Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#136 closed defect (duplicate)

Source name length restricted

Reported by: Stacy.Mader@… Owned by: Malte Marquarding
Priority: normal Milestone: ASAP 2.2
Component: General Version: 2.0
Severity: normal Keywords:


In doing REFERENCED observations here at Parkes, despite the fact the TCS schedule files append a "_R" or "_S" at the end of the source name (to define reference/signal), so when doing a select on _R scans (say), ASAP does not pick them up. For example:

ASAP>scan = scantable('/DATA/PKCCC3_4/2008-06-18_0714_P632_G328.80+0.64a') Auto averaging integrations Importing /DATA/PKCCC3_4/2008-06-18_0714_P632_G328.80+0.64a... Cross polarization present

ASAP>r = scan.get_scan('*_R') Couldn't find any match.


Scan Table Summary

Beams: 1 IFs: 1 Polarisations: 4 (linear) Channels: 8192

Observer: JJ,EC Obs Date: 2008/06/18/07:14:35 Project: G328.80+0.64aR Obs. Type: RF TR Antenna Name: ATPKSMB Flux Unit: Jy Rest Freqs: [2.3723e+10] [Hz] Abcissa: Channel Selection: none

Scan Source Time Integration

Beam Position (J2000)

IF Frame RefVal RefPix Increment

0 G328.80+0.64a__R07:19:30 1 x 10:00.0

0 15:56:40.3 -

0 LSRK 2.3725834e+10 4096 -31250

1 G328.80+0.64a_ 07:30:10 1 x 10:00.0

0 15:55:49.7 -

0 LSRK 2.3725834e+10 4096 -31250

So ASAP seems to have a limit on the maximum number of characters available to list the source name.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Malte Marquarding, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from Malte Marquarding to Malte Marquarding
Status: newassigned

What does scantable.get_sourcename() return. I think this might just be formatting in scantable.summary()

comment:2 by Malte Marquarding, 17 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: assignedclosed

This is the same error as ticket:135. Merged with that ticket.

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