Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#243 closed defect (invalid)


Reported by: (none) Owned by: MatthewWhiting
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Building/Installation Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:


10) Conduct food allergy test or watch the reactions of his body after ingestion of food Weight gain - among other things on the abdomen - can also be caused by medical problems 360 GC FIT such as thyroid, food allergies, Cushing's syndrome, a disease in the device and drug abuse, anxiety, and one blood sugar levels unbalanced, and the lack of essential fatty acids, etc.

Food allergies are not always seen immediately. There may be a few hours later as bloating and swelling in /, chin, hands, feet, ankles and eyes. A lot of weight gained in this way is water retention caused by inflammation and the release of certain hormones. There are several tests for the detection of one or more food allergies, you can switch the system does not undermine the refinement of his stomach.

It should be a healthy diet lasting goal for you. If the meal is unhealthy, make sure that the next is. If you overdo it one day, and eat less the next day. And do not forget to do more physical activity. At least 30 minutes at a rate of five times (or more) a week may help stabilize the weight, and the preservation of health, and be slimmer in the stomach.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by MatthewWhiting

Reporter: anonymous deleted
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Version: 1.6.1
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