17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix ticket #127; still have to add class header hack
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
optionally suppress history
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
work with ipython >= 0.8
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Handle api change in matplotlib-0.98
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fixed wrong indentation
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added scantable.history rc parameter to optionally suppress history …
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
typo fix
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use english spelling of centre not center
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use pylab as a reference
17 years |
Malte Marquarding |
implemented iterator to iterate through rows
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
some minor documentation fixes
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
didn't setup times in case of asdatetime
18 years |
Malte Marquarding |
merge from alma branch to get alma/GBT support. Commented out fluxUnit …
18 years |
mar637 |
changed trac ticket url
18 years |
mar637 |
Added running median to smooth. This addresses Ticket #115
18 years |
mar637 |
added a check if /data exists
18 years |
mar637 |
bug fix - left out a factor of ten in GHz definition
18 years |
mar637 |
chnaged version to 2.2.0 for release tag
18 years |
mar637 |
added missing docstring for merge
18 years |
mar637 |
update docstring, to explicitly say that list are allowed as …
18 years |
mar637 |
enhancement #107; added scantable.shift_refpix
18 years |
mar637 |
fixed whitespce in mpl doc references
18 years |
mar637 |
deprecated simple_math
18 years |
mar637 |
fix to auto_quotient; the selector add_ operator ANDs the query …
18 years |
mar637 |
several documentation updates for the upcoming release
18 years |
mar637 |
added american spelling alias
fixed concatenation of queries.
18 years |
mar637 |
documentation clean up.
added mode 'paired' as the default to …
18 years |
mar637 |
Added matched pair auto_quotient and made it the default 'mode'
18 years |
mar637 |
improvements to the selector. + operator now also 'AND's the query …
18 years |
mar637 |
Fix for Ticket #101. set_restfreqs handles non-consecutive IFs now.
18 years |
mar637 |
fixed deprecated import of sre
18 years |
mar637 |
Fix for Ticket #98; taking system AIPSPATH if defined
18 years |
mar637 |
version set to trunk
18 years |
mar637 |
re-enabled the scantable binary operators
18 years |
mar637 |
Fix for ticket #96, copy keyword was passed to logical_and instead of array
18 years |
mar637 |
merge from asap2.1.1 release tag
18 years |
mar637 |
merge form Release2.1.1 branch
18 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.1b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.1b tag
19 years |
vor010 |
chan_avg_limit parameter has been added to auto_poly_baseline method. …
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
Using FFTServer::fft0 now, don't know what the difference is. Adde …
19 years |
mar637 |
Merge from Release2.1.0b tag
19 years |
mar637 |
added ipython detection to set up ipython specific things
19 years |
mar637 |
added lag_flag - flagging of frequencies in fft space
19 years |
mar637 |
added set_feedtype (Ticket #61)
19 years |
mar637 |
No longer required. Install target is in parrent SConstruct
19 years |
mar637 |
various changes to support the pylab plotter 'xyplotter'
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed incorrect doppler shift.
19 years |
mar637 |
re-introduced custom ASAPDAT environment variable. Some more commands().
19 years |
mar637 |
have to actually change the argument name doppler for it to work.
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed docs for plot_lines
19 years |
mar637 |
had to use line._y instead of line._y_orig
19 years |
mar637 |
revoded debug print
19 years |
mar637 |
added auto location on peak>ymax. changed argument offset to doppler …
19 years |
mar637 |
fix in plot_lines. have to ignore line when channel is masked
19 years |
mar637 |
help for plot_lines
19 years |
mar637 |
more argument types for scanatble.set_restfreqs; tidying.
19 years |
mar637 |
changed name set_freq_limits to set_frequency_limits
19 years |
mar637 |
workaround for tables not supporting change of directory. bug fix for …
19 years |
mar637 |
lots of changes to support soft refresh, for things like text …
19 years |
mar637 |
added more commands. put commands through pager
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed bug in summary. forgot to pass elf to base class
19 years |
mar637 |
use get*nos instead of n* (* can be scan, beam etc.). This showed a …
19 years |
mar637 |
added linecatalog plotting; soem font scaling fixes
19 years |
mar637 |
added linecatalog plotting; fixed numarray imports
19 years |
mar637 |
added average_beam which is part of Ticket #45
19 years |
mar637 |
added new functions to commands
19 years |
mar637 |
Implemented Ticket #45 as scantable.mx_quotient.
19 years |
mar637 |
added stub for mx_quotient
19 years |
mar637 |
more work on a modular scons set up
19 years |
mar637 |
added numpy/numarray detection
19 years |
mar637 |
set svn:keywords
19 years |
mar637 |
changed revision tag
19 years |
mar637 |
A linecatlog class for asap. Initial revision
19 years |
mar637 |
install file for python code
19 years |
mar637 |
fixes for pylint reported violations
19 years |
mar637 |
added entry for merge()
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed up import of MaskedArray to make it usable with numpy and numarray
19 years |
mar637 |
added patch from Tak, so the constructor works with ms directories.
19 years |
mar637 |
added default legend font size; added proper raise for wrong argument; …
19 years |
mar637 |
removed hardcoding of legend font size
19 years |
mar637 |
moved average_channel into average_time as an addition weight
19 years |
mar637 |
fix to legend location.
19 years |
mar637 |
reduced number of * imports. added plotter.papertype to rcparams
19 years |
mar637 |
added legend placing/disable to set_legend. Changed decimate from 2048 …
19 years |
mar637 |
moved mpl version check to class import. It prints warning now. No …
19 years |
mar637 |
fixed bug introduced in last chheck-in. get_fit instead of getfit
19 years |
mar637 |
removed FITS output, added drop_scan function
19 years |
mar637 |
Fix for ticket #54
19 years |
mar637 |
alternative plotter widget based on GTk. Not used anywhere - yet
19 years |
mar637 |
use MA instead of spectrum and mask for plotting. THIS isn't tested …
19 years |
mar637 |
use MA instead of homemade masking; This probably breaks old (woody) …
19 years |
mar637 |
use MA instead of homemade masking; some work on aut-scaling label …
19 years |
mar637 |
only import scantable form scantable
19 years |
mar637 |
use draw instead of show
19 years |
mar637 |
move all the environment set-up into python asap module. only detect …
19 years |
mar637 |
make storage rcparam casa-insensitive