

11:17 Ticket #111 (invert/cgdisp coordinate issues near dec=0) closed by MarkCalabretta
invalid: You can't expect to get reliable results from an east-west synthesis …


09:42 Ticket #111 (invert/cgdisp coordinate issues near dec=0) created by MarkWieringa
Jess Broderick reports: Imaging equatorial sources by Jess Broderick …


08:19 Meetings edited by VincentMcIntyre
08:14 Meetings edited by VincentMcIntyre
08:13 Meetings/20100428 created by VincentMcIntyre


13:32 Ticket #110 (shared-library verison of miriad) created by VincentMcIntyre
It would be useful, when calling the miriad library from other …
13:28 Ticket #109 (machine-readable task output) created by VincentMcIntyre
Malte has done some interesting work to make miriad callable from …


14:57 Ticket #69 (axisrms and axismax have different units?) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: This appears to have been resolved in more recent data.
12:14 Ticket #107 (mfboot doesn't fix spectral index) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: Moved to main branch (Apr 8)
11:53 Ticket #108 (uvspec frequency axis is inaccurate) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: I've checked in a fix. When the frequency resolution gets too high or …


12:16 Ticket #108 (uvspec frequency axis is inaccurate) created by MarkWieringa
It looks like the uvspec frequency labelling runs into problems at …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.