11 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-5875
Ready …
12 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #199: Excised Logger::pushLog; now everything is using LogIO
13 years |
ShinnosukeKawakami |
hpc33 merged asap-trunk
14 years |
WataruKawasaki |
New Development: Yes
JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-3149
14 years |
WataruKawasaki |
New Development: Yes
JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-2828
14 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fixed compilation error: Need to have different names for different …
15 years |
WataruKawasaki |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1937,CAS-2373
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No (merge alma branch to …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #177: added skydip function to determine opacities. This …
16 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #167: c++ part of running polynomial smoothing
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
merge from alma branch to get alma/GBT support. Commented out fluxUnit …
18 years |
mar637 |
Added running median to smooth. This addresses Ticket #115
18 years |
mar637 |
added explicit keyword for single arument constructors
18 years |
mar637 |
re-enabled the scantable binary operators
18 years |
mar637 |
merge form Release2.1.1 branch
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
added lag_flag - flagging of frequencies in fft space
19 years |
mar637 |
added average_beam which is part of Ticket #45
19 years |
mar637 |
Implemented Ticket #45 as scantable.mx_quotient.
19 years |
mar637 |
add mxExtract the first step to do MX quotients
19 years |
mar637 |
added doxygen documentation
19 years |
mar637 |
added scan averaging to average_channel
19 years |
mar637 |
enhancement ticket #35. median scantable
19 years |
mar637 |
Enhancement Ticket #50; arbitrary quotients.
19 years |
mar637 |
fixes after compiling with -Wall.
19 years |
mar637 |
added function to convert between polarisation types
19 years |
mar637 |
Removed align option from average as it is buggy. The user has to …
19 years |
mar637 |
added averagePolarisations; added log output to frequencyAlign; …
19 years |
mar637 |
added frequencyAlign().
19 years |
mar637 |
0-based re-indexing SCANNO on merge. added frequencyAlign. Compiles, …
19 years |
mar637 |
added polarimtery functions
19 years |
mar637 |
enable polarimetry in asap2
19 years |
mar637 |
asap2 naming changes
19 years |
mar637 |
asap2 naming changes
19 years |
mar637 |
gainEl interface change to std::vector
bug fix: forgot ++iter
19 years |
mar637 |
changed average interface to use std::vector<bool> instead of …
19 years |
mar637 |
added merge() to merge conformant Scantables
19 years |
mar637 |
SDDefs -> STDefs
19 years |
mar637 |
Code replacemnts after the rename
19 years |
mar637 |
File renming to reflect major changes in asap2.
copied from trunk/src/SDMath.h
19 years |
mar637 |
added frequency switching; implemented use of SDLog