20 years |
kil064 |
add restFreqIDs to summary listing
20 years |
kil064 |
docuiment Tsys and Tint weighting for avergae_time
20 years |
kil064 |
fix typo
20 years |
kil064 |
add Tsys and Tint weightring
20 years |
mar637 |
* updated to reflect Wim's changes to Functionals
20 years |
vor010 |
LineFinder/automatic baseline fitter: a bug related to multiple-row …
20 years |
mar637 |
* major rework on plotting.
* added component selection and plotting
* …
20 years |
mar637 |
moved auto_poly... to scantable
20 years |
mar637 |
*Moved most asapmath functions to scantable member functions. Only …
20 years |
mar637 |
added installation of contenst of bin directory
20 years |
mar637 |
The startup shell script
20 years |
phi196 |
Added autp_poly_baseline to commands
20 years |
phi196 |
Help wording
20 years |
kil064 |
add FedPolType enum
we will need something better in the future. …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function feedPolType
20 years |
kil064 |
add function rotate_linpolphase
20 years |
kil064 |
remove pa offset from getSTokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
remiove pa offset from getStokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add function rotateLinPolPhaseInSitu
20 years |
kil064 |
add function rotateLinPolPhase
20 years |
kil064 |
20 years |
kil064 |
rotateXYPhase -> rotatePhase
add function rotateLinPolPgase
20 years |
mar637 |
fiexed type on VERSION keyword type
20 years |
kil064 |
return to convention I=(XX+YY)/2
20 years |
kil064 |
document ascii output format better
20 years |
kil064 |
write header and data into seaprate files
write abcissa to data file
20 years |
kil064 |
write time out as formatted UTC string
20 years |
kil064 |
rework bindings for stokes conversion and associated functions
20 years |
kil064 |
function stokesLength() -> nStokes()
getStokesSpectrumLabel …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function polarizationLabel
20 years |
cal103 |
Suppressing tick labels by deleting the associated text kills position …
20 years |
kil064 |
add functions
20 years |
mar637 |
* added history to all functions, which modify the data
20 years |
mar637 |
* added merging of history tables
20 years |
kil064 |
add freq_align
20 years |
mar637 |
* added history to commands
20 years |
mar637 |
minor bug fixes
20 years |
mar637 |
* added history
* added contructor argument for (auto) averaging
* tidying
20 years |
mar637 |
* Added history support.
* Added version keyword to SDMemTable.
20 years |
cal103 |
In set_panels(), disabled labelling of interior subplots and squeezed …
20 years |
kil064 |
docuiment change in gain/el and opaicty corrections
20 years |
kil064 |
add functions getRowRange and rowInRange
make gain/el correction the …
20 years |
kil064 |
be clear that gain-el correction is multiplier
20 years |
kil064 |
convertInstrument moved to SDAttr
fix bug in convertFLux where …
20 years |
kil064 |
function convertInstrument moved to SDAttr
20 years |
kil064 |
move function convertInstrument to SDAttr
20 years |
kil064 |
move function convertInstrument into here from SDMemTable
fix error in …
20 years |
kil064 |
change doc for function save as Stokes now savable for SFITS and MS
20 years |
kil064 |
fix bug in setFlags to do with Xpol and iterating
20 years |
kil064 |
add a new getStokesSPectrum function (for the writer) which gets all …
20 years |
kil064 |
add templates for Stokes writing for the SDWriter
20 years |
kil064 |
handle STokes output now in SDFITS/MS formats. Getting messy.
20 years |
kil064 |
new functions for the SDWriter to handle Stokes output
for SDFITS / …
20 years |
mar637 |
a class to transfer fit parameters.
20 years |
kil064 |
add Tid aperture efficiency data
20 years |
mar637 |
fixed rc bug. added alias for numarray.logical_xxx
20 years |
mar637 |
Added SDFitTable to handle fits and expose them to python vi the sdfit …
20 years |
kil064 |
make sure i register the StokesVirtualMachine class
20 years |
mar637 |
More std::vector <-> casa::Vector templates
20 years |
kil064 |
track change to SDPolUtil
20 years |
kil064 |
add SDPolUtil::stokesData templates
20 years |
kil064 |
add SDPol2
20 years |
kil064 |
make templatyed function SDPolUtil::stokesData to handle stokesMask …
20 years |
kil064 |
move scantable.rotate_xyphase to asapmath.py
20 years |
kil064 |
move SDMemTable::rotateXYPhase to SDMath
20 years |
mar637 |
added _addfit
20 years |
mar637 |
* added FITS subtable for fitting and relevant functions to set fits …
20 years |
mar637 |
added template for Vector<Vector<x> > where x = Int, Bool, String - …
20 years |
mar637 |
Added SDFitTable
20 years |
mar637 |
* Added extendLastArrayAxis
20 years |
kil064 |
make default for stokes=False in function save
make format cas …
20 years |
kil064 |
make format case insensitive
20 years |
kil064 |
eradicate the last of the ArrayAccessor code for VectorIterator
and …
20 years |
kil064 |
track change to SDmemTable::rowAsMaskedArray interface
20 years |
kil064 |
remove arg 'useSelection ' from rowAsmAskedArray as it
is never used …
20 years |
kil064 |
add function convertStokes
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokes conversion arg. to function 'save'
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokes conversion argument
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokes conversion
20 years |
kil064 |
fix output reference pixel calculation
add stokes conversion
20 years |
kil064 |
add stokesConversion to function rowAsMaskedArray
20 years |
kil064 |
add function SDPolUtil::stokesMask
fix error in nPol check in …
20 years |
kil064 |
make stokesCOl_ read only
add toStokes arg. to function rowAsMaskedArry
20 years |
kil064 |
comment out SDStokesEngine::isWritbale for now as its causing troubel…
20 years |
kil064 |
make it work for nPol=1,2 or 4
20 years |
kil064 |
arg. 'all' -> 'allaxes' to be consistent with asapmath.py
use same …
20 years |
kil064 |
clarify default for allaxes arg
20 years |
kil064 |
consolidate cursor selection so that when function
setCursorSlice is …
20 years |
kil064 |
add arg 'doAll' to rotateXYPhase and no longer'
use direct python binding
20 years |
kil064 |
add rotate_xyphase
20 years |
kil064 |
add function getCircularSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add function getCircularSepctrum
fix bug in getSTokesSPectrum where …
20 years |
kil064 |
add functions
20 years |
kil064 |
getStokesSpectrum can now handle 1,2 or 4 input polarzations
20 years |
kil064 |
Now handle 1,2 or 4 input polarizations in SDStokesEngine
20 years |
kil064 |
add paOffset to function SDmemTable::getSTokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add rotate_xyphase
20 years |
kil064 |
make scanav True the default in average_time
20 years |
kil064 |
add getStokesSpectrum
20 years |
kil064 |
add BaseMappedArrayEngine for SDPol.cc (Stokes Virtual column)