

17:40 Changeset [482] by cal103
In set_panels(), disabled labelling of interior subplots and squeezed …
17:14 Changeset [481] by kil064
docuiment change in gain/el and opaicty corrections
17:13 Changeset [480] by kil064
add functions getRowRange and rowInRange make gain/el correction the …
12:05 Changeset [479] by kil064
be clear that gain-el correction is multiplier
11:56 Changeset [478] by kil064
convertInstrument moved to SDAttr fix bug in convertFLux where …
11:53 Changeset [477] by kil064
function convertInstrument moved to SDAttr
11:53 Changeset [476] by kil064
move function convertInstrument to SDAttr
11:53 Changeset [475] by kil064
move function convertInstrument into here from SDMemTable fix error in …
11:18 Changeset [474] by kil064
change doc for function save as Stokes now savable for SFITS and MS
11:17 Changeset [473] by kil064
fix bug in setFlags to do with Xpol and iterating
11:16 Changeset [472] by kil064
add a new getStokesSPectrum function (for the writer) which gets all …
11:13 Changeset [471] by kil064
add templates for Stokes writing for the SDWriter
11:11 Changeset [470] by kil064
handle STokes output now in SDFITS/MS formats. Getting messy.
11:11 Changeset [469] by kil064
new functions for the SDWriter to handle Stokes output for SDFITS / …


20:48 Changeset [468] by mar637
a class to transfer fit parameters.
17:32 Changeset [467] by kil064
add Tid aperture efficiency data
14:48 Changeset [466] by mar637
fixed rc bug. added alias for numarray.logical_xxx
14:46 Changeset [465] by mar637
Added SDFitTable to handle fits and expose them to python vi the sdfit …
11:19 Changeset [464] by kil064
make sure i register the StokesVirtualMachine class
10:07 Changeset [463] by mar637
More std::vector <-> casa::Vector templates
01:44 Changeset [462] by kil064
track change to SDPolUtil
01:44 Changeset [461] by kil064
add SDPolUtil::stokesData templates
01:44 Changeset [460] by kil064
add SDPol2
01:43 Changeset [459] by kil064
make templatyed function SDPolUtil::stokesData to handle stokesMask …


12:41 Changeset [458] by kil064
move scantable.rotate_xyphase to asapmath.py
12:40 Changeset [457] by kil064
move SDMemTable::rotateXYPhase to SDMath
12:29 Changeset [456] by mar637
added _addfit
12:29 Changeset [455] by mar637
* added FITS subtable for fitting and relevant functions to set fits …
12:28 Changeset [454] by mar637
added template for Vector<Vector<x> > where x = Int, Bool, String - …
12:26 Changeset [453] by mar637
Added SDFitTable
12:26 Changeset [452] by mar637
* Added extendLastArrayAxis


20:06 Changeset [451] by kil064
make default for stokes=False in function save make format cas …
20:06 Changeset [450] by kil064
make format case insensitive
20:05 Changeset [449] by kil064
eradicate the last of the ArrayAccessor code for VectorIterator and …
18:39 Changeset [448] by kil064
track change to SDmemTable::rowAsMaskedArray interface
18:39 Changeset [447] by kil064
remove arg 'useSelection ' from rowAsmAskedArray as it is never used …
17:33 Changeset [446] by kil064
add function convertStokes
11:59 Changeset [445] by kil064
add stokes conversion arg. to function 'save'
11:59 Changeset [444] by kil064
add stokes conversion argument
11:59 Changeset [443] by kil064
add stokes conversion
11:57 Changeset [442] by kil064
fix output reference pixel calculation add stokes conversion
11:21 Changeset [441] by kil064
add stokesConversion to function rowAsMaskedArray
11:20 Changeset [440] by kil064
add function SDPolUtil::stokesMask fix error in nPol check in …


23:48 Changeset [439] by kil064
make stokesCOl_ read only add toStokes arg. to function rowAsMaskedArry
23:48 Changeset [438] by kil064
comment out SDStokesEngine::isWritbale for now as its causing troubel…
20:09 Changeset [437] by kil064
make it work for nPol=1,2 or 4
19:44 Changeset [436] by kil064
arg. 'all' -> 'allaxes' to be consistent with asapmath.py use same …
19:44 Changeset [435] by kil064
clarify default for allaxes arg
19:40 Changeset [434] by kil064
consolidate cursor selection so that when function setCursorSlice is …
17:57 Changeset [433] by kil064
add arg 'doAll' to rotateXYPhase and no longer' use direct python binding
17:56 Changeset [432] by kil064
add rotate_xyphase
17:35 Changeset [431] by kil064
add function getCircularSpectrum
17:34 Changeset [430] by kil064
add function getCircularSepctrum fix bug in getSTokesSPectrum where …
17:33 Changeset [429] by kil064
add functions getStokesSLice circularPolarization
15:51 Changeset [428] by kil064
getStokesSpectrum can now handle 1,2 or 4 input polarzations
15:51 Changeset [427] by kil064
Now handle 1,2 or 4 input polarizations in SDStokesEngine
13:26 Changeset [426] by kil064
add paOffset to function SDmemTable::getSTokesSpectrum
13:10 Changeset [425] by kil064
add rotate_xyphase
12:38 Changeset [424] by kil064
make scanav True the default in average_time
12:38 Changeset [423] by kil064
add getStokesSpectrum rotateXYPhase
12:37 Changeset [422] by kil064
add BaseMappedArrayEngine for SDPol.cc (Stokes Virtual column)
12:37 Changeset [421] by kil064
add getSTokesSpectrum rotateXYPhase
12:36 Changeset [420] by kil064
handle cross polarization
12:36 Changeset [419] by kil064
classes to do some polarimetric processing initially SDPolUtil …
12:35 Changeset [418] by kil064
First go at handling polarimetric data - Add STOKES (virtual) …
12:33 Changeset [417] by kil064
handle the cross correlation - place in polarization axis as …
12:31 Changeset [416] by kil064
add SDPol


17:51 Changeset [415] by mar637
Made note about reader limitation on rpfits. fixed up summary (again)
17:50 Changeset [414] by mar637
cerr to cout changes were appropriate.
14:43 Changeset [413] by mar637
Added catch for illegal filenames in summary to file.
14:38 Changeset [412] by mar637
added default arg to summary
14:37 Changeset [411] by mar637
Added handling of environment variables throughout.
12:49 Changeset [410] by kil064
fix problems in average_time with output scan information being off by …
09:49 Changeset [409] by mar637
Removed (public) reset until I fix the cursor. read() now auto-resets …


15:33 Changeset [408] by mar637
added missing """ on reset help
15:31 Changeset [407] by mar637
Minor fixes around asapreader/sdreader
15:31 Changeset [406] by mar637
added rest function, reflect changes in function names in python_SDReader.
15:25 Changeset [405] by mar637
fixed reder rest behaviour. renamed all pyhton_SDReader functions to "_"
14:14 Changeset [404] by kil064
reference pixel caluclation was 1-rel instead of 0-rel


22:30 Changeset [403] by kil064
add function lines
22:30 Changeset [402] by kil064
add lines arg to funciton set_restfreqs
22:28 Changeset [401] by kil064
add rest freq specification by line name add function spectraLines to …
15:33 Changeset [400] by kil064
remove VelocityAligner templates
13:08 Changeset [399] by kil064
add perif arg., to freq_align
13:07 Changeset [398] by kil064
add perFreqID arg to function frequencyAlign
13:06 Changeset [397] by kil064
add support in frequency alignment for a perIF (caters to manual …
13:00 Changeset [396] by kil064
add a secondary index argument to the SDDataDesc container


16:32 Changeset [395] by kil064
bit more info to user for restFreq selection
16:30 Changeset [394] by kil064
Detect Year now in selecting beam/aperture efficiency data
15:48 Changeset [393] by kil064
merge set_restfreqs and select_restfreqs into 1
15:48 Changeset [392] by kil064
merge SDMemTable::{selectRestFrequcy,setRestFrequencies} into one …
14:07 Changeset [391] by kil064
add function select_restfreq
14:06 Changeset [390] by kil064
support rest freqs being a column in SDmemTable
14:06 Changeset [389] by kil064
track change to SDMemTable::getSpecytralCoordinate
14:05 Changeset [388] by kil064
add support for RestFreqID now beung a column in SDMemTable
14:04 Changeset [387] by kil064
rmeove debug statements
14:00 Changeset [386] by kil064
support RESTFREQID column in SDMemTable object
13:21 Changeset [385] by kil064
have another go at summary function. this time rework with list of …
13:20 Changeset [384] by kil064
doc only
13:16 Changeset [383] by mar637
added template for Vector<Int>(vector<int>)
12:37 Changeset [382] by kil064
add function scanBoundaries
12:33 Changeset [381] by mar637
* added verbose flag for scantable.summary * enabled get_scan(list)
12:31 Changeset [380] by mar637
* enabled getScan for lists of scanno * auto renumbering of scanids * …
09:34 Changeset [379] by mar637
09:24 Changeset [378] by mar637
* tracking plotter changes (set_layout,save) * minor cosmetics
09:22 Changeset [377] by mar637
* added user controlled set_layout * added save * added help for set_mode
09:19 Changeset [376] by mar637
* Added argument nplots to set_panels to support user setting of …
08:09 Changeset [375] by mar637
ASAP cookbook


15:43 Changeset [374] by mar637
Made refBeam 0-based.
11:05 Changeset [373]
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'release-update1'.
11:05 Changeset [372] by vor010
with a root-directory Makefile
08:32 Changeset [371] by vor010
LineFinder/baseline fitter full functionality auto_poly_baseline can …


19:46 Changeset [370] by vor010
LineFinder: help is improved. Initial code for automatic baseline …
17:40 Changeset [369] by vor010
SDLineFinder: bug corrections, setOption method has been added + …


15:55 Changeset [368] by vor010
SDLineFinder: work around to detect weak and broad lines as well as to …


19:34 Changeset [367] by kil064
add a couple of special case adjustments in function summary
19:00 Changeset [366] by kil064
addEntry template
19:00 Changeset [365] by kil064
rework summary function to handle scan boundary more straightforardly …
18:59 Changeset [364] by kil064
add function addEntry
16:45 Changeset [363] by kil064
gain elevation poly moved to SDAttr
16:44 Changeset [362] by kil064
move gain elevation info into here from SDMath
16:05 Changeset [361] by kil064
document where Mopra numbers come from init -> initData
15:46 Changeset [360] by kil064
fix summary function binding
15:45 Changeset [359] by kil064
change interface to convert_flux
15:45 Changeset [358] by kil064
add binding to function set_instrument (instead of direct pythin binding)
15:44 Changeset [357] by kil064
chgange binding to setInstrument
15:44 Changeset [356] by kil064
add SDAttr
15:44 Changeset [355] by kil064
track change in SDMath::convertFLux interface
15:43 Changeset [354] by kil064
rework convertFLux stuff using new SDAttr and looking up values where …
15:42 Changeset [353] by kil064
new class to hold instrument attributes like beam efficiencies, …


16:31 Changeset [352] by vor010
SDLineFinder - further interface changes to achieve a better structure …
15:42 Changeset [351] by vor010
SDLineFinder - interface of auxiliary classes has been changed to …
13:24 Changeset [350] by kil064
add number of axes to enum
13:11 Changeset [349] by kil064
rewrite setSpectrum, setFLags and setTsys using Array(start,end) slice …


18:04 Changeset [348] by kil064
* empty log message *
17:59 Changeset [347] by kil064
in getSpectralCoordinate, deal correctly (?) with restfreq if its not …
17:21 Changeset [346] by kil064
finally fix scantable constructor for 'unit' handling. i really must …
17:13 Changeset [345] by kil064
remve 'unit' from reader constructor
16:17 Changeset [344] by vor010
An algorithm to detect line wings, which are below detection …
13:21 Changeset [343] by vor010
SDLineFinder - now algorithm does many iterations to ensure that weak …
13:15 Changeset [342] by kil064
Take unit out of interface again, Handled at python levek now
13:15 Changeset [341] by kil064
handle user specified unit (reader/constructor) at python level now not C++


21:28 Changeset [340] by kil064
add unit arg to constructor to take advantage of new reader feature
20:54 Changeset [339] by kil064
add unit to constructor
20:54 Changeset [338] by kil064
add brightness unit to constructor
20:34 Changeset [337] by kil064
set defaulkt brightness units dpenending upon telescope
19:52 Changeset [336] by kil064
add return True to setSpectrum
18:33 Changeset [335] by kil064
oops back out of a couple of RESTFREQID changes that I included by mistake
18:21 Changeset [334] by kil064
track change to asapreader interface
18:18 Changeset [333] by kil064
allow IF and beam selection
18:17 Changeset [332] by kil064
add IF and beam selection
15:48 Changeset [331] by vor010
Line searching algorithm is now in the separate class LFRunningMean. …
12:11 Changeset [330] by kil064
reqork frequency alignment to - only make the required numnber of …
12:05 Changeset [329] by kil064
make sure call attach() function in all constructors
02:41 Changeset [328] by kil064
fix non-compile typo
02:40 Changeset [327] by kil064
format better in SDDataDesc::summary
02:27 Changeset [326] by kil064
add class SDDataDesc


22:12 Changeset [325] by kil064
more preciion for ref val in freq table summary
18:01 Changeset [324] by kil064
the majority of the frequency information for each row was not being …
01:36 Changeset [323] by kil064
remove debug state,ment
01:30 Changeset [322] by kil064
cache all the ScalarColumn and ArrayColumn objects to avoid …


19:12 Changeset [321] by kil064
add listing of Frequency table to summary function
19:12 Changeset [320] by kil064
document SDFreqTable functions a bit
14:47 Changeset [319] by kil064
function 'freq_align' now takes interpolation method string
14:46 Changeset [318] by kil064
frequency alignment now takes interpolation methd argumenbt
14:46 Changeset [317] by kil064
add interpolatiun method argument to function 'frequencyAlign'
02:09 Changeset [316] by kil064
add arg. 'weight' to function average_pol
02:09 Changeset [315] by kil064
add arg 'weightStr' to function SDMath::averagePol
01:52 Changeset [314] by kil064
add a missing ; :-(


21:53 Changeset [313] by kil064
replace velocity alignment bvy fredquemncy alignment function
21:52 Changeset [312] by kil064
replace veloicity alignment by frequency alignment function
21:51 Changeset [311] by kil064
replace velocity alignment function by frequency alignment one
21:50 Changeset [310] by kil064
replace VelocityAlignment template with FrequencyAlignment
21:49 Changeset [309] by kil064
remove 'velocityALignment' functions for new 'frequencyAlignment' ones
21:48 Changeset [308] by kil064
use function 'near' in function SDFreqTable:addFrequency to test for …
21:47 Changeset [307] by kil064
document units in SDFreqTable fix probklem with refPix being Int …
21:47 Changeset [306] by kil064
implement function getSDFreqTable which was empty before
15:27 Changeset [305] by kil064
document when cursor reset to 0 on output scan
15:23 Changeset [304] by kil064
reset cursor to 0 few some output scan tables
15:00 Changeset [303] by kil064
add function resetCursor
14:25 Changeset [302] by kil064
getmask -> _getmask


02:00 Changeset [301] by kil064
add function resample
02:00 Changeset [300] by kil064
add resample wrappers
02:00 Changeset [299] by kil064
add resample function


17:33 Changeset [298] by kil064
fix typo
17:16 Changeset [297] by vor010
SDLineFinder: C++ class and python binder have been added. This is an …
14:58 Changeset [296] by kil064
add arg. 'tsys' to simple_math and scale (optioanl application to Tsys)
14:57 Changeset [295] by kil064
track some small changes to SDMath interface (addition of doTSys arg …
14:56 Changeset [294] by kil064
move some code into function generateVelocityAligners add arg. doTSys …
14:55 Changeset [293] by kil064
better documentation for a couple of functions


18:23 Changeset [292] by kil064
track changes to enum SDDefs::Instrument
18:23 Changeset [291] by kil064
make telescope enums more consistent with what comes out of SDReader …
18:10 Changeset [290] by kil064
check for file's existence and issue useful message if not there
17:56 Changeset [289] by kil064
remove no-longer present install file change group protections at end …
17:54 Changeset [288] by kil064
track changes to SDMemTable interfgace
17:54 Changeset [287] by kil064
trak change to SDMemTable interface
17:53 Changeset [286] by kil064
consolidate some SpectralCoordinate creation activities in …
17:38 Changeset [285] by mar637
added test for $DISPLAY env variable.
17:21 Changeset [284] by kil064
handle environment variable in file name
17:17 Changeset [283] by mar637
Added deafult filename warning. Added warning to internal plotter.
17:14 Changeset [282] by mar637
removed comment on j=i
17:13 Changeset [281] by mar637
* revamped summary Function, added postion and number of integr. per …
14:15 Changeset [280] by kil064
document function 'save' better for 'image fits' output
14:12 Changeset [279] by kil064
write output files into a directory
13:51 Changeset [278] by kil064
another place the version string is set
13:48 Changeset [277] by kil064
change version number to 0.2 (previous change lost somehow)
12:34 Changeset [276] by kil064
add set_doppler
12:31 Changeset [275] by kil064
finalize implement DOPPLER setting and using. Before it was just set …
12:23 Changeset [274] by mar637
minor cosmetic changes. version no++
01:01 Changeset [273] by kil064
add arg. 'reftime' to function 'align'
01:00 Changeset [272] by kil064
add reference time arg. to function 'VelocityAlignment'


20:27 Changeset [271] by kil064
document function 'align' more fully
20:22 Changeset [270] by kil064
use new MaskedArray(IPosition,IPOsition) slice operator to simplyify …
19:24 Changeset [269] by kil064
add function 'align'
19:24 Changeset [268] by kil064
add insitu version of function veliocityAlignment
19:23 Changeset [267] by kil064
split velocitryAlign into towo functins


17:43 Changeset [266] by kil064
getspectrum -> _getspectrum
17:41 Changeset [265] by kil064
set_selection -> set_cursor
17:39 Changeset [264] by kil064
add function 'align'
17:39 Changeset [263] by kil064
add base frame as well to function getCoordInfoI()
17:37 Changeset [262] by kil064
add functiom VelocityAlignment
17:37 Changeset [261] by kil064
add templates to support SDMath::VelocityAlignment
16:42 Changeset [260] by vor010
SDMemTable & SDMemTableWrapper: formatSec and summary are now const …


22:33 Changeset [259] by mar637
*renaming in scantable
22:31 Changeset [258] by mar637
*renaming all -> allaxes * added rcParams
22:28 Changeset [257] by mar637
*renaming in scantable *added custom x/y axis labels
22:25 Changeset [256] by mar637
* rewrote save to avoid using empty filenames * rewrote stat,tsys …
22:22 Changeset [255] by mar637
*lots of renaming * added list_rcparameters selection -> cursor * …
19:03 Changeset [254] by mar637
added setLength to SDFreqTable
19:03 Changeset [253] by mar637
added tovector double template
19:02 Changeset [252] by mar637
renamed a lot to _* to hide it in the class
19:02 Changeset [251] by mar637
* added getRestFreqs * filled in some of getSDFreqTable - not fully …
15:36 Changeset [250] by kil064
track change to SDMathWrapper funcitn names
15:35 Changeset [249] by kil064
rename some functions. quotient now implemented via SDMath::binaryOperate
15:34 Changeset [248] by kil064
remove function 'quotient' and put its functionality into function …
15:09 Changeset [247] by kil064
fix error in nRow test in function quotient
14:06 Changeset [246] by kil064
in 'quotient' describe that ref can have one row
13:28 Changeset [245] by kil064
add arg. 'preserve' to quotient. also document algorithm
13:27 Changeset [244] by kil064
Add arg 'preserve' to quotient method to preserve continuum (or not)
13:27 Changeset [243] by kil064
coupled more MA templates
12:31 Changeset [242] by kil064
add b_operate gain_el (polynomials) opacity
12:30 Changeset [241] by kil064
modify stats function to pass row number arg to C++ statistics …
12:28 Changeset [240] by kil064
add set_instrument set_fluxunit b_operate gain_el …
12:27 Changeset [239] by kil064
addd some MaskedArray templates
12:24 Changeset [238] by kil064
add setInstrument
12:23 Changeset [237] by kil064
add binary operator opacity
12:22 Changeset [236] by kil064
add set_instrumenbt function and helper function convertInstrument
12:21 Changeset [235] by kil064
Add binary table operator opacity gain elevation now handles …
12:18 Changeset [234] by kil064
add binary table operation add opacity rework gain-elevation to handle …
12:12 Changeset [233] by kil064
add Instrument enum (will need to be revised in the future)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.