Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 104)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed import miriad code

Suck the code out of RCS and plop it into subversion. cvs2svn is our friend here.

#5 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre wontfix check updating from RCS

Test that it is possible to pull updates from the RCS version of miriad and apply them to the appropriate branch of the subversion system.

First just use the default branch. But we will have to maintain separation of the 'MRC' and 'M4C' versions.

#6 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed Branch code

Create a branch for the miriad4cabb code to go into.

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