15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fixed docstrings fro sphinx
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
renamed print_log_dec to more explicit asaplog_post_dec
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Got rid of redundant print_log. Use asaplog.post directly.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
more documentation on 'verbose' rcParam
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #193: the rcParamsverbose flag is only used in standard …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Adde more API documentation
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
auto_quotient is the first method to use @preserve_selection
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
removed redundant print_log calls as the @print_log_dec handles them …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #194: docstring changes. Play nicely with sphinx.
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
test commit
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Documentation update to play nicer with sphinx
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
changed set_restfreqs to support use of the old behaviour. If list of …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #192: enabling new filler. Get rid of unused asapreader.
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
asaplotbase should import print_log.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
remove reader and make parameters import third in line
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Can't use logging here as that would be a cyclic dependency\!\!\!
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
import asap.parameters
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Don't post message if logger is disabled
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fixed type in import name
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Tidy up of imports (now imported from asap.). Also fixed some …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Refactoring of init.py. Moved functionality into separate modules. …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No (merge: recover logs)
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No (merge alma branch to …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Merged in bug fix from release branch
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Replace matplotlib.numerix with numpy
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fixed wrong base class call in shift_refix
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #183: added get_weather to scantable. It returns a dicr or …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fixed typos
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Finishing touches to opacity calculations, docs, plotting and model
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Adjusted skydip method after feedback from Kate Brooks
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
remove doc for reader from commands
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Some minor tidy up and documentation
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Tidy up plotazel and plotpointing
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Use print_log_dec consistently
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Add compatibility.py for functools.wraps which doesn't exist in python <2.5
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added compatibility.py for functools.wraps decorator in python <2.5
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #177: added skydip function to determine opacities. This …
15 years |
Max Voronkov |
added a simplified version of the linefinder (largely to be used with …
15 years |
Max Voronkov |
line finder: added more options on how the noise is to be estimated. …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added help for parallactify
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #170: python derived class for nice access e.g. units and doc …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added doc string
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Return self or other in case of union with empty selector
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added scantable.parallactify
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
More tidy up. factored out copy for localised selection
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
tidy up
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Removed deprecated function
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Tidy up/factored out printin part of stats to _row_callback
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Introduced print_log_dec(orator)
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added method get_row_selector, which returns a selection object for …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #165: have removed the hard-coding of parallactifying the data. …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
more verbose instructions
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Change default to MHz, doc update
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Some instructions via print, change behaviour to also just keep flags …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Increased maxstack to 16; added simple selection to plotter (refer to #169)
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #46; changed scnatable.lag_flag to handle a start/end value …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #46; Added an interactive lag flagger. The output can be used …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #169: allow direct settings of selections
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #167: python part of running polynomial smoothing
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for Ticket #163: mixed up self and s instance
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added gca/refresh for matplolib-like access
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix up error message
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for ticket #162: documentation of scantable.convert_pol didn't …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fix for ticket #160: allow user to select the size of plotter and also …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fix for ticket #160: allow user to select the size of plotter and also …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
minor doc fixes; fixed list_scans, which seems brokrn in latest …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added forward for axes.annotate and added useful default plus …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
change tag version to trunk
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
change tag version to trunk
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for ticket #158; can' use rc parameters to set fonts dynamically
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
handle timeouts and general None returns in ginput
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Support maks windows of style [channel]
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for Ticket #157; numpy api changed for mask/data access in MaskedArray
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Add some instuctions to the plot
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
add alittle bit of room, so masks can be created past the first/last …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
add alittle bit of room, so masks can be created past the first/last …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
add interactive annotation capability. Also allow creation of masks …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
add interactive annotation capability. Also allow creation of masks …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
support cursor read out via matplotlib.figure.ginput
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
allow for (max,min) mask windows
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
applied python taql style at the wrong level
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
pre-tagging version update
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for ticket #154: flagged data wasnrt honoured in any fitting …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for Ticket #153; matplotlib changed the api in 0.98. Using …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for Ticket #90; treating integer as double columns now
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
change version back to trunk after tagging
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
change version for release
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added rc parameter tp control ax-axis formatting
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fixed typo in get_spectrum args
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added st_sourcetype to list of commands
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix for ticket #151: added facilities to help with on/off scan …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added function to set reference scans manually
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added flag_nans to help with possible non-flagged NaNs in the data
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fix some matplotlib deprecation warnings
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
allow upgrade of ipython rc
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added publich get/set_spectrum functions
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix ticket #127; still have to add class header hack
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
optionally suppress history
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
work with ipython >= 0.8
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Handle api change in matplotlib-0.98