Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#133 Malte Marquarding Attila Popping <attila.popping@…> fixed history gets large when combining scans

would be good to disable history if you don't want to save it

#136 Malte Marquarding Stacy.Mader@… duplicate Source name length restricted

In doing REFERENCED observations here at Parkes, despite the fact the TCS schedule files append a "_R" or "_S" at the end of the source name (to define reference/signal), so when doing a select on _R scans (say), ASAP does not pick them up. For example:

ASAP>scan = scantable('/DATA/PKCCC3_4/2008-06-18_0714_P632_G328.80+0.64a') Auto averaging integrations Importing /DATA/PKCCC3_4/2008-06-18_0714_P632_G328.80+0.64a... Cross polarization present

ASAP>r = scan.get_scan('*_R') Couldn't find any match.


Scan Table Summary

Beams: 1 IFs: 1 Polarisations: 4 (linear) Channels: 8192

Observer: JJ,EC Obs Date: 2008/06/18/07:14:35 Project: G328.80+0.64aR Obs. Type: RF TR Antenna Name: ATPKSMB Flux Unit: Jy Rest Freqs: [2.3723e+10] [Hz] Abcissa: Channel Selection: none

Scan Source Time Integration

Beam Position (J2000)

IF Frame RefVal RefPix Increment

0 G328.80+0.64a__R07:19:30 1 x 10:00.0

0 15:56:40.3 -

0 LSRK 2.3725834e+10 4096 -31250

1 G328.80+0.64a_ 07:30:10 1 x 10:00.0

0 15:55:49.7 -

0 LSRK 2.3725834e+10 4096 -31250

So ASAP seems to have a limit on the maximum number of characters available to list the source name.

#137 Malte Marquarding mrequena@… fixed installing ASAP in kubuntu Hardy Heron

Dear Asap people,

I have been trying to install ASAP in my new version of kubuntu,but I have problems with it. I'm actually in Narrabri observing with Mopra, and like you say in the webpage that if we would like to have the distributution in other linux we can contact you, I'm just trying.

Thanks in advance. Miguel

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