Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#197 closed defect (fixed)

FillerBase::commitRow bug shown in

Reported by: Malte Marquarding Owned by: Takeshi Nakazato
Priority: high Milestone: Unified development
Component: c++ Version: 2.0
Severity: blocker Keywords:


Changeset r1867 introduces failures in The PKSFiller relies on the TableRow NOT being reinitialised.

I have tested introducing a new argument void commitRow(bool reset=false); to control if a row needs to be reinitialised and it works.

Waiting for Takeshi's comments. Please reassign to me after commenting in this ticket.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Takeshi Nakazato, 15 years ago

I checked in a fix for the issue.

In the fixed version, commitRow() doesn't initialize TableRow. Instead, I modified setSpectra() to use define() method, not assignment (e.g. *specCol=spectrum), to set spectral values.

Could you test it?

comment:2 by Takeshi Nakazato, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

You don't need to modify commitRow(). I found a workaround to store spectra with different number of channel.

Please test current trunk.

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