Custom Query (40 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#209 Change FIT PARAMETER Column from Double to Float assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement suspended Unified development
#296 Enable polarization average of spectra without time averating. (from CAS-5194) assigned Kana Sugimoto enhancement low Unified development
#111 writing to SDFITS fails if data are pol averaged assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement normal
#134 scantable constructor doesn't work for multiple asap files assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement normal
#144 Ability to create empty scantable? assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement normal
#162 Polarisation data extraction reopened Malte Marquarding defect normal ASAP 2.4
#173 NH3 line fitting assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement normal ASAP 4.0
#186 Move this trac to science redmine new Malte Marquarding task normal
#195 Move Lorentzian fitting codes to casacore new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal Unified development
#200 Routine for processing cross-scan data new Malte Marquarding task normal Unified development
#215 how to get columns not returned by get_column_names() assigned Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#216 If your platform isn't listed - RedHat new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal Unified development
#217 How does auto_quotient(mode='time') recognize scans? assigned Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#220 Leap second table TAI_UTC seems out-of-date. new Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#221 Retaining scan numbers new Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#222 ERROR: SDFITS file contains invalid beam number. new Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#223 polarization numbers new Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#225 Uncalibrated units option new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal ASAP 2.4
#226 independently scaled subplots new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal Unified development
#227 ignoring channels when scaling a plot new Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#228 sub-scantables in scantable new Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
#229 Installing from source new Malte Marquarding question normal Unified development
#233 Test Interactive flagging module, flagplotter new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal ASAP 4.0
#234 improve asapplotter by using Matplotlib 1.0.0 functions assigned Kana Sugimoto defect normal Unified development
#255 RuntimeError: Couldn't convert frequency frame assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
#280 possible incorrect sdfits headers assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
#281 Several rms values for one spectrum assigned Malte Marquarding task normal ASAP 4.0
#282 test_nrofiller fails new Takeshi Nakazato defect normal Unified development
#284 exception raising for bad scans new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal ASAP 4.0
#285 error in frequency frame conversion, old data, old script, new install. assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
#286 use logging module instead of print new Malte Marquarding enhancement normal ASAP 4.0
#287 Improve pointing plots assigned Kana Sugimoto enhancement normal Unified development
#290 Implement sideband separation algorithm in ASAP (from CAS-4141) assigned Kana Sugimoto defect normal Unified development
#291 alignment error for Tid data assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
#295 asapplotter.plotpointing2 needs improvement (from CAS-5317) new Kana Sugimoto enhancement normal Unified development
#196 Create new Scantable definition assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement high Unified development
#206 Tidy up poly_baseline batch mode new WataruKawasaki defect high Unified development
#213 Speed up baseline methods. new WataruKawasaki defect high Unified development
#224 cmake build for CASA-ASAP new Takeshi Nakazato enhancement high Unified development
#235 manipulation of the on/off header using the "quotient" tool in ASAP new Takeshi Nakazato defect high Unified development
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.