Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#121 closed defect (wontfix)

installation problem on SuSE10.1

Reported by: peng@… Owned by: Malte Marquarding
Priority: normal Milestone: ASAP 2.2
Component: General Version: 2.0
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by Malte Marquarding)


I'm trying to install ASAP from source on a SuSE10.1 box. Following the instructions, I've installed numpy, matplotlib, rpfits, wcslib, casacore by hand and a number of other packages thru YAST2 (blas, scons lapack, ipython, boost, python-numeric-ext, python-tk, python-gtk, in addition to python). But when it come to install asap-2.2.0, it complains not finding python2.4 C library:

#scons mode=release libtype=static casacoreroot=/usr/local
scons: Reading Sconscript files...
Checking for main() in C++ library casa_casa... yes
checking for C header in Python.h... yes
Cheking for main() in C library python2.4... no

I'm not much of a python person. Could you tell me what it is looking for? Thanks.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Malte Marquarding, 18 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from Malte Marquarding to Malte Marquarding
Status: newassigned
Summary: installtion problem on SuSE10.1installation problem on SuSE10.1

Not really a bug, but on many systems you need to install development packages as well as runtime packages to build from source. This shoudl be needed for all external packages needed by asap (e.g. boost)

e.g. for redhat python and python-devel or debian python and python-dev

I don't know about SuSE, but it should be something similar.

Cheers, Malte.

comment:2 by Malte Marquarding, 17 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed
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