- Timestamp:
- 08/24/12 10:52:04 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 17 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/branches/hpc34 (added) merged: 2588-2590,2592,2596-2598,2601,2640,2642
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/branches/hpc34/external-alma (added) merged: 2588,2590,2596,2598
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r2434 r2643 58 58 NRODataset::NRODataset( string name ) 59 59 { 60 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "NRODataset()", WHERE ) ) ;61 62 60 // memory allocation 63 61 initialize() ; … … 243 241 NRODataRecord *NRODataset::getRecord( int i ) 244 242 { 245 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "getRecord()", WHERE ) ) ;246 247 243 // DEBUG 248 244 //cout << "NRODataset::getRecord() Start " << i << endl ; 249 245 // 250 246 if ( i < 0 || i >= rowNum_ ) { 247 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "getRecord()", WHERE ) ) ; 251 248 //cerr << "NRODataset::getRecord() data index out of range." << endl ; 252 249 os << LogIO::SEVERE << "data index " << i << " out of range. return NULL." << LogIO::POST ; … … 267 264 } 268 265 else { 266 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "getRecord()", WHERE ) ) ; 269 267 //cerr << "NRODataset::getRecord() error while reading data " << i << endl ; 270 268 os << LogIO::SEVERE << "error while reading data " << i << ". return NULL." << LogIO::POST ; … … 278 276 int NRODataset::fillRecord( int i ) 279 277 { 280 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "fillRecord()", WHERE ) ) ;281 282 278 int status = 0 ; 283 279 … … 295 291 if ( (int)fread( record_, 1, SCAN_HEADER_SIZE, fp_ ) != SCAN_HEADER_SIZE ) { 296 292 //cerr << "Failed to read scan header: " << i << endl ; 293 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "fillRecord()", WHERE ) ) ; 297 294 os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read scan header for " << i << "th row." << LogIO::POST ; 298 295 return -1 ; … … 300 297 if ( (int)fread( record_->LDATA, 1, dataLen_, fp_ ) != dataLen_ ) { 301 298 //cerr << "Failed to read spectral data: " << i << endl ; 299 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "fillRecord()", WHERE ) ) ; 302 300 os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read spectral data for " << i << "th row." << LogIO::POST ; 303 301 return -1 ; … … 354 352 vector<double> NRODataset::getSpectrum( int i ) 355 353 { 356 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "getSpectrum", WHERE ) ) ;357 358 354 // DEBUG 359 355 //cout << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() start process (" << i << ")" << endl ; … … 361 357 // size of spectrum is not chmax_ but dataset_->getNCH() after binding 362 358 const int nchan = NUMCH ; 363 vector<double> bspec( nchan, 0.0 ) ; // spectrum "after" binding359 vector<double> spec( chmax_ ) ; // spectrum "before" binding 364 360 // DEBUG 365 361 //cout << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() nchan = " << nchan << " chmax_ = " << chmax_ << endl ; … … 379 375 if ( ( scale == 0.0 ) && ( offset == 0.0 ) ) { 380 376 //cerr << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() zero spectrum (" << i << ")" << endl ; 381 return bspec ; 377 LogIO os( LogOrigin("NRODataset","getSpectrum",WHERE) ) ; 378 os << LogIO::WARN << "zero spectrum for row " << i << LogIO::POST ; 379 if ( spec.size() != nchan ) 380 spec.resize( nchan ) ; 381 for ( vector<double>::iterator i = spec.begin() ; 382 i != spec.end() ; i++ ) 383 *i = 0.0 ; 384 return spec ; 382 385 } 383 386 unsigned char *cdata = (unsigned char *)record->LDATA ; … … 387 390 int chmin = CHMIN ; 388 391 389 // char -> int 390 vector< int> ispec( chmax_, 0) ;392 // char -> int -> double 393 vector<double>::iterator iter = spec.begin() ; 391 394 392 395 static const int shift_right[] = { … … 401 404 int j = 0 ; 402 405 for ( int i = 0 ; i < chmax_ ; i++ ) { 406 // char -> int 403 407 int ivalue = 0 ; 404 408 if ( bit == 12 ) { // 12 bit qunatization 405 const int idx = j + start_pos[i & 1]; 409 const int ialt = i & 1 ; 410 const int idx = j + start_pos[ialt]; 406 411 const unsigned tmp = unsigned(cdata[idx]) << 8 | cdata[idx + 1]; 407 ivalue = int((tmp >> shift_right[i & 1]) & 0xFFF); 408 j += incr[i & 1]; 409 } 410 411 ispec[i] = ivalue ; 412 if ( ( ispec[i] < 0 ) || ( ispec[i] > 4096 ) ) { 412 ivalue = int((tmp >> shift_right[ialt]) & 0xFFF); 413 j += incr[ialt]; 414 } 415 416 if ( ( ivalue < 0 ) || ( ivalue > 4096 ) ) { 413 417 //cerr << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() ispec[" << i << "] is out of range" << endl ; 414 os << LogIO::SEVERE << "ispec[" << i << "] is out of range" << LogIO::EXCEPTION ; 415 return bspec ; 418 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NRODataset", "getSpectrum", WHERE ) ) ; 419 os << LogIO::SEVERE << "ivalue for row " << i << " is out of range" << LogIO::EXCEPTION ; 420 if ( spec.size() != nchan ) 421 spec.resize( nchan ) ; 422 for ( vector<double>::iterator i = spec.begin() ; 423 i != spec.end() ; i++ ) 424 *i = 0.0 ; 425 return spec ; 416 426 } 417 427 // DEBUG 418 428 //cout << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() ispec[" << i << "] = " << ispec[i] << endl ; 419 429 // 420 } 421 422 double *const spec = new double[ chmax_ ] ; // spectrum "before" binding 423 // int -> double 424 for ( int i = 0 ; i < chmax_ ; i++ ) { 425 spec[i] = (double)( ispec[i] * scale + offset ) * dscale ; 430 431 // int -> double 432 *iter = (double)( ivalue * scale + offset ) * dscale ; 426 433 // DEBUG 427 //cout << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() spec[" << i << "] = " << spec[i]<< endl ;434 //cout << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() spec[" << i << "] = " << *iter << endl ; 428 435 // 429 } 430 431 // channel binding 436 iter++ ; 437 } 438 439 // channel binding if necessary 432 440 if ( cbind != 1 ) { 433 i nt k = chmin;434 double sum0 = 0;435 double sum1 = 0;441 iter = spec.begin() ; 442 advance( iter, chmin ) ; 443 vector<double>::iterator iter2 = spec.begin() ; 436 444 for ( int i = 0 ; i < nchan ; i++ ) { 437 for ( int j = k ; j < k + cbind ; j++ ) { 438 sum0 += spec[k] ; 439 sum1++ ; 445 double sum0 = 0 ; 446 double sum1 = 0 ; 447 for ( int j = 0 ; j < cbind ; j++ ) { 448 sum0 += *iter ; 449 sum1 += 1.0 ; 450 iter++ ; 440 451 } 441 bspec[i]= sum0 / sum1 ;442 k += cbind;452 *iter2 = sum0 / sum1 ; 453 iter2++ ; 443 454 // DEBUG 444 455 //cout << "NRODataset::getSpectrum() bspec[" << i << "] = " << bspec[i] << endl ; 445 456 // 446 457 } 447 } 448 else { 449 for ( int i = 0 ; i < nchan ; i++ ) 450 bspec[i] = spec[i] ; 451 } 452 delete[] spec; 458 spec.resize( nchan ) ; 459 } 453 460 454 461 // DEBUG … … 456 463 // 457 464 458 return bspec ;465 return spec ; 459 466 } 460 467 -
r2489 r2643 182 182 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 183 // constructor 184 NROReader::NROReader( string name ) { 184 NROReader::NROReader( string name ) 185 : dataset_( NULL ), 186 srcdir_( 0 ), 187 msrcdir_( 0 ) 188 { 185 189 // initialization 186 190 filename_ = name ; 187 dataset_ = NULL;191 coord_ = -1 ; 188 192 } 189 193 … … 296 300 Vector<Double> NROReader::getSourceDirection() 297 301 { 298 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROReader", "getSourceDirection()", WHERE ) ) ; 299 300 Vector<Double> v ; 301 Double srcra = Double( dataset_->getRA0() ) ; 302 Double srcdec = Double( dataset_->getDEC0() ) ; 302 if ( msrcdir_.nelements() == 2 ) 303 return msrcdir_ ; 304 305 srcdir_.resize( 2 ) ; 306 srcdir_[0] = Double( dataset_->getRA0() ) ; 307 srcdir_[1] = Double( dataset_->getDEC0() ) ; 303 308 char epoch[5] ; 304 309 strncpy( epoch, (dataset_->getEPOCH()).c_str(), 5 ) ; … … 306 311 // convert to J2000 value 307 312 MDirection result = 308 MDirection::Convert( MDirection( Quantity( src ra, "rad" ),309 Quantity( srcd ec, "rad" ),313 MDirection::Convert( MDirection( Quantity( srcdir_[0], "rad" ), 314 Quantity( srcdir_[1], "rad" ), 310 315 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::B1950 ) ), 311 316 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000 ) ) () ; 312 v = result.getAngle().getValue() ; 313 Double srcra2 = v( 0 ) ; 314 if ( srcra2 < 0.0 && srcra >= 0.0 ) 315 v( 0 ) = 2.0 * M_PI + srcra2 ; 317 msrcdir_ = result.getAngle().getValue() ; 318 if ( msrcdir_[0] < 0.0 && srcdir_[0] >= 0.0 ) 319 msrcdir_[0] = 2.0 * M_PI + msrcdir_[0] ; 316 320 //cout << "NROReader::getSourceDirection() SRCDIRECTION convert from (" 317 321 //<< srcra << "," << srcdec << ") B1950 to (" 318 322 //<< v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") J2000" << endl ; 323 //LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROReader", "getSourceDirection()", WHERE ) ) ; 319 324 //os << LogIO::NORMAL << "SRCDIRECTION convert from (" 320 325 // << srcra << "," << srcdec << ") B1950 to (" … … 322 327 } 323 328 else if ( strncmp( epoch, "J2000", 5 ) == 0 ) { 324 v.resize( 2 ) ; 325 v( 0 ) = srcra ; 326 v( 1 ) = srcdec ; 327 } 328 329 return v ; 329 msrcdir_.reference( srcdir_ ) ; 330 } 331 332 return msrcdir_ ; 330 333 } 331 334 … … 333 336 Vector<Double> NROReader::getDirection( int i ) 334 337 { 335 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROReader", "getDirection()", WHERE ) ) ; 336 337 Vector<Double> v ; 338 Vector<Double> v( 2 ) ; 338 339 NRODataRecord *record = dataset_->getRecord( i ) ; 339 340 char epoch[5] ; 340 341 strncpy( epoch, (dataset_->getEPOCH()).c_str(), 5 ) ; 341 342 int icoord = dataset_->getSCNCD() ; 342 Double dirx = Double( record->SCX ) ; 343 Double diry = Double( record->SCY ) ; 344 if ( icoord == 1 ) { 345 // convert from LB to RADEC 346 MDirection result = 347 MDirection::Convert( MDirection( Quantity( dirx, "rad" ), 348 Quantity( diry, "rad" ), 349 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::GALACTIC ) ), 350 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000 ) ) () ; 351 v = result.getAngle().getValue() ; 352 Double dirx2 = v( 0 ) ; 353 if ( dirx2 < 0.0 && dirx >= 0.0 ) 354 v( 0 ) = 2.0 * M_PI + dirx2 ; 355 //cout << "NROReader::getDirection() DIRECTION convert from (" 356 //<< dirx << "," << diry << ") LB to (" 357 //<< v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") RADEC" << endl ; 358 //os << LogIO::NORMAL << "DIRECTION convert from (" 359 // << dirx << "," << diry << ") LB to (" 360 // << v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") RADEC" << LogIO::POST ; 361 } 362 else if ( icoord == 2 ) { 363 // convert from AZEL to RADEC 364 vector<double> antpos = getAntennaPosition() ; 365 Vector<Quantity> qantpos( 3 ) ; 366 for ( int ip = 0 ; ip < 3 ; ip++ ) 367 qantpos[ip] = Quantity( antpos[ip], "m" ) ; 368 Double scantime = Double( dataset_->getScanTime( i ) ) ; 369 MEpoch me( Quantity( scantime, "d" ), MEpoch::UTC ) ; 370 MPosition mp( MVPosition( qantpos ), MPosition::ITRF ) ; 371 MeasFrame mf( me, mp ) ; 372 MDirection result = 373 MDirection::Convert( MDirection( Quantity( dirx, "rad" ), 374 Quantity( diry, "rad" ), 375 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::AZEL ) ), 376 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000, mf ) ) () ; 377 v = result.getAngle().getValue() ; 378 //cout << "NROReader::getDirection() DIRECTION convert from (" 379 //<< dirx << "," << diry << ") AZEL to (" 380 //<< v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") RADEC" << endl ; 381 //os << LogIO::NORMAL << "DIRECTION convert from (" 382 // << dirx << "," << diry << ") AZEL to (" 383 // << v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") RADEC" << LogIO::POST ; 384 } 385 else if ( icoord == 0 ) { 386 if ( strncmp( epoch, "B1950", 5 ) == 0 ) { 387 // convert to J2000 value 388 MDirection result = 389 MDirection::Convert( MDirection( Quantity( dirx, "rad" ), 390 Quantity( diry, "rad" ), 391 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::B1950 ) ), 392 MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000 ) ) () ; 393 v = result.getAngle().getValue() ; 394 Double dirx2 = v( 0 ) ; 395 if ( dirx2 < 0.0 && dirx >= 0.0 ) 396 v( 0 ) = 2.0 * M_PI + dirx2 ; 397 //cout << "STFiller::readNRO() DIRECTION convert from (" 398 //<< dirx << "," << diry << ") B1950 to (" 399 //<< v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") J2000" << endl ; 400 //os << LogIO::NORMAL << "DIRECTION convert from (" 401 // << dirx << "," << diry << ") B1950 to (" 402 // << v( 0 ) << ","<< v( 1 ) << ") J2000" << LogIO::POST ; 403 } 404 else if ( strncmp( epoch, "J2000", 5 ) == 0 ) { 405 v.resize( 2 ) ; 406 v( 0 ) = dirx ; 407 v( 1 ) = diry ; 408 } 409 } 410 411 return v ; 343 double scantime = dataset_->getScanTime( i ) ; 344 initConvert( icoord, scantime, epoch ) ; 345 v[0]= Double( record->SCX ) ; 346 v[1] = Double( record->SCY ) ; 347 if ( converter_.null() ) 348 // no conversion 349 return v ; 350 else { 351 Vector<Double> v2 = (*converter_)( v ).getAngle().getValue() ; 352 if ( v2[0] < 0.0 && v[0] >= 0.0 ) 353 v2[0] = 2.0 * M_PI + v2[0] ; 354 return v2 ; 355 } 356 } 357 358 void NROReader::initConvert( int icoord, double t, char *epoch ) 359 { 360 if ( icoord == 0 && strncmp( epoch, "J2000", 5 ) == 0 ) 361 // no conversion 362 return ; 363 364 if ( converter_.null() || icoord != coord_ ) { 365 LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROReader", "initConvert()", WHERE ) ) ; 366 coord_ = icoord ; 367 if ( coord_ == 0 ) { 368 // RADEC (B1950) -> RADEC (J2000) 369 os << "Creating converter from RADEC (B1950) to RADEC (J2000)" << LogIO::POST ; 370 converter_ = new MDirection::Convert( MDirection::B1950, 371 MDirection::J2000 ) ; 372 } 373 else if ( coord_ == 1 ) { 374 // LB -> RADEC (J2000) 375 os << "Creating converter from GALACTIC to RADEC (J2000)" << LogIO::POST ; 376 converter_ = new MDirection::Convert( MDirection::GALACTIC, 377 MDirection::J2000 ) ; 378 } 379 else { 380 // coord_ == 2 381 // AZEL -> RADEC (J2000) 382 os << "Creating converter from AZEL to RADEC (J2000)" << LogIO::POST ; 383 if ( mf_.null() ) { 384 mf_ = new MeasFrame() ; 385 vector<double> antpos = getAntennaPosition() ; 386 Vector<Quantity> qantpos( 3 ) ; 387 for ( int ip = 0 ; ip < 3 ; ip++ ) 388 qantpos[ip] = Quantity( antpos[ip], "m" ) ; 389 MPosition mp( MVPosition( qantpos ), MPosition::ITRF ) ; 390 mf_->set( mp ) ; 391 } 392 converter_ = new MDirection::Convert( MDirection::AZEL, 393 MDirection::Ref(MDirection::J2000, 394 *mf_ ) ) ; 395 } 396 } 397 398 if ( coord_ == 2 ) { 399 MEpoch me( Quantity( t, "d" ), MEpoch::UTC ) ; 400 mf_->set( me ) ; 401 } 412 402 } 413 403 … … 620 610 spectra.resize( spec.size() ) ; 621 611 int index = 0 ; 622 for ( Vector<Float>::iterator itr = spectra.begin() ; itr != spectra.end() ; itr++ ) { 623 *itr = spec[index++] ; 624 } 612 Bool b ; 613 Float *fp = spectra.getStorage( b ) ; 614 Float *wp = fp ; 615 for ( vector<double>::iterator i = spec.begin() ; 616 i != spec.end() ; i++ ) { 617 *wp = *i ; 618 wp++ ; 619 } 620 spectra.putStorage( fp, b ) ; 625 621 //cout << "spec.size() = " << spec.size() << endl ; 626 622 627 623 // flagtra 628 624 bool setValue = !( flagtra.nelements() == spectra.nelements() ) ; 629 flagtra.resize( spectra.nelements() ) ;630 625 if ( setValue ) { 631 626 //cout << "flagtra resized. reset values..." << endl ; 627 flagtra.resize( spectra.nelements() ) ; 632 628 flagtra.set( 0 ) ; 633 629 } -
r2289 r2643 48 48 #include <measures/Measures/MeasFrame.h> 49 49 #include <casa/Logging/LogIO.h> 50 #include <casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h> 50 51 51 52 //#include <fitsio.h> … … 206 207 // Get DIRECTION in RADEC(J2000) 207 208 virtual Vector<Double> getDirection( int i ) ; 209 virtual void initConvert( int icoord, double t, char *epoch ) ; 208 210 209 211 // filename … … 212 214 // dataset 213 215 NRODataset *dataset_ ; 216 217 // source direction 218 Vector<Double> srcdir_ ; 219 Vector<Double> msrcdir_ ; 220 221 // for direction conversion 222 CountedPtr<MDirection::Convert> converter_ ; 223 CountedPtr<MeasFrame> mf_ ; 224 int coord_ ; 214 225 215 226 // Logger -
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/branches/hpc34/python (added) merged: 2640
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r2641 r2643 2630 2630 str(fftthresh).lower(), 2631 2631 workscan._parse_wn(addwn), 2632 workscan._parse_wn(rejwn), clipthresh, 2633 clipniter, getresidual, 2632 workscan._parse_wn(rejwn), 2633 clipthresh, clipniter, 2634 getresidual, 2634 2635 pack_progress_params(showprogress, 2635 2636 minnrow), -
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/branches/hpc34/src (added) merged: 2589,2592,2597,2601,2640
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
r2585 r2643 950 950 { 951 951 uInt nrow = potab.nrow() ; 952 potab.addRow( 1, True) ;952 potab.addRow() ; 953 953 954 954 *poNumPolyRF = dir.ncolumn() - 1 ; … … 995 995 { 996 996 Int idx = -1 ; 997 uInt n Entry = ddEntry.nrow();998 Vector<Int> key( 2) ;999 key[0] = pid;1000 key[1] = sid;997 uInt nItem = 2 ; 998 uInt len = ddEntry.nelements() ; 999 uInt nEntry = len / nItem ; 1000 const Int *dd_p = ddEntry.storage() ; 1001 1001 for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nEntry ; i++ ) { 1002 if ( allEQ( ddEntry.row(i), key ) ) { 1002 Int pol = *dd_p ; 1003 dd_p++ ; 1004 Int spw = *dd_p ; 1005 dd_p++ ; 1006 if ( pid == pol && sid == spw ) { 1003 1007 idx = i ; 1004 1008 break ; … … 1016 1020 idx = nrow ; 1017 1021 1018 ddEntry.resize( nEntry+1, 2, True ) ; 1019 ddEntry.row(nEntry) = key ; 1022 ddEntry.resize( len+nItem ) ; 1023 ddEntry[len] = pid ; 1024 ddEntry[len+1] = sid ; 1020 1025 } 1021 1026 … … 1050 1055 } 1051 1056 processedFreqId[fid] = True ; 1057 } 1058 else { 1059 return ; 1052 1060 } 1053 1061 … … 1085 1093 { 1086 1094 Int idx = -1 ; 1087 uInt n Entry = feedEntry.nrow();1088 Vector<Int> key( 2) ;1089 key[0] = fid;1090 key[1] = sid;1095 uInt nItem = 2 ; 1096 uInt len = feedEntry.nelements() ; 1097 uInt nEntry = len / nItem ; 1098 const Int *fe_p = feedEntry.storage() ; 1091 1099 for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < nEntry ; i++ ) { 1092 if ( allEQ( feedEntry.row(i), key ) ) { 1100 Int feed = *fe_p ; 1101 fe_p++ ; 1102 Int spw = *fe_p ; 1103 fe_p++ ; 1104 if ( fid == feed && sid == spw ) { 1093 1105 idx = i ; 1094 1106 break ; 1095 1107 } 1096 1108 } 1109 1097 1110 1098 1111 if ( idx == -1 ) { … … 1131 1144 tr.put( nrow ) ; 1132 1145 1133 feedEntry.resize( nEntry+1, 2, True ) ; 1134 feedEntry.row( nEntry ) = key ; 1146 feedEntry.resize( len+nItem ) ; 1147 feedEntry[len] = fid ; 1148 feedEntry[len+1] = sid ; 1135 1149 } 1136 1150 } … … 1445 1459 1446 1460 Vector<String> stateEntry; 1447 Matrix<Int> ddEntry;1448 Matrix<Int> feedEntry;1461 Block<Int> ddEntry; 1462 Block<Int> feedEntry; 1449 1463 vector< Vector<Int> > polEntry; 1450 1464 map<uInt,Bool> processedFreqId; … … 2052 2066 //double endSec = mathutil::gettimeofday_sec() ; 2053 2067 //os_ << "end MSWriter::write() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; 2068 2069 os_ << "Exported data as MS" << LogIO::POST ; 2054 2070 2055 2071 return True ; -
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed (with no actual effect on merging)
r2612 r2643 2503 2503 ArrayColumn<Float> specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); 2504 2504 ArrayColumn<uChar> flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); 2505 Vector<Float> tmpspec; specCol.get(0, tmpspec);2506 uInt nchan = tmpspec.nelements();2505 Vector<Float> spec = specCol( 0 ); 2506 uInt nchan = spec.nelements(); 2507 2507 Vector<Float> kvec = VectorKernel::make(type, width, nchan, True, False); 2508 2508 Convolver<Float> conv(kvec, IPosition(1,nchan)); 2509 Vector<Float> spec;2510 2509 Vector<uChar> flag; 2510 Vector<Bool> mask(nchan); 2511 2511 for ( uInt i=0; i<tab.nrow(); ++i) { 2512 2512 specCol.get(i, spec); 2513 2513 flagCol.get(i, flag); 2514 Vector<Bool> mask(flag.nelements());2515 2514 convertArray(mask, flag); 2516 2515 Vector<Float> specout;
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.