DiFX GUI System Settings Window

The DiFX GUI has a fairly large number of configurable settings that can be used to tailor its appearance and functionality to a particular purpose.  All settings are saved to files when the GUI is shut down (or when the user requests it) to maintain consistency between sessions.  Some settings, such as window sizes, are "invisible" in that the way to change them is to actually do something, like change the size of a window.  Most, however, are collected in the System Settings Window where they are organized into categories based on their function:

Settings File

When the GUI is started it attempts to read an XML file containing settings for all GUI parameters, window configurations, etc.  This file can either be specified as the first command line argument when starting the GUI or a default file will be used (the default file is "conf/guiSettings.xml" under the directory specified by the environment variable "DIFXROOT", or, failing that, the user's directory).  Failing to read either a specified file or the default file will cause internal default settings to be used which may or may not be attractive.  When the GUI is exited the default XML file is written to reflect the GUI's current state such that it can be started again in the future essentially unchanged from where it was left.  Failures to read or write files will generate pop-up warnings, but won't terminate the GUI's operation.

The Settings File section of the Settings Window can be used to pick a new XML file name for reading or writing.  This can be useful if you want to save a specific GUI state for later use or load a previously saved state:


This field shows the full path to the XML file that was most recently read, either a user-specified file or the default.  If this field is in red it indicates that the last read attempt failed for some reason and that whatever settings that existed previously are still in place. 


Open can be used to open an existing XML file that contains GUI settings.  A file browser will allow the file to be picked.


Save causes the current GUI settings to be written to the XML path in the "Current" field.

Save As...

This button produces a file browser from which a path for the XML file can be picked.  The XML file is written using the current settings.


The Defaults button will restore the GUI to internal defaults (not the default XML file settings).  

GUI Title

The GUI Title is a simple text string that can be used to uniquely identify a settings configuration.  The title will be applied to the top-level GUI window.

DiFX Control Connection

The DiFX Control Connection settings determine how the GUI communicates with and controls DiFX.  In normal operation the GUI makes a TCP connection with the guiServer process running on the DiFX "Host" node.  To complicate matters however, there are actually three ways the GUI and DiFX can interact:

  1. The TCP connection between the GUI and guiServer is used for all controls and data exchanges.  DiFX multicast message traffic is collected by guiServer and relayed over the TCP socket to the GUI (for more information about message traffic, see the DiFX Multicast Messages section below).  This configuration must be used when the GUI is running outside the DiFX LAN, such that the multicast messages cannot be received directly.  It is far and away the most tested configuration, and should be used if possible.

  2. The TCP connection between the GUI and guiServer is used for controls and all data from guiServer itself, however DiFX multicast messages are received directly using a UDP socket.  Under some circumstances this could be the preferred arrangement when the GUI is running on the DiFX LAN where multicast messages are received as it reduces guiServer network traffic and allows the GUI to monitor things even if guiServer is for some reason lost.

  3. No connection is made to guiServer.  The GUI receives DiFX multicast messages directly using a UDP socket, essentially acting as a monitor of DiFX activity.  The GUI can also issue some commands directly to DiFX using its own multicast messages, but the command set available is limited and in the long run this capability will not be supported.
The DiFX Control Connection panel includes settings that will determine in which of the above modes your GUI will interact with DiFX, as well as port and version specifications.  Details about each control/display item are outlined below.

Multicast/guiServer Check Boxes

These check boxes determine how the GUI communicates with DiFX, either through direct multicast messaging (unsupported, incomplete, and unlikely to work very well) or via direct TCP connection to guiServer (preferred, obviously).  You will almost always want to use the guiServer option - the Multicast option exists for historical reasons and is maintained because it has some utility in testing.  By default the guiServer option is checked.

guiServer Connection Light

The guiServer Connection light gives an immediate indication whether a healthy TCP connection exists between the GUI and guiServer.  A green light means a good connection.  Red means a broken connection.  A yellow light occurs when the GUI has some concern about the connection (these usually turn red quickly) or that a connection is in the process of being made (these usually turn green quickly).

Channel All Data

In "normal" operation the GUI and guiServer transfer data using a number of TCP ports that are opened and closed as needed - the port numbers and total number of these ports that can be simultaneously opened are controlled by the Transfer Port and Max Open Ports settings.  If "Channel All Data" is selected, the GUI and guiServer will communicate and transfer all data over a single port - "channeling" all data transfers through that port.  Channeling data is critical when operating the GUI/guiServer connection through an "ssh tunnel" where tunneling is required for each TCP connection, however the GUI operates perfectly well when channeling data under other circumstances.

DiFX Host
This is the hostname of the node on which guiServer is running, or will run.  Changes to this field will trigger a reconnection attempt for the TCP link between the GUI and guiServer (the GUI will continue to try to make the connection until it works).  This name should be recognizable by the nameserver on the host where you are running the GUI (you can also use IP addresses in this field).
Control Port
This is the port for TCP control communications between the GUI and guiServer.  Its default value it is the same as the Port setting under Broadcast Network (50200), but this similarity is of no significance (and, in hindsight, is purposelessly confusing).  Changes to the control port will cause a new TCP connection attempt.  When you start guiServer, it reports the port number where it expects connections - that is what you should use here.
Transfer Port and Max Open Ports

The Transfer Port  and Max Open Ports determine the port numbers that will be used to transmit data from guiServer to the GUI.  The GUI often has cause to request sets of data from the guiServer - the contents of files, directory listings, etc. - that are then transmitted using quick TCP connections that are opened as necessary and closed when no longer needed.  Whenever such a request is made it is accompanied by a unique port number that is then used by guiServer for the data transfer.  The Transfer Port number specified here is a "base" number that is used to form the unique port numbers - port numbers increment from this base up to (Transfer Port + Max Open Ports), and then recycle at the Transfer Port number.  Locking mechanisms assure that port numbers aren't reused until they have been closed. 

The user probably doesn't need to worry about these numbers much, except to make sure there are no port restrictions that apply to the range defined, and that the range is big enough.  If file transfers appear to be slow (pop-up monitors of file transfers will let you know this) or to occasionally stall completely it is possible that increasing Max Open Ports will help you, although it is critical that Max Open Ports not be changed when any ports are in use.

Monitor Host and Port

The Monitor Host and Port are used to specify the connection to the difx_monitor server.  This is a process that provides real-time data feedback that can be used to monitor a running job.  The documentation on the Real-Time Job Monitor has more detail about this.

guiServer Version

The "guiServer Version" is the version of the DiFX software that was used to build guiServer.  GuiServer depends on a number of DiFX header files and libraries (primarily for file parsing) when it builds so in a perfect world it would match the the version of the GUI itself to assure that they are compatible.  However this is not, in general, critical, as the file parsing libraries a fairly stable (and almost always backward compatible) between DiFX versions.  There is no need for the guiServer Version to match the DiFX version used to run correlator operations

This is not a field the user can change - it is reported by guiServer when a new TCP connection is made.

GUI Version

This field shows the version of the DiFX software that was used to build the GUI.  This field cannot be changed by the user.  It will be filled automatically when a TCP connection is made.

Host Environment Vars

The "Host Environment Vars" button creates a display of DiFX Host environment variables as seen by guiServer:

All environment variables regardless of their applicability can be displayed, or only those that apply to DiFX may be selected (at the moment this distinction is determined rather simplistically - by whether or not "DIFX" is the first four characters in the variable name, but this capability may be made more sophisticated in the future).  The settings of environment variables can be used to determine how several GUI options should be set.
This field shows the name of the user under which guiServer was started.  All DiFX processes that guiServer starts will also be run under this user (which means the username must have permission to do so on the host running guiServer).  This is not a user-settable field.
DiFX Base

The "DiFX Base" is a path on the DiFX host under which the DiFX software resides.  The DiFX Base is actually just one of the environment variables (see above) found on the DiFX host.  Below this directory will be "bin" directories and source directories for each installed DiFX version.  The DiFX Base is reported when a connection is made to guiServer - the field is not user-settable.

Run w/DiFX Version

The GUI does a number of things, such as organizing jobs and creating/administering job data directories.  But primarily its purpose is to run DiFX, which it does for the most part by executing DiFX applications on the DiFX host through system level commands (equivalent to command line operations).  The "Run w/DiFX Version" setting can be used to instruct guiServer to use a specific version of the DiFX application.  A pull-down menu will provide all of the DiFX software versions installed on the DiFX host.

Note that this setting can be changed at any time during the process of running a job, such that you can run some DiFX applications using one version of DiFX, and others using another.  For instance, if you want to use the latest development version of the software to run mpifxcorr, but know that your data require vex2difx from version 2.1, and you know what you are doing, you can change this setting at different stages in the process accordingly.  Which is not to say this is recommended behavior.

Use Default Start Script

Use the chosen DiFX Version name to produce a default value for the DiFX Execute Script but appending to version name to "rungeneric.".  This will cause the DiFX Execute Script to be over-written.

DiFX Execute Script
The DiFX Execute Script is a script used by guiServer to execute all DiFX commands (both those run locally on the DiFX host and via mpirun on other nodes).  The execute script can be used to do any set up or environment variable definition that must take place for DiFX processes to run correctly.  For instance, if you are running vex2difx, which is run on the DiFX host, and you have the DiFX execute script defined as "rungeneric.DIFX_DEVEL", guiServer will execute the command:
	rungeneric.DIFX_DEVEL vex2difx [args...]
When running mpifxcorr, which uses mpirun to run on multiple nodes, guiServer will run the following:
	mpirun [args...] rungeneric.DIFX_DEVEL mpifxcorr [more args...]
In the former case the execute script is run on the DiFX host (where guiServer is being run) while in the latter case it is run on each of the nodes in the cluster accessible to mpirun.  In all cases, the node involved must be able to execute the named script.

If you do nothing, guiServer will choose "rungeneric.[DiFX Version]" as a default name for the execute script (Walter Brisken's difxbuild procedure will automatically create this script for each DiFX version that it builds).  You can, however, put anything in this field that you want, including nothing at all.  The contents of the field is inserted as a string in the commands (examples just above) before they are executed.

Note that because the script is run on each node you can actually have a different script on each node doing different things, as long as they all share the same name.

DiFX Message Traffic

DiFX uses UDP multicast messages to periodically broadcast the status of individual nodes and the state of running jobs - information the user interface displays.  The messages originate (with some exceptions) from the mk5daemon process that should be running on each node in the DiFX cluster.  This same multicast system is used by the user interface (either through guiServer or directly) to communicate with mk5daemon and control the components of the software correlator. 

Relay Using guiServer Connection

Being based on UDP, DiFX multicast messages will only work within a local area network.  However, if you are connecting to the guiServer to control DiFX you  should select this option to "relay" all multicast messages through the TCP connection between the user interface and guiServer.  All messages on the DiFX subnet will then be collected by guiServer and retransmitted to the user interface where they are parsed and displayed exactly as if the user interface were on a LAN with the DiFX cluster.  If this "relay" option is not selected only messages received directly via UDP will be collected - a capacity that is intact (for the time being) for historical and (possibly) diagnostic reasons.  As the purely multicast operation of the GUI is archaic and running with guiServer is assumed, this setting should always be checked.

Group Address

This address is used to identify the UDP multicast "group" that mk5daemon is using.  It should match the DIFX_MESSAGE_GROUP environment variable setting used when starting mk5daemon on all processing and data source nodes (run mk5daemon with the "-h" option for details).  At the moment the default value for this environment variable, and thus the setting you should probably use here, is "".  This setting has no impact if messages are being relayed from guiServer.


The port is used for directly receiving UDP multicasts.  This should match the value of the DIFX_MESSAGE_PORT environment variable in place when mk5daemon was started on each node.  At the moment the default value for the environment variable, and thus this field, is 50200.  This setting has no impact if messages are being relayed from guiServer.

Buffer Size

This is the maximum size of a broadcast message, in bytes.  Probably this shouldn't be fiddled with too much - making it too small will cause UDP messages to be incompletely read.  It is a block of memory that must be allocated for each incoming message, so it shouldn't be huge either.  1500 appears to be a perfectly safe value.

Monitor Timeout (ms)

The timeout is the number of milliseconds that the system will wait for an incoming broadcast message.  It can be set to 0, which means "wait forever", although this might be unhealthy (killing the thread that reads messages will become difficult).  Otherwise it does little more than govern the update rate of the Packet Traffic Plot (see below).

Packet Traffic Plot

The Packet Traffic Plot shows all received DiFX messages as they are read in real time, either via TCP from guiServer or UDP directly.  If you are receiving messages (i.e. all of the above settings are set properly) the plot should show activity - there should be occasional spikes as messages come in (the height of the spikes is the size of messages relative to the Buffer Size).  If, on the other hand, you get a "flat line", your settings are wrong, your connection to guiServer is bad, or possibly mk5daemon isn't running anywhere visible on the DiFX cluster network.

Suppress "Unknown Message" Warnings

This check box was put in place to avoid annoying error messages during development and is largely obsolete.  It will probably be removed in the near future.

View DiFX Messages

The "View DiFX Messages" button will bring up the "DiFX Message Traffic Monitor".  This window lists all (recognized) DiFX message types that are received by the GUI (either directly via UDP, or relayed from the guiServer), displays their "raw" XML code, and parses them according to their type.  A buffer of messages is stored.  Users can select the types of messages they wish to see, examine any message in the buffer, and change the buffer size.  Originally created for diagnostic purposes, this window provides a view into DiFX inter-process communication that may be useful, or at least amusing.

Request All/Selected Messages

Using the "Request All" or "Request Selected" check boxes, guiServer can be instructed to relay all (default) or a selected subset of DiFX message traffic.  The selection of desired message types can be controlled through a pop-up checklist obtained using the "Selected Messages" button:


Selecting a subset of all message traffic may be useful if a TCP connection appears unable to handle it all.  It can also serve some diagnostic purposes.

Identify Mark5 Unit Names by Pattern

This check box and text field cause the GUI (primarily in the Hardware Monitor Window) to determine whether multicast messages are from Mark 5 Nodes or Processor Nodes based on machine names.  If the box is checked the machine name of the source of each message is compared to a list of comma-separated "regular expressions" contained in the text field.  If it matches any one of them, the message is assumed to be from a Mark 5 unit and is sorted accordingly.

Regular expressions are extremely useful for pattern matching, but if you haven't used them before they can be less than 100% intuitive.  There are many online resources that explain them in excruciating detail.  The default value for patterns "mark5.*" matches the NRAO practice (duplicated at USNO) of naming all Mark 5 machines such that they start with the five characters "mark5", as in "mark5-101.foo.edu".

Inactivity Warning/Error Settings

The Hardware Monitor Window lists all processors and Mark 5 Modules on the LAN that are broadcasting mkdaemon messages.  Associated with each processor or module is an "activity" light that turns green briefly whenever a new message for that processor or module is received from mk5daemon (these messages should be transmitted periodically if all is working correctly).  To alert the user when a processor or module has not been heard from in a while, the light will turn yellow after the "Warning" number of seconds have elapsed with no received message.  The light will turn red after the "Error" number of seconds.

These Number Box settings let you change the number of seconds that elapse without messages before the lights change.  They should be adjusted to what works for your installation.

Job Creation Settings

Job Creation Settings govern how experiments, passes, and jobs are created using the Experiment Editor.  These are general settings - the editor itself has many settings that can be applied to individual experiments when they are being created and also allows these settings to be overridden.

Working Directory

The working directory is the default path where a directory devoted to a new experiment will be created.  For instance, if the Working Directory is defined as:

a new experiment assigned the (abitrary) name "MyExperiment" will be created in:

This is just the default - the actual path can be changed to whatever the user wants in the Experiment Editor Identification Data section.

Antenna Defaults

The Antenna Defaults button shows the "Default Source Settings Based on Antenna" window which can be used to connect commonly used data source locations to particular antennas based on two-character code station names (these code names match those that appear in .vex files).  These specifications are applied to antennas that appear in the Stations section of the Experiment Editor and, if done properly, can eliminate tedious and error-prone user settings.

The controls in the window are pretty straight-forward.  To add a new specification, click the "Add" button and edit the line that appears.  To remove a specification click the "X" button associated with it.  Only one specification for each antenna code should be used (if there are multiple specifications for an antenna the first one in the list will probably be used, but this is not guaranteed behavior).  The first field in a new specification should be filled in with the (upper case) two letter code for the antenna.  A pull-down list provides choices among data source types (files, module, or network).  A text field allows path or node name specification depending on data type (the former for "files" data, the latter for "module" data).  A check box indicates that a file path is a file list.  If the data type is "Files" and "FileList" is not checked, the path can include wildcards.

The Antenna Defaults will be applied to the Stations section of the Experiment Editor when a new .vex file is used.  They are not necessarily final settings - users can still change them.

Eliminate Stations With "-1" Code

This check box will cause the GUI to not use stations that have a "-1" in the "code" column associated with their scan section in the "source" .vex file.  The lines associated with unused scans are either deleted if "Excise Unused Scans from .vex File" is checked (see below), or are commented out if it is not checked.  Examples:

The following lines from the $SCHED section of a .vex file (note -1 in final column of station "Hb" line):

  scan 329-1830b;
    start = 2014y329d18h30m00s;
    mode = GEOSX-SX;
    source = 0537-441;
    station = Hb :    0 sec :    60 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : -1;
    station = Ke :    0 sec :    93 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;
    station = Ww :    0 sec :   122 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;
    station = Yg :    0 sec :   122 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;

are replaced by this if "Excise Unused Scans from .vex File" is checked:

  scan 329-1830b;
    start = 2014y329d18h30m00s;
    mode = GEOSX-SX;
    source = 0537-441;
    station = Ke :    0 sec :    93 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;
    station = Ww :    0 sec :   122 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;
    station = Yg :    0 sec :   122 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;

or this if it is not checked:

  scan 329-1830b;
    start = 2014y329d18h30m00s;
    mode = GEOSX-SX;
    source = 0537-441;
#    station = Hb :    0 sec :    60 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : -1;
    station = Ke :    0 sec :    93 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;
    station = Ww :    0 sec :   122 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;
    station = Yg :    0 sec :   122 sec :     0 ft : 1A : &ccw : 1;

Doing this duplicates behavior found in hardware correlators.  Stations removed in this manner may be restored by hand using the Scans/Station Timeline settings.  By default this box is checked - uncheck it if you don't want this behavior.

Excise Unused Scans from .vex File

When creating a new experiment the user often eliminates scans contained in the original .vex file.  When this happens the .v2d file must create a list of all remaining scans.  Unfortunately there is a limit to the total number of characters that can be used to do this, and as experiments get larger and include more scans this limit is invariably encountered.  The .v2d file can also request "all" scans in the .vex file using very few characters.  As a kludge to get around the character limit, the unused scans are instead removed from the .vex file altogether and the "all" request is left in the .v2d file.  The .vex file without the scans is a copy, placed in the pass directory for the new experiment.  The original "source" .vex file is not altered.

This setting will also remove stations from scans when they have been selectively eliminated (either using the "-1" code as described above or by the user when creating an experiment).  When the "Excise" option is not selected, stations are commented out.

The primary motivation for this option (long scan lines in the .v2d file) has been eliminated since its introduction, so by default it is "off".  The option has been left in place in the event it serves some other purpose.

Job Processing Settings

The Job Settings govern how individual jobs are run, both when started directly by the user and when automatically run by the scheduler.  When applied to a job that is started individually using the Job Control Window these settings are simply initial "suggestions" that can be changed by the user.  Scheduled jobs, however, will implement them as set.

Head Node

Use Head Node in Processing

Data Source Defaults

Unique Node per Data Source/Assign Based on Path

Share Data Nodes With Processing

Share Data Nodes Between Jobs

Threads Per Data Source

Restrict Data Sources

Processor Defaults

Run Using All/Specified Number of Nodes

With All/Specified Number of Threads

For Each Baseline/Job

Scheduler Settings

Scheduler Settings govern the operation of the job scheduler. The job scheduler can be set to run a large number of jobs automatically. For details on scheduling jobs and monitoring the process of the scheduler, see Running Jobs With the Scheduler.  Note that the scheduler also implements all of the other Job Processing Settings in setting up scheduled jobs - those settings here apply only to their actual running.

Run Scheduled Jobs Sequentially/Simultaneously

When more than one job is scheduled (this is generally the case when using the scheduler), should each be run on its own, i.e. with the entire DiFX processing cluster to itself, of should more than one be run at a time?  If you choose "Sequentially" the scheduler will run each job on its own, started each subsequent job only after the previous one has completed.  If you choose "Simultaneously" any number of jobs may be run at the same time.  You must set a maximum number that can be run simultaneously.

In testing at USNO it was determined that, for the most part, there is no advantage to running more than one job at a time, and there may be a slight penalty.  But it is not difficult to imagine that simultaneous processing may be advantageous under some circumstances and/or at different installations.

Resource and Processing Time Limits

The scheduler can only plow through a long list of jobs if jobs themselves complete, especially if they are being run sequentially.  That being said, it is not unheard of for a job to hang up for any number of reasons.  The Resource Allocation Time Limit and Processing Time Limit specify a number of seconds the scheduler should wait, after not receiving any feedback (messages, data, whatever) from a job before "giving up" on the job and moving on in the schedule.  "Resource Allocation" applies to the set up of processors and data sources, and "Processing" applies to actual DiFX processing.  Any job that is abandoned is appropriately labeled in the Queue Browser.

The Resource and Processing Time Limits are applied only if their associated check boxes are selected.

Try To Skip Missing Stations

When this option is selected the scheduler will attempt to alter and reschedule jobs that fail due to non-existent data for one or more required stations.  It does this by rebuilding the job such that it no longer includes the missing station(s).  Details are here.

Database Configuration

Database trouble?  See Trouble-shooting the Database Configuration.

The Database Configuration settings control the access the GUI has to the DiFX database.  The DiFX database contains settings and status for experiments, passes, and jobs that appear in the Queue Browser window.  The GUI remotely accesses the database using a network connection (the database can also be consulted on the command line by running a client program either remotely or on the DiFX database host).  The following fields govern the GUI's remote access to the database:

Use Data Base

This checkbox determines whether the GUI is using the database at all.  If checked, changes to experiments, passes, and jobs in the Queue Browser will be reflected in the database, and items in the database will appear in the Queue Browser.  If not, experiments, passes, and jobs will only appear in the Queue Browser if they are created by the same instance of the GUI - any information about them will be lost if the GUI is shut down and restarted.  Beyond this capability, the database is not required - the GUI will still be able to run DiFX without it.


The version field is not currently in use, but may be used in the future to coordinate the GUI with changes that may be made to the database structure.  It is set to the most recent version of the database that the GUI can properly parse (at the moment this is the only version is can parse).  Changing it will have no effect.


The database Host is the hostname of the host that contains the DiFX database.  The named host should be accessible through normal network connections, and the hostname itself must be recognized by the name lookup scheme on the GUI machine.  The ping test can be used to test the hostname.


The user is the username for the DiFX database.  This is the name you would use when running the a database command line client on the DiFX host as in the following example (using a mySQL client):
mysql -u USER
It does not necessarily match the username you may use to log into the DiFX host.  The database must be set up to recognize this user, including access to the database from the host where the DiFX GUI is running.  See Problems with Database Remote Access in the trouble-shooting section for details.


The JDBC Port is the port over which remote communication with the database occurs.  The default port for most mySQL installations is 3306, so that is probably what you should be setting yours to (if you are using the mySQL database management system).  Consult the /etc/services file on the database host to find out which port is being used.


This is the password for the username in the database.  This is the password you would use when prompted by the database command line client on the database host.  This password is set by the database administrator or by the user through the database client.  It is not necessarily the same password you would use to log into the database host.

DifX Database

The DifX Database is the name of the database.  At the time of this writing the rest of the DiFX software (difxqueue, etc) uses the database named "difxdb", so that is the default value for this field.  Unless you feel you know better, it probably shouldn't be changed. 

Management System

The database management system is the "application" used to administer and access the DiFX database for your location, such as mySQL, Postgresql, etc. (this is sometimes called the database "vendor").  The management system is set up by your database administrator when the DiFX database is initialized (this is all done using a management system-specific "schema", as described in the database documentation).  Management systems known to function with the GUI include mySQL and Postgresql.  If you change the management system you will also have to change the driver - see the table below for drivers that are known to work with each management system.


This is the "driver" used by Java to give the GUI access to the database.  The driver is specific to the database management system, and must be something Java has access to.  The GUI is delivered with drivers appropriate for a couple of popular (and free) management systems, as outlined in the table below.

Management System

If your database installation uses a different management system, you may wish to petition the GUI development group to include it.

Periodic Update

This check box tells the Queue Browser to automatically check the database for changes after a given time interval, which you can set.  The usefulness of automatic checking is dependent on whether or not other users might be changing the database while you are running the GUI.  If your GUI instance is the only source of database changes it is essentially pointless as all changes you make will be recognized anyway.  If, on the other hand, other users are making changes, the automatic update will make them appear in real time (or reasonably close to it if you make your interval short).

Trouble-shooting the Database Configuration

A number of things can go wrong when trying to access the DiFX database remotely.  The Database Configuration panel contains a few tests that can be used to troubleshoot the database connection.

Ping Test

The Ping Test is run by hitting the "Ping Host" button.  It can be used to establish two things:
  1. Can the name for the DiFX host be resolved - i.e. does the host name make any sense?
  2. Is the host reachable with the current network configuration - i.e. is it out there?
The Ping Test performs attempts six "pings" of the named host, reporting the results in the results panel.  A successful ping test will return statistics for each of the pings along with an overall statistical summary:

Ping Test failures will produce alarming red text in the results panel.  The reported failure should give you an idea what is wrong.  For instance, the following indicates that the given hostname cannot be resolved, either by your local host table or by your name server:

The following screen would indicate a bad network connection at the GUI machine:

Finally, the name may be resolved and the network may be good but the named host may not answer either because it is down or it is not properly connected to the network:

Database Connection Test

The Database Connection Test makes a comprehensive test of the current database settings by trying to access the DiFX job queue and getting a list of all jobs out of it (this is exactly what the Queue Browser does to access the queue data).  It is run using the "Test Database" button.  When run, the test forms a URL out of host name and port number (this URL is reported in parenthesis in the results panel), then attempts to create a connection using the URL, the user, and the password.  If this is successful, the DiFX database is consulted to obtain a list of all queued jobs.  The Database Connection Test reports the number of jobs in the queue and exits.

Problems with Database Remote Access

The following is a list of some of the errors that might be produced by the Database Connection Test and what can be done about them.  Note that these errors may also be reported in the Message Window as the GUI tries to access the DiFX queue in the database.

SQLException: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

This error indicates that the connection to the remote mySQL database failed.  Check that the DiFX host exits and in on the network (using the Ping Test).  Then remote log into that host and see if the mySQL server is runing:
ps -ef | grep mysql
Both mysql_safe and mysqld should be running.  The latter is the mySQL server, the former is used to start it when/if it shuts down.  In a proper installation of mySQL these programs should be running automatically after boot up.  If they ARE running, see if a mySQL client can be run (the path may be different):
If it cannot be run, this may indicate an incorrect or incomplete mySQL installation.

SQLException: Access denied for user 'difxw'@'' (using password: YES)

Access to the database can be denied for a number of reasons.  Check your user name and password (these need to be mySQL user name and password, not necessarily the user name and password you use to remotely log into the DiFX host).  If you can, run the mySQL client on the DiFX host as root from the command line (you will require the root password):
/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p
Then generate a list of all users and hosts recognized by mySQL:
mysql> select user, host from mysql.user;
| user | host                |
| difx |           |
| difx |           |
| root |           |
|      | localhost           |
| difx | localhost           |
| root | localhost           |
|      | swc02.usno.navy.mil |
| difx | swc02.usno.navy.mil |
| root | swc02.usno.navy.mil |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
In this list somewhere should be the user name you are using paired with the GUI host name.  Note that mySQL treats user/host pairs almost as separate users - you must designate both your user name and host as a "user".  To do this, the following command will both "create" the user/host pair and give it access to all databases (note that "grant" is a complex command used for many things - you should consult mySQL documentation before using this command with reckless abandon):
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'difx'@'new.host.name';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
You should then see the user/host pair in the user list:
mysql> select user, host from mysql.user;

| user | host                |
| difx |           |
| difx |           |
| root |           |
|      | localhost           |
| difx | localhost           |
| root | localhost           |
| difx | new.host.name       | <---------------- HERE!!!!
|      | swc02.usno.navy.mil |
| difx | swc02.usno.navy.mil |
| root | swc02.usno.navy.mil |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
The user/host pair needs its own password specification - even if your user name already had a password, this is not enough!  To specifiy the password for the new user/host pair (or to make sure your password is set properly on an existing user/host pair), do the following (replaced "PASSWORD" with your new password):
mysql> set password for 'difx'@'new.host.name'=password( 'PASSWORD' );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
At this point we reach the limits of my personal mySQL knowledge.

    Database contains 0 jobs.

This is not an error, however you may encounter this message.  It simply means there are no jobs queued in the specified database.  If this is not what you expect (because, for instance, you've recently queued something), check the value in the "DiFX Database" field.  It should match your the name of the database where queuing is going on (which is probably "difxdb").

EOP Settings


Documentation Settings
