{4} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (21 matches)

List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

Kana Sugimoto (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Severity Created
#234 improve asapplotter by using Matplotlib 1.0.0 functions General Unified development defect normal 02/25/11
#287 Improve pointing plots General Unified development enhancement normal 12/12/12
#290 Implement sideband separation algorithm in ASAP (from CAS-4141) General Unified development defect normal 03/15/13
#296 Enable polarization average of spectra without time averating. (from CAS-5194) c++ Unified development enhancement normal 07/24/13

Malte Marquarding (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Severity Created
#196 Create new Scantable definition wiki Unified development enhancement normal 08/13/10
#212 On OSX 10.6: IERSpredict not found despite successfully running asap_update_data General ASAP 3.0 defect blocker 09/23/10
#181 plotting a saved file with one IF doesn't work General ASAP 3.0 defect major 03/28/10
#288 SDFITS export import doesn't keep flags. General Unified development defect major 03/08/13
#168 scantable.save doesn't honour frequency conversions for non asap output General ASAP 2.4 defect minor 06/25/09
#111 writing to SDFITS fails if data are pol averaged General enhancement normal 06/27/07
#134 scantable constructor doesn't work for multiple asap files python enhancement normal 05/22/08
#144 Ability to create empty scantable? General enhancement normal 09/08/08
#173 NH3 line fitting General ASAP 4.0 enhancement normal 09/11/09
#215 how to get columns not returned by get_column_names() General Unified development question normal 10/11/10
#217 How does auto_quotient(mode='time') recognize scans? General Unified development question normal 10/19/10
#255 RuntimeError: Couldn't convert frequency frame General Unified development defect normal 10/13/11
#280 possible incorrect sdfits headers General Unified development defect normal 10/03/12
#281 Several rms values for one spectrum General ASAP 4.0 task normal 10/16/12
#285 error in frequency frame conversion, old data, old script, new install. General Unified development defect normal 10/23/12
#291 alignment error for Tid data General Unified development defect normal 03/22/13
#209 Change FIT PARAMETER Column from Double to Float c++ Unified development enhancement normal 09/14/10
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