Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 241)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#193 fixed Create casa::LogSink based logger Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding

To simplify merging of trunk and the alma branch, asap should introduce a casa::LogSing? based Logger as alma is using casalogger which is based on it.

Depending on where it is in casapy mode or "normal" asap one or the other should be selected. The new logger needs to set the globalSink to re-route all messages (that's what casalogger does).

#192 fixed Create Abstract Filler class Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding

At the 2010 developer workshop we decided to abstract the way the STFiller works so readers other than PKSreader can be used.

Implement this in the merged trunk.

#191 fixed please build for lenny/i386 Malte Marquarding VincentMcIntyre

Before we can really roll out Debian Lenny we need packages like ASAP to be built for this platform. I can't find ASAP installed in the /usr/local for this platform (lynx:/export/DEBIANlocal/lenny/i386).

The buildhost for lenny/i386 is 'brage'.

% host bh-epp-i-l
bh-epp-i-l.atnf.CSIRO.AU is an alias for brage.atnf.CSIRO.AU.
brage.atnf.CSIRO.AU has address
brage.atnf.CSIRO.AU mail is handled by 0 crux.tip.CSIRO.AU.
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