15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801)
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: Yes (1801)
Ready …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801)
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801)
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: Yes
JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-1801)
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: Yes
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added srctype enum handling
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Removed debug cout
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Move to compile in pyrap out of external if it isn't found in the system
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fix broken scantable test because SrcType is used now
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
minor doc edit
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added svg support
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added linecatalog to api docs
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Fixed docstrings fro sphinx
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added test for linecatalog
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added logger test. It is skipped under casapy as it compares stdout logs.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
renamed print_log_dec to more explicit asaplog_post_dec
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Got rid of redundant print_log. Use asaplog.post directly.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
more documentation on 'verbose' rcParam
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #193: the rcParamsverbose flag is only used in standard …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Adde more API documentation
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
auto_quotient is the first method to use @preserve_selection
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
removed redundant print_log calls as the @print_log_dec handles them …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #194: docstring changes. Play nicely with sphinx.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #194: Added more description of the scantable
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Quite primitive and trivial test for NROFiller.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added skeleton for and initial text for sphinx-based developer …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Add test data for NROFiller.
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
remove test commit
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
remove test commit except for env.py
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
test commit
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Add parallactify flag
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Documentation update to play nicer with sphinx
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
changed set_restfreqs to support use of the old behaviour. If list of …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added some comments
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #192: enabling new filler. Get rid of unused asapreader.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use generator to also test all masked stats
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
movde to nose based testing
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
initial check-in of 'nose' based test for the asapplotter
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
update mopra test script
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No
Ready for Test: …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
asaplotbase should import print_log.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
remove reader and make parameters import third in line
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Can't use logging here as that would be a cyclic dependency\!\!\!
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
import asap.parameters
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use default 'antenna' value of '0'
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Bug fix: had wrong order of setIndex arguments - attempt number three.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Bug fix: had wrong order of setIndex arguments
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Don't post message if logger is disabled
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Bug fix: had wrong order of setIndex arguments
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fixed type in import name
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Tidy up of imports (now imported from asap.). Also fixed some …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added svn 'externals' for (lib)pyrap
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Refactoring of init.py. Moved functionality into separate modules. …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No (merge: recover logs)
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
Recreating the branch for recover testing
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
Removing branch for replacing
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
The last revision of trunk before the alma brnach got merged into it.
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: No
JIRA Issue: No (merge alma branch to …
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
New Development: Yes
JIRA Issue: No (merge)
Ready …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Changed handling of reader_ attribute.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
added setScanrate. some more logging. added setFlagrow
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Eradicte raw pointer use.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Use casa::String instead as it is derived from std::string but also …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Check for existing file here
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Makefile is updated to be able to compile codes using make.
Fixed a …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
disable default, copy ctor and assignment op
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
fix nchan handling. pksrec.nchan not implemented in MB reader
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
mixed up mjd and interval args
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
forgot to add wraps_dec import
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
build the renamed external-alma
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
enable PKSFiller
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Use nchan directly from spectrum
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
set FLAGROW column default value to 0
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added setFlagrow; removed virtual on all setXYZ methods.
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Removed PKSrecord.nchan
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use both filler implementations
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
use protected table_ instead
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Removed getTable() since we have direct access to table_ attribute.
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
merge -r1774:1797 from alma to newfiller
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Ticket #193: added new logging class. Also factored out environment …
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
add new filler to python
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
First Working version of the PKSFiller
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Uncommented include NROFiller
15 years |
Malte Marquarding |
Added setHeader implementation and getReferenceRegex
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
1. Bug fixes on NROFiller.
2. Makefile is updated to compile …
15 years |
Takeshi Nakazato |
Added NROFiller.
15 years |
Kana Sugimoto |
Committing getsvnrev.sh and Makefile copied from alma branch.