Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#119 Malte Marquarding p.tuthill@… duplicate ASAP issues

Hi Guys

Thanks for your advice about setting DISPLAY properly. This worked, and I might have thought of it if the error message had not seemed to imply that ASAP could not find the PLOTTER function.

I am trying to get a very simple look at my mopra data. The next thing I tried to do, following the tutorial, also fails. Sorry for all the questions.

ASAP>q = s.auto_quotient()

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython console>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/asap/", line 1504, in auto_quotient


File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/asap/", line 300, in set_selection


RuntimeError?: Selection contains no data. Not applying it.

#120 Malte Marquarding ghurtig3@… worksforme rpf download

Where do I find 2005-05-08-0350.rpf as listed in the tutorial?

#121 Malte Marquarding peng@… wontfix installation problem on SuSE10.1


I'm trying to install ASAP from source on a SuSE10.1 box. Following the instructions, I've installed numpy, matplotlib, rpfits, wcslib, casacore by hand and a number of other packages thru YAST2 (blas, scons lapack, ipython, boost, python-numeric-ext, python-tk, python-gtk, in addition to python). But when it come to install asap-2.2.0, it complains not finding python2.4 C library:

#scons mode=release libtype=static casacoreroot=/usr/local
scons: Reading Sconscript files...
Checking for main() in C++ library casa_casa... yes
checking for C header in Python.h... yes
Cheking for main() in C library python2.4... no

I'm not much of a python person. Could you tell me what it is looking for? Thanks.

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