Custom Query (241 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#28 fixed average_time cannot weight by Tsys? Malte Marquarding Tony.Wong@…

When running a prior script (see /data/KAPUTAR_2/won073/asap) I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<console>", line 1, in ?

File "", line 52, in batch_average

av = average_time(a,weight='tsys')

File "/usr/local/asap2/asap/", line 72, in average_time

s = scantable(stm._average(alignedlst, mask, weight, scanav))

RuntimeError?: tsys is not a valid weighting mode

#29 fixed opacity? Malte Marquarding Tony.Wong@…

Just curious about how opacity is calculated in ASAP. We've been thinking of creating a variable for the zenith opacity in the syscal record of the RPFITS file, once Mopra's noise diode is well-calibrated. This would be calculated by TCS based on noise diode and paddle measurements. So obviously this should be coordinated with whatever is done in ASAP.


#30 fixed Need function to merge IFs Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding

The observation uses the IFs to increase the bandwith around the source. The final spectrum should regrid/align the two IFs and average or select by TSYS the overlapping region.

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