Changeset 430 for trunk/src/SDMemTable.h

02/14/05 17:34:45 (19 years ago)

add function getCircularSepctrum
fix bug in getSTokesSPectrum where beamSel and IFSel were ignored

1 edited


  • trunk/src/SDMemTable.h

    r426 r430  
    9494  virtual std::vector<float> getSpectrum(casa::Int whichRow=0) const;
    9595  virtual std::vector<bool> getMask(casa::Int whichRow=0) const;
    96   // Get STokes at cursor location. One of either I,Q,U,V or I,P,PA,V (doPol=True)
     98  // When we can handle input correlations being either circular or
     99  // linear, we should probably have functions; getLinear, getCircular, getStokes
     100  // since one can inter-convert between all three regardless of the input
     101  // provided there are 4 polarizations. For now, we are assuming, if
     102  // there are 4 polarizations, that we have linears.  getSpectrum
     103  // is then 'getLinear', getStokesSpectrum is 'getStokes' and getCircularSpectrum
     104  // is 'getCircular' 
     107  // Get Stokes at cursor location. One of either I,Q,U,V or I,P,PA,V (doPol=True)
    97108  // If the latter, you can add a PA offset (degrees)
    98109  virtual std::vector<float> getStokesSpectrum(casa::Int whichRow=0,
    99110                                               casa::Bool doPol=casa::False,
    100111                                               casa::Float paOffset=0.0) const;
     113  // Get RR or LL at cursor location (not polSel_)
     114  virtual std::vector<float> getCircularSpectrum(casa::Int whichRow=0,
     115                                                 casa::Bool rr=casa::True) const;
    102117  virtual casa::Float getTsys(casa::Int whichRow=0) const;
    238253  void attach();
    239254  void renumber();
     256  // Generate start and end for shape and current cursor selection
     257  void setCursorSlice(casa::IPosition& start, casa::IPosition& end, const casa::IPosition& shape) const;
     259  // Convert Vector to vector
     260  std::vector<float> convertVector (const casa::Vector<casa::Float>& in) const;
    240263  // the current cursor into the array
    241264  casa::Int IFSel_,beamSel_,polSel_;
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