Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 104)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#16 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed plan: look at other projects

Compare the timeline of CABB and our work so we can work out any critical dates, or whether we are going to get held up by another project being late.

#17 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed ATLOD can read in a simulated datafile containing one correlator mode

Warwick will be writing out RPFITS data files in the Marsfield labs some time in October. By the end of that month we should be able to read such files in correctly.

We will have to adjust the default MAXCHAN to make the modes with the highest number of channels.

Question: does the observing(correlator control) system always close the currently open file, if there is a change of correlator mode?

#18 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed ATLOD can read any one IF from a CABB data file

This is a placeholder ticket; this functionality should already be there.

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