothing other closed fixed 1.3 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/18/13
#186 Tidy up 2D smoothing Smoothing closed fixed 1.3 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/18/13
#187 Results file has lost the Z_peak column Output closed fixed 1.3 defect normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/18/13
#185 2D reconstruction giving odd results Wavelet reconstruction closed wontfix 1.3 defect normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 04/17/13

Release-1.3 (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#181 Save "cube summary" as a binary catalogue Output closed fixed 1.2.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/06/13
#175 Release 1.3 Building/Installation closed fixed task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 03/11/13
#179 Documentation for 1.3 Documentation closed fixed 1.2.2 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 03/08/13
#183 Fix Verification script for 1.3 Building/Installation closed fixed 1.2.2 task normal highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 03/06/13
#184 ATrous thresholding not working Wavelet reconstruction closed fixed 1.2.2 defect normal highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 03/06/13
#171 make install doesn't work Building/Installation closed fixed 1.2.2 defect major normal MatthewWhiting biqing, for@… 03/05/13
#173 flux error in Duchamp Output closed fixed 1.2.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting sara.shakouri@… 03/05/13
#182 Plotting of individual spectra on usePrevious needs to be optional Output closed fixed 1.2.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 02/13/13
#180 Comment out non-data lines in the output files Output closed fixed 1.2.2 enhancement normal low MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 02/12/13
#174 Implement CASA region file output Output closed fixed 1.2.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 01/15/13
#131 Make moment mask image Output closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 01/15/13
#177 WCS in moment-0 FITS image not correct Output closed fixed 1.2.2 defect normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 01/10/13
#132 Measure principle axes & position angle Code base closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 01/10/13
#170 Refactor FITS writing code Output closed fixed 1.2.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 12/17/12
#105 Save baseline values to a FITS file Output closed fixed 1.1.10 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 12/17/12

Release-1.2.2 (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#169 Release 1.2.2 Building/Installation closed fixed 1.2.1 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/29/12
#164 Segfault with reading large reconstructed array Wavelet reconstruction closed fixed 1.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/29/12
#166 Refactoring of code for reading existing reconstructed/smoothed arrays Input closed fixed 1.2.1 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/29/12
#167 Saving mask results in FITSIO error Output closed fixed 1.2.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/29/12
#165 Blank maps Output closed fixed 1.2.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/29/12
#168 Update UCDs Output closed fixed 1.2.1 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/29/12

Release-1.2.1 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#163 Release 1.2.1 other closed fixed 1.2 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/23/15
#161 W50 calculation can fail for negative searches Searching closed fixed 1.2 defect critical highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/22/12
#50 Create region files for use with DS9 Output closed fixed 1.1.8 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/09/12
#162 Improve catalogue handling Output closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/08/12
#158 Streamline & generalise VOTable output Output closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/08/12
#51 Annotation files for casaviewer Output closed duplicate 1.1.8 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 10/08/12
#159 Add units to the VOTable Output closed fixed 1.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/25/12
#160 Spectral parameters need an adaptively-assigned UCD Output closed fixed 1.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/25/12

Release-1.2 (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#148 Output from 1D searching not very useful Output closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 11/03/15
#149 Update list of parameters and documentation Documentation closed fixed 1.1.13 task normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 09/17/12
#154 Implement maxscale in reconstruction Wavelet reconstruction closed fixed 1.1.13 defect major highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 08/06/12
#142 Inconsistencies in searches with MW vs subimages Searching closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 07/31/12
#153 Spatial & spectral searches do not agree Searching closed fixed 1.1.13 defect critical highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 07/31/12
#126 Query about 3D Atrous Reconstruction Wavelet reconstruction closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting simon.guest@… 07/24/12
#124 Numeric Differences in verification tests between 64bit and 32bit compilation other closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting simon.guest@… 07/24/12
#146 Appropriate use of the spectral WCS description Input closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 07/20/12
#151 Add "M" flag for adjacent to MW range Output closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/18/12
#135 Machine Readable Output Building/Installation closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting kevin.vinsen@… 06/18/12
#150 Check double status of Detection parameters Code base closed fixed 1.1.13 task normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/18/12
#134 Precision of RA and Dec output Output closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/15/12
#147 Memory size reporting is wrong for <3 dimensions Input closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/14/12
#145 Ensure minVoxels is big enough to accomodate minPIxels & minChannels Input closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 06/12/12
#139 Object3D - keep a spatial map Code base closed fixed 1.1.13 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/23/12
#123 Improve voxel list handling Code base closed fixed 1.1.13 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/22/12
#138 ObjectGrower broken Searching closed fixed 1.1.13 defect critical highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/22/12
#121 Reconstruction too memory-hungry Wavelet reconstruction closed fixed 1.1.12 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/18/12
#141 decToDMS produces odd results Code base closed fixed 1.1.13 defect major normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/18/12
#140 WCS errors in setting final parameters Code base closed fixed 1.1.13 defect critical high MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/18/12
#95 Error reporting Code base closed fixed 1.1.9 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 05/18/12
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.