

21:21 Ticket #138 (Not able to run ASAP on hydra or draco) created by jsu@…
yesterday I started reducing some Mopra data remotely using ASAP …


02:10 Ticket #137 (installing ASAP in kubuntu Hardy Heron) created by mrequena@…
Dear Asap people, I have been trying to install ASAP in my new …


13:06 Changeset [1426] by Malte Marquarding
add new style ipython configuration
13:02 Changeset [1425] by Malte Marquarding
Handle api change in matplotlib-0.98
12:34 Ticket #135 (unable to plot parkes dfb3 spectra) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: This has been fixed in the source code and will be available in the …
12:32 Changeset [1424] by Malte Marquarding
Fix for ticket #135. Regular expression in source name matching was …
10:35 Ticket #131 (Ferquency alignment isn't working) closed by Malte Marquarding
worksforme: I have tested this on that data set. It maybe that the measures data …
10:20 Ticket #136 (Source name length restricted) closed by Malte Marquarding
duplicate: This is the same error as ticket:135. Merged with that ticket.


08:52 Ticket #136 (Source name length restricted) created by Stacy.Mader@…
In doing REFERENCED observations here at Parkes, despite the fact the …


18:37 Ticket #135 (unable to plot parkes dfb3 spectra) created by jackson@…
I am following all of the on-line examples. All I want to do is to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.