11/07/13 18:42:23 (11 years ago)
Kana Sugimoto

New Development: No

JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-4141)

Ready for Test: Yes

Interface Changes: Yes

What Interface Changed: Added a private function, STSideBandSep::shiftTimeInGriddedST()

Test Programs:

Put in Release Notes: No

Module(s): asap.sbseparator

Description: STSideBandSep::shiftTimeInGriddedST() an issue, direction of spectra are not properly resolved in gridded MS by shifting TIME value in scantable by direction.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/STSideBandSep.h

    r2853 r2865  
    114114                 Double &ymin, Double &ymax);
     116  /**
     117   * Shift TIME in gridded scantable for future imaging
     118   *
     119   * STGrid sets the identical time for all rows in scantable
     120   * which is reasonable thing to do in position based averaging.
     121   * However, this prevents CASA from finding proper pointing
     122   * per spectra once the gridded scantable is converted to
     123   * measurement set (MS). It is because MS does not
     124   * have ability to store per spectra pointing information.
     125   * MS stores pointing information in a subtable, POINTING,
     126   * with corresponding TIME when an antenna pointed the direction.
     127   * The pointing direction corresponding to a spectra is resolved
     128   * in MS by interpolating DIRECTION in POINTING subtable in TIME
     129   * the spectra is observed. If there are multiple match,
     130   * the first match is adopted. Therefore, gridded table (whose TIME
     131   * is set to a single value) is misunderstood in MS that all data
     132   * come from a single pointing.
     133   * The function workarounds this defect by artificially shifting
     134   * TIME by INTERVAL in each row.
     135   **/
     136  void shiftTimeInGriddedST(const CountedPtr<Scantable> &stab);
    116137  /**
    117138   * Actual calculation of frequencies of image sideband
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