

14:49 Ticket #74 (invert mfs option seems to not use all the channels if there are ...) closed by MarkWieringa
worksforme: This was using data from the interim CABB system. The issue doesn't …
14:21 Ticket #89 (calred output format needs updating) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: Added 3 digits to the correlation field (NCorr)
12:48 Ticket #79 (mfboot planet model) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: Changed to use central frequency of spectrum. The planet models are …


09:45 Ticket #78 (atlod opacity correction) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: atlod now does a linear interpolation of the opacity correction across …


15:56 Ticket #67 (Solve large file issues in miriad tasks) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: A further change by Bob to implement a PtrDiff? type, which is …
14:53 Ticket #44 (Invert - fix theoretical noise calculation for CABB data) closed by MarkWieringa
worksforme: 2009-09-03 Looking at invert more closely, it does not take overlap …
09:41 Ticket #90 (Implement time variable bandpass solutions) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: mfcal, gpplt, gpcopy and uvgn have been modified to implement this. …
09:34 Ticket #90 (Implement time variable bandpass solutions) created by MarkWieringa
The 2GHz CABB bandpass shows variability over a single observation. We …
09:31 Changes/mfcal edited by MarkWieringa


21:50 MiriadCalibrationTables edited by MarkWieringa
21:50 MiriadCalibrationTables edited by MarkWieringa
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.