Experiment Menu
- Select All Jobs/Unselect All Jobs: can be used to add or subtract all jobs in the experiment from the selection scheme, which is described here.
- Edit Properties: This is probably the most useful item in this menu. It will bring up the Experiment Editor for this experiment, pre-filled with values appropriate for this experiment. It can be used to generate a new pass with new jobs.
- Delete Selected Jobs: This will delete any jobs within the experiment that have been "selected".
- Delete Experiment: The second most useful item. The experiment will be hunted down and removed wherever it exists - on disk on the DiFX Host, in the database if that is being used. There will be no more experiment. Use with care.
Pass Menu
- Select All Jobs/Unselect All Jobs: can be used to add or subtract all jobs in the pass from the selection scheme, which is described here.
- Rename: This option simply changes the name of the pass. Apparently at some point in the GUI development process this ability was felt to be important enough to merit a button.
- Set Type: Another historical button. This changes the "type" of the pass, which has no effect on processing.
- Delete Selected Jobs: This will delete any jobs within the pass that have been "selected".
- Delete Pass: This removes the pass from the browser and deletes any directories and files associated with it on the DiFX host.
Job Menu
- Controls for [Experiment Name]: Launch the Job Control Window for this experiment. This window can be used to control the start parameters of the job, start and stop it, and monitor it. Described in detail here.
- Real-time Job Monitor: Launch a Real-time Monitor Window for this job. The real-time monitor is described here.
- Toggle Selection: Select the job if it is not selected, un-select it if it is selected. Selections are described here.
- Delete: Completely delete the job and all of its associated files. This process cannot be reversed.
- Start: Start the job using existing settings (this is equivalent to opening the Job Control Window and just hitting "Start" without changing anything).
- Stop: Attempt to stop a running job. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.
While the "Experiment" and "Pass" lines in the browser contain
little more than the names assigned to them, the "Job" line
contains detailed information about each job. The Job
information is organized in columns that can be manipulated using
the column header at the top of the browser field. Columns
can be resized by clicking and dragging the boundaries between
them, removed using the small "delete" buttons that appear when
the mouse hovers over them, or information columns can be added
using the header menu. To generate the header menu, right
click on the header line or push the arrow button on the left side
of the header line:
Network Activity
Network Activity is in the form of a small "light" box that flashes green when any messages associated with the job are received.
Job Name
This is the name given the job when it was created. The name is usually automatically generated by vex2difx. Names are unfortunately sometimes redundant - two passes in the same experiment may repeat the same names. To make matters more inconvenient, messages from DiFX are associated with a job using the name, so occasionally the GUI may attribute a message from one job to another.
This is the current state of the job - whether it has been run, whether it had errors when it was run, whether it is still running, etc. The GUI makes some effort to make the state something sensible, with background colors that are appropriate.
If a job is running, the progress bar will show how far along it is. Progress is computed based on the time stamp of the visibility currently being processed compared to the start and stop time stamps of the job. Whether this is completely accurate is open to debate.
Weights show the relative weights of each antenna involved in a job as it is processing. Weights can be displayed as numbers or as time-series plots.
Correlation Time
This is the approximate "wall clock" time that a job required to correlate. It is updated whenever a message for a job is received from DiFX and is calculated from the time the job was started.
Input File
The input file field contains the full path to the input file on the DiFX host, and is the only unique way to identify a job. This field is filled by the GUI and is not contained in the messages from DiFX (which is unfortunately because it could be used to uniquely identify the job associated with them).
There are a number of ways to add a job to the Queue
Browser. At a very basic level, the only thing required to
add a job is the location of a DiFX .input file.
The GUI uses the full path of the .input file to
uniquely identify a job (since it is, unlike the job "name",
guaranteed to be unique), and the contents of the .input
file to fully describe the job. The Experiment Button on the
Queue Browser provides the following ways to obtain and .input
file, and thus add a job to the visible queue:
Create New: Create A Job From Scratch
A completely new job or list of jobs can be added to the queue based on a .vex file and a few user settings. The "Create New..." button will launch the Experiment Editor, which will lead the user through the process of creating new experiments, passes, and jobs.
Locate on Disk: Find Existing Experiments on the DiFX Host
The Queue Browser has the ability to locate previously-created experiments on disk (via the head node) and adding them to the queue. It does this by locating .input files, one of which should exist for each existing job on disk. Assuming an .input file is intact and properly formatted the GUI can extract all information about its associated job, edit that information, and run the job.
The Queue Browser panel provides a tool for locating .input files on disk using the "Locate on Disk..." option under the "Experiments" menu:
The "Experiment Location" tool provides a field for defining the directory path of .input files (the field accepts standard "ls" wildcard rules). Each .input file is assumed to represent a job. Options are provided for defining the names of experiments and passes associated with the found jobs. A preview of all jobs that meet the defined criteria is given - hitting "Apply" will put these jobs in the Queue Browser experiment queue. A detailed description of each field/option/button is below:
Locate .input Files Matching...
This field allows you to specify the directory path for a "search" for the .input files you are interested in. The field supports tab-completion, and allows "ls" style wildcards. When you hit "enter" in this field a search will be made on the DiFX host for any files that match. These files are then displayed with their corresponding experiment and pass structure in the "Preview" area. Note that .input files always end with ".input".
Experiment Name(s)
The Experiment Name determines the name that will appear on the Queue Browser. By default this is based on the directory path on the DiFX Host.
Based on Path
Select this option to keep the name of the experiment directory.
Specified Name
Select this option to specify your own name (which you do in the accompanying text field). Changing the name only changes the Queue Browser - it will not change the directory name on the DiFX host.
Pass Name(s):
Similar to the Experiment Name settings, the name of the pass that appears on the Queue Browser can be changed.
Based on Path
The default - use the directory path for the pass on the DiFX host as the name.
This option is used if there isn't a separate pass directory. Behavior is a little weird if there is one. Needs to be fixed.
Specified Name
Specify your own pass name.
The Preview window shows the (approximate) experiment/pass/job structure that will be added to the Queue Browser when the "Apply" button is clicked. Individual items can be selected or de-selected from it by clicking on the colored symbols at the extreme left of each line - only selected items will be added to the Queue Browser.
Update Now
This button will perform a new search on the DiFX host based on your search criteria and display the results in the Preview field. Hitting enter when changing text fields does the same thing, so this button is redundant.
Auto Update
Not implemented yet.
This option will trigger a periodic search of the disk for new jobs using the rules specified in the window. Any changes to the list of experiments and jobs that meet the search criteria will be reflected in the Queue Browser - jobs that are deleted will be removed, new jobs that are created will appear, etc. This is only necessary if you want to see changes made by other people (i.e. other instances of the GUI) in real time - the Queue Browser will show any changes you make without this option being chosen. Unless you expect remote changes to be made and wish to see them you should probably not pick this option as the searches are resource-consuming.
The Apply button will instruct the GUI to download the information for the selected experiments/passes/jobs in the Preview window and add them to the Queue Browser. The jobs can then be correlated.
Locate in Database: Obtain a Job From the Database
If you are using the DiFX data base structure (see DiFX GUI and the Database), previously stored jobs can be downloaded based on their names, properties, or completion state.
Note: it has been a long time since any maintenance of the GUI/Database interaction has been done, and it may not work all that well.
Monitoring a Job Running Elsewhere
All jobs that are running (i.e. being processed by DiFX) while the GUI is active produce multicast diagnostic messages detailing their progress. The GUI (assuming it is set correctly to monitor multicast traffic) will collect, interpret, and display the content of these messages in the Queue Browser. If the job generating the messages is known (already listed in the Queue Browser), their content will adjust the appropriate job entry in the Queue Browser display. If the job is not known a new entry will be created. New entries of this sort will lack complete detail because their associated .input file will not be known (its identity is not contained in the multicast messages). Also the GUI will only be able to monitor these jobs, not stop or start them (this makes some sense - any job listed this way was started elsewhere, so presumably belongs to someone else). Jobs of this type appear under the heading "Jobs Not In Queue" (maybe that will be changed...).
The Select scheme is one of those ideas that seemingly had
promise once, but is now little used. It has not yet been
abandoned, partially because it might one day become useful, but
mostly because it is harmless and what little it does do works
A job is considered "selected" if the little star character on
the extreme left of the job line in the browser is colored.
Any job can be selected or un-selected by clicking on this
character. Jobs can also be selected or un-selected en-masse
using menu options. The Select Button was meant to provide a
number of things that could be done to all of the jobs that were
currently selected, however about all you can do right now is
delete them (which works). You can also select and un-select
them all.
Probably even less functional than the Select Button, the Show
Button was meant to allow the user to choose what types of jobs to
display. In particular, it was meant to allow jobs to be
displayed by "state" - i.e. whether they had been run, completed,
archived or whatever. This is probably a good idea,
ultimately, but is not yet implemented. The options under
the Show Button do nothing at all.
The guiServer Connection Monitor provides the status of
the current connection to the guiServer - if it is green
all is well, if it is red then the connection is broken. It
was placed in a prominent location on the Queue Browser because
this browser serves as the "front page" of the GUI, not because it
had anything to do with the rest of the contents.
The guiServer Connection Monitor has a fairly advanced "tooltip"
that lets you know more about the current connection. Hover
over the monitor to generate it.
In large experiments with many stations and many jobs, it is
not uncommon for a station to "drop out" of observations for
which it is scheduled for any number of reasons. While not
ideal, for a multi-station job this situation should not be a
deal breaker, as long as enough stations remain to form at least
one baseline. The Job Control Monitor offers the user the
ability to remove
stations from an experiment by hand (whether they are
missing or not!). Depending on the value of the "Try
To Skip Missing Stations" setting in the Setting Window,
the scheduler can be made to do this automatically.
While the scheduler will skip missing stations automatically
and with apparent ease, the process is not simple. It
involves creating a new, job-specific .v2d file, running
vex2difx, and producing a duplicate list of output files.
The details of this process are outlined here.
The Hardware Monitor shows all of the nodes in the DiFX correlator that are running mk5daemon to periodically broadcast, via UDP multicast messages, their current state (this is done using "Difx Load" messages from all nodes and "Mark5 Status" messages from Mark5's). The UDP broadcast messages are captured by guiServer and then relayed to the GUI using the GUI/guiServer TCP connection. Each node detected via these messages is listed on its own line in the Hardware Monitor (the GUI identifies the nodes by their host name...if the name changes for some reason a new line will appear in the Hardware Browser). The GUI tries to determine whether a message comes from a Mark5 or a regular processing node based either on the message type ("Mark5 Status" messages are assumed to be from Mark5's), or based on a list of name specifications that the user sets in the GUI Settings ("Identify Mark5 Unit Names by Pattern"). Any node that is not identified as a Mark5 is assumed to be processing node.
Each node, processor or Mark5, has three fields that are always displayed, a "selection" icon, an activity light, and the node's name. The selection icon is used to perform functions on more than one node at a time as described below. The node name is generated by guiServer based on what it thinks is the source of the message - this name may or may not match what the platform you are running the GUI on uses (it is critical that these names be correct from guiServer's point of view as they are used when instructing guiServer to perform functions on specific nodes). A node's activity light will blink green when a mk5deamon message is received for it. If no messages are received for a node for a period of time the light will turn yellow, then after another period of time it will turn red, indicating a possible problem with the node. These periods of time are essentially arbitrary and may need to be adjusted to the peculiarities of your own installation. See Inactivity Warning/Error Settings.
The S.M.A.R.T. Display can be used to examine the S.M.A.R.T.
information available for the hard drives that make up a Mark5
module. These data are generated by a request to the
appropriate Mark5 node via a mk5control command (new data
can be generated at any time using the "Refresh" button).
For each S.M.A.R.T. parameter the display shows an ID, name, and
values for each "slot" containing a component hard drive, as well
as an indication of whether higher or lower values are
"better". Values that are considered troublesome are
highlighted in red (the "troublesome" thresholds are hard-coded,
but may ultimately be added to the Settings). A good
description of S.M.A.R.T. parameters is contained in the relevant
The Module Directory display shows detailed information about the
scans contained on a module. These data are stored in a
"directory" file, accessible to the Mark5 node, in a path set by
the MARK5_DIR_PATH environment variable (ideally this variable
should be identical for all nodes in a DiFX cluster, but the
Module Directory actively queries the Mark5 node to see what it
thinks it is). This directory file may or may not exist - if
it is missing it will be quite obvious, as no data will be
displayed in the Module Directory.
blah blah blah