

10:11 Ticket #71 (PRB report 2009 Feb) created by VincentMcIntyre
We need to send in another progress report. Your assistance is sort …
10:07 Ticket #60 (prepare parallel install of miriad) closed by VincentMcIntyre
duplicate: This is actually the same task as ticket:70.


09:23 Ticket #18 (ATLOD can read any one IF from a CABB data file) closed by MarkWieringa
09:20 Ticket #17 (ATLOD can read in a simulated datafile containing one correlator mode) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: atlod can read current CABB data. Note that current data is just …


08:00 Meetings/20090109 edited by VincentMcIntyre
07:54 Meetings/20081212 edited by VincentMcIntyre
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.