Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#231 Malte Marquarding martin.cordiner@… fixed Spurious results from scans.opacity()

I've been performing opacity corrections on my spectra using scans.opacity(tau), with tau=0.07, but the output scantable has incorrect T values. An example scantable is attached, recorded at an elevation of about 25 degrees. The opacity correction factor should be about 1.19, but when I use scans.opacity(tau), IF1 gets multiplied by about a factor of about 16!

Note however, the scans.opacity() command appears to work correctly when operating on a single IF (using selector.set_ifs()).

#232 Kana Sugimoto Kana Sugimoto fixed Output the scan position (on/off) in the output summary (from CAS-2817)

The output of scantable.summary() should show the source type (on/off).

#236 Takeshi Nakazato Takeshi Nakazato fixed Remove workaround for #181

The bug related to #181 is essentially fixed in casacore (r20889). So, we can remove workaround in Scantable::makePersistent().

Malte, are there any workaround in somewhere in the code?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.