

10:04 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting


16:58 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
16:18 Ticket #16 (Investigate help text options) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Have added the expanding collapsing instructions div, probably best if …
16:16 Ticket #13 (source pulldown for search page) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Added by Matthew
16:15 Ticket #30 (atoa style instructions on main query page) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Added
16:15 Ticket #15 (integrate look and feel with existing site) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Modelled it on the ATOA site, including expandable instructions.
16:13 Changeset [185] by DavidSmith
makes the expandable usage panel work.
15:41 Changeset [184] by DavidSmith
cosmetics, to appear like atoa site
15:01 Changeset [183] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed up the cal query statements by using the full pathname rather …
14:47 Changeset [182] by MatthewWhiting
Removed the file_id column -- not as useful as first thought.
14:21 Changeset [181] by MatthewWhiting
Improved the query_cals function, so cals are provided when a …
14:08 Changeset [180] by DavidSmith
check specific Display parameters
13:38 Changeset [179] by MatthewWhiting
Hopefully fixed this time!
13:37 Changeset [178] by MatthewWhiting
Fixing bug again.
13:36 Changeset [177] by MatthewWhiting
Fixing a bug.
13:35 Changeset [176] by MatthewWhiting
Added a file_id column to the table.
12:19 Changeset [175] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed up bugs with cart links.
11:26 Ticket #30 (atoa style instructions on main query page) created by DavidSmith
Add show/hide instructions just as they appear on the atoa site.
11:25 Changeset [174] by MatthewWhiting
Renamed VO cone search tool.
11:23 Ticket #26 (Table column outputs) closed by MatthewWhiting
fixed: Done in [173]. Ticket closed.
11:23 Changeset [173] by MatthewWhiting
* Tidied up presentation of tables for both regular query and …
11:21 Changeset [172] by DavidSmith
11:18 Changeset [171] by DavidSmith
header and footers
11:04 Changeset [170] by DavidSmith
fixed headers and footers to look like atoa
10:59 Changeset [169] by DavidSmith
new file, will be user manual
10:59 Changeset [168] by DavidSmith
just added myself to hard coded atnf list
10:58 Changeset [167] by DavidSmith
removed comments.
10:58 Changeset [166] by DavidSmith
10:58 Changeset [165] by DavidSmith
header to match other pages.


14:58 Changeset [164] by MatthewWhiting
* Changed the new "data type" selection tab to "obs mode", and added …
14:44 Changeset [163] by MatthewWhiting
* Fixed up download functions so that the filenames are preserved …


12:32 Changeset [162] by MatthewWhiting
* Moved good querying functions to main htdocs directory * Fixed up …
12:08 Ticket #29 (determining who is atnf) created by DavidSmith
Currently we have a function in security.php called atnf_staff() which …
10:05 Changeset [161] by DavidSmith
pretty usefull tooltip popup help utility
10:04 Changeset [160] by DavidSmith
Added Data Type field
10:04 Changeset [159] by DavidSmith
form processing functions.


09:48 Ticket #28 (Selection of query parameters) created by MatthewWhiting
Currently, all the table parameters are selectable on the main query …
09:41 Ticket #27 (www-data cannot see /pulsar) created by MatthewWhiting
It would be good to have the /pulsar disk visible for www-data, so …
09:34 Ticket #26 (Table column outputs) created by MatthewWhiting
Two things to do here: * Make the column headers clearer and better …
09:33 Ticket #25 (VO Conesearch) created by MatthewWhiting
There seems to be a bug in the conesearch web service, with zeros …
09:32 Ticket #24 (Filenames in downloaded tar file) created by MatthewWhiting
When files are saved in a tar file and downloaded, they have a . at …
09:31 Ticket #23 (Enable selection of survey or timing data) created by MatthewWhiting
On the main web archive page, enable the selection of just .rf or .sf …
09:30 Ticket #21 (Correct filename extension) closed by MatthewWhiting
fixed: Closing ticket.
09:29 Ticket #12 ("test" option for pvoconvert) closed by MatthewWhiting
fixed: Works fine. Closing ticket.


22:58 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
18:32 Changeset [158] by MatthewWhiting
Further updates, hopefully improvements.
15:21 Changeset [157] by MatthewWhiting
* Some mucking about getting querying to work properly. * New sql …
12:03 Changeset [156] by MatthewWhiting
Re-ordered the columns, and so the output from pvosummary. Fixed the …
10:22 Changeset [155] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed bug in the UT time determination.


14:46 Changeset [154] by MatthewWhiting
Minor fixes.
14:43 Changeset [153] by MatthewWhiting
Bunch of changes aimed at improving searching. New function to make …


15:46 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
15:43 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
09:46 Changeset [152] by MatthewWhiting
* Fixing up vo conequery. * Couple of bug fixes for metadata calcs.


22:28 Changeset [151] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed bug in calculating beam size for existing data.
17:27 Changeset [150] by MatthewWhiting
Adding project_id to the schema, and to the pvosummary output.
17:22 Changeset [149] by MatthewWhiting
* Updated angular query that looks at both the new tables. * Added …
16:58 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:55 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:53 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:52 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:49 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:46 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:45 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:43 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:42 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:40 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:39 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
16:31 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
14:24 Ticket #22 (Hide mysql errors) created by DavidSmith
Vince has suggested that we hide mysql errors and produce some …


17:38 Changeset [148] by MatthewWhiting
Further additions to make the new tables work.
17:01 Changeset [147] by MatthewWhiting
* New table definition in VOimplementation. * Changed units of tsamp …
17:00 Changeset [146] by MatthewWhiting
* Improved the use of Metadata class, so that it prints out more stuff …
11:21 Changeset [145] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed up set_php_files script
11:17 Changeset [144] by MatthewWhiting
Changes to S70 tables.


16:42 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
16:32 Changeset [143] by MatthewWhiting
Added a short script that creates the csv summary file for the full …
16:28 Changeset [142] by MatthewWhiting
* Fixed bug in pvo-metadata.cc that left off a comma. * Improving …
13:42 Changeset [141] by MatthewWhiting
Minor change.
13:26 Changeset [140] by MatthewWhiting
Improved script to account for missing directories.
12:36 Changeset [139] by MatthewWhiting
Added script to do the full lot of conversions.
11:29 Changeset [138] by MatthewWhiting
Moved "Creating new file" message from stderr to stdout.
11:00 Changeset [137] by MatthewWhiting
Increased the slackness in the difference between UT_STRT and UT in …


17:18 Changeset [136] by MatthewWhiting
* Corrected syntax for copy constructors * Improved some of the sql code.
17:08 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
17:07 ToDo edited by VincentMcIntyre
note problem with mysql_connect() breaking front page of web site (diff)
14:10 PvosummaryFields edited by MatthewWhiting
14:10 ConversionSoftware edited by MatthewWhiting
14:08 Changeset [135] by MatthewWhiting
Added a clobber option to pvoconvert, so that we can overwrite files …
12:12 Changeset [134] by MatthewWhiting
Added a couple of new fields in the 70cm sql database table, changing …
11:33 Changeset [133] by MatthewWhiting
Added a slight correction to the date comparison to catch the first block.
11:23 Changeset [132] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed a bug with the date calculation when you go over midnight.
10:16 Changeset [131] by MatthewWhiting
* Changed telescopOK() to explicitly return true only when we get …
09:22 Changeset [130] by MatthewWhiting
Change cerr to cout.


21:16 Changeset [129] by MatthewWhiting
Updating the VO Implemenation document.
16:14 Changeset [128] by MatthewWhiting
Added READONLY to the openFile in pvoconesearch, plus moved BACKEND …
16:12 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
16:11 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
16:10 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by MatthewWhiting
14:50 Changeset [127] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed bug in pvosummary that was creating dud files when they didn't exist.
14:41 ConversionSoftware edited by MatthewWhiting
14:40 PvosummaryFields edited by MatthewWhiting
14:38 Changeset [126] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed typo.
14:37 Changeset [125] by MatthewWhiting
Change the addCommentField flag to false.
14:12 Changeset [124] by MatthewWhiting
Including pvo.hh
14:09 Changeset [123] by MatthewWhiting
* pvosummary : added nbits, changed tbin to tsamp, and fixed up …


15:41 ConversionSoftware edited by MatthewWhiting
15:32 Changeset [122] by MatthewWhiting
Minor change.
15:30 Changeset [121] by MatthewWhiting
Another typo.
15:28 Changeset [120] by MatthewWhiting
Another typo…
15:27 Changeset [119] by MatthewWhiting
Typo in filenames
15:25 Changeset [118] by MatthewWhiting
New function pvofixfilename to change the .sf files that are not …
12:12 Changeset [117] by MatthewWhiting
New test program to check headers and change filenames.
11:38 WebQuery edited by MatthewWhiting
11:29 Changeset [116] by MatthewWhiting
Minor changes to output of pvotapesummary, plus fixing up a test program.
10:03 Changeset [115] by MatthewWhiting
* Moved the glob code for the fits file searching to a separate …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.