Changeset 2286 for trunk/src/Scantable.h

09/02/11 19:05:11 (13 years ago)
Kana Sugimoto

New Development: No (performance tuning)

JIRA Issue: No

Ready for Test: Yes

Interface Changes: Yes

What Interface Changed: a parameter "filename" is added to Scantable::summary. scantable.summary doesn't return a string anymore

Test Programs: sdlist unittest/ scantable.summary("summary.txt")

Put in Release Notes: Yes

Module(s): sdlist, asap.summary


scantable.summary is very slow for large data sets (in row number) often outputted
by modern telescopes. It takes > 1.5 hours to list OTF raster scan with 350,000 rows.

This was because, the methods accumulates the whole text string (~700,000 lines) and
returns it as a string. Once the summary string exceed several tens thousands lines,
elapse time increases non-linearly, may be because very massive output string starts
to overweigh the memory.

I updated scantable.summary so that it flushes the summary string more often to file/logger.
After the modification, scantable.summary could list the data mentioned above in ~ 7 minutes.
The side effect of it is that scantable.summary doesn't return summary string anymore.
(But people may not happy with sub-million lines of string anyway.)

1 edited


  • trunk/src/Scantable.h

    r2193 r2286  
    376376  std::string headerSummary();
    377   std::string summary();
     377  //  std::string summary();
     378  void summary(const std::string& filename="");
    378379  //std::string getTime(int whichrow=-1, bool showdate=true) const;
    379380  std::string getTime(int whichrow=-1, bool showdate=true, casa::uInt prec=0) const;
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