Custom Query (241 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 241)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#193 Malte Marquarding Malte Marquarding fixed Create casa::LogSink based logger

To simplify merging of trunk and the alma branch, asap should introduce a casa::LogSing? based Logger as alma is using casalogger which is based on it.

Depending on where it is in casapy mode or "normal" asap one or the other should be selected. The new logger needs to set the globalSink to re-route all messages (that's what casalogger does).

#197 Takeshi Nakazato Malte Marquarding fixed FillerBase::commitRow bug shown in

Changeset r1867 introduces failures in The PKSFiller relies on the TableRow NOT being reinitialised.

I have tested introducing a new argument void commitRow(bool reset=false); to control if a row needs to be reinitialised and it works.

Waiting for Takeshi's comments. Please reassign to me after commenting in this ticket.

#201 Takeshi Nakazato Malte Marquarding fixed scantable constructor broken

The latest changes for table identification means that for all types other than scantable and ms the constructor is broken.

Please fix and run tests.

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