Changeset 2238
- Timestamp:
- 07/21/11 12:17:06 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2237 r2238 263 263 pointtab = MSPointing( pointtab( pointtab.col("ANTENNA_ID")==antenna_ ).sort("TIME") ) ; 264 264 } 265 ROScalarColumn<Double> ptcol( pointtab, "TIME" ) ; 266 ROArrayColumn<Double> pdcol( pointtab, "DIRECTION" ) ; 265 267 String stationName = asString( "STATION", antenna_, anttab, tpoolr ) ; 266 268 String antennaName = asString( "NAME", antenna_, anttab, tpoolr ) ; … … 651 653 String refString ; 652 654 if ( getPt_ ) 653 diridx = getDirection( diridx, dir, azel, scanrate, pointtab, mTimeB[irow], mp ) ; 655 //diridx = getDirection( diridx, dir, azel, scanrate, pointtab, mTimeB[irow], mp ) ; 656 diridx = getDirection( diridx, dir, azel, scanrate, ptcol, pdcol, mTimeB[irow], mp ) ; 654 657 else 655 658 getSourceDirection( dir, azel, scanrate, mTimeB[irow], mp, delayDir ) ; … … 1399 1402 } 1400 1403 1401 uInt MSFiller::getDirection( uInt idx, Vector<Double> &dir, Vector<Double> &srate, String &ref, MSPointing &tab, Double t ) 1404 uInt MSFiller::getDirection( uInt idx, 1405 Vector<Double> &dir, 1406 Vector<Double> &srate, 1407 String &ref, 1408 ROScalarColumn<Double> &tcol, 1409 ROArrayColumn<Double> &dcol, 1410 Double t ) 1402 1411 { 1403 1412 //double startSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1404 1413 //os_ << "start MSFiller::getDirection1() startSec=" << startSec << LogIO::POST ; 1414 //double time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1415 //os_ << "start getDirection 1st stage startSec=" << time0 << LogIO::POST ; 1405 1416 // assume that cols is sorted by TIME 1406 1417 Bool doInterp = False ; 1407 //uInt nrow = cols.nrow() ; 1408 uInt nrow = tab.nrow() ; 1418 uInt nrow = tcol.nrow() ; 1409 1419 if ( nrow == 0 ) 1410 1420 return 0 ; 1411 ROScalarMeasColumn<MEpoch> tcol( tab, "TIME" ) ; 1412 ROArrayMeasColumn<MDirection> dmcol( tab, "DIRECTION" ) ; 1413 ROArrayColumn<Double> dcol( tab, "DIRECTION" ) ; 1421 TableRecord trec = tcol.keywordSet() ; 1422 String tUnit = trec.asArrayString( "QuantumUnits" ).data()[0] ; 1423 Double factor = 1.0 ; 1424 if ( tUnit == "d" ) 1425 factor = 86400.0 ; 1414 1426 // binary search if idx == 0 1415 1427 if ( idx == 0 ) { 1416 uInt nrowb = 75000 ;1428 uInt nrowb = 1000 ; 1417 1429 if ( nrow > nrowb ) { 1418 1430 uInt nblock = nrow / nrowb + 1 ; … … 1420 1432 uInt high = min( nrowb, nrow-iblock*nrowb ) ; 1421 1433 1422 if ( tcol( high-1 ) .get( "s" ).getValue()< t ) {1434 if ( tcol( high-1 ) * factor < t ) { 1423 1435 idx = iblock * nrowb ; 1424 1436 continue ; 1425 1437 } 1426 1438 1427 Vector<MEpoch> tarr( high) ;1428 for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < high ; irow++ ) {1429 tarr[irow] = tcol( iblock*nrowb+irow ) ;1430 }1439 RefRows refrows( iblock*nrowb, iblock*nrowb+high, 1 ) ; 1440 Vector<Double> tarr = tcol.getColumnCells( refrows ) ; 1441 if ( tUnit == "d" ) 1442 tarr *= factor ; 1431 1443 1432 1444 uInt bidx = binarySearch( tarr, t ) ; … … 1437 1449 } 1438 1450 else { 1439 Vector<MEpoch> tarr( nrow ) ; 1440 for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { 1441 tarr[irow] = tcol( irow ) ; 1442 } 1451 Vector<Double> tarr = tcol.getColumn() ; 1452 if ( tUnit == "d" ) 1453 tarr *= factor ; 1443 1454 idx = binarySearch( tarr, t ) ; 1444 1455 } 1445 1456 } 1457 //double time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1458 //os_ << "end getDirection 1st stage endSec=" << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; 1446 1459 // ensure that tcol(idx) < t 1447 1460 //os_ << "tcol(idx) = " << tcol(idx).get("s").getValue() << " t = " << t << " diff = " << tcol(idx).get("s").getValue()-t << endl ; 1448 while ( tcol(idx).get("s").getValue() > t && idx > 0 ) 1461 //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1462 //os_ << "start getDirection 2nd stage startSec=" << time0 << LogIO::POST ; 1463 while( tcol( idx ) * factor > t && idx > 0 ) 1449 1464 idx-- ; 1450 1465 //os_ << "idx = " << idx << LogIO::POST ; … … 1452 1467 // index search 1453 1468 for ( uInt i = idx ; i < nrow ; i++ ) { 1454 Double tref = tcol( i ).get( "s" ).getValue() ; 1469 //Double tref = tcol( i ).get( "s" ).getValue() ; 1470 Double tref = tcol( i ) * factor ; 1455 1471 if ( tref == t ) { 1456 1472 idx = i ; … … 1471 1487 } 1472 1488 } 1489 //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1490 //os_ << "end getDirection 2nd stage endSec=" << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; 1473 1491 //os_ << "searched idx = " << idx << LogIO::POST ; 1474 1492 1493 //time0 = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1494 //os_ << "start getDirection 3rd stage startSec=" << time0 << LogIO::POST ; 1475 1495 //os_ << "dmcol(idx).shape() = " << dmcol(idx).shape() << LogIO::POST ; 1476 IPosition ip( dmcol(idx).shape().nelements(), 0 ) ; 1496 //IPosition ip( dmcol(idx).shape().nelements(), 0 ) ; 1497 IPosition ip( dcol(idx).shape().nelements(), 0 ) ; 1477 1498 //os_ << "ip = " << ip << LogIO::POST ; 1478 ref = dmcol(idx)(ip).getRefString() ; 1499 //ref = dmcol(idx)(ip).getRefString() ; 1500 trec = dcol.keywordSet() ; 1501 Record rec = trec.asRecord( "MEASINFO" ) ; 1502 ref = rec.asString( "Ref" ) ; 1479 1503 //os_ << "ref = " << ref << LogIO::POST ; 1480 1504 if ( doInterp ) { 1481 1505 //os_ << "do interpolation" << LogIO::POST ; 1482 1506 //os_ << "dcol(idx).shape() = " << dcol(idx).shape() << LogIO::POST ; 1483 Double tref0 = tcol(idx).get("s").getValue() ; 1484 Double tref1 = tcol(idx+1).get("s").getValue() ; 1507 // Double tref0 = tcol(idx).get("s").getValue() ; 1508 // Double tref1 = tcol(idx+1).get("s").getValue() ; 1509 Double tref0 = tcol(idx) * factor ; 1510 Double tref1 = tcol(idx+1) * factor ; 1485 1511 Matrix<Double> mdir0 = dcol( idx ) ; 1486 1512 Matrix<Double> mdir1 = dcol( idx+1 ) ; … … 1508 1534 } 1509 1535 1536 //time1 = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1537 //os_ << "end getDirection 3rd stage endSec=" << time1 << " (" << time1-time0 << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; 1510 1538 //double endSec = gettimeofday_sec() ; 1511 1539 //os_ << "end MSFiller::getDirection1() endSec=" << endSec << " (" << endSec-startSec << "sec)" << LogIO::POST ; … … 1533 1561 else if ( t > target ) 1534 1562 high = idx - 1 ; 1535 else 1563 else { 1536 1564 return idx ; 1565 } 1537 1566 } 1538 1567 … … 1540 1569 1541 1570 return idx ; 1542 1571 } 1572 1573 uInt MSFiller::binarySearch( Vector<Double> &timeList, Double target ) 1574 { 1575 Int low = 0 ; 1576 Int high = timeList.nelements() ; 1577 uInt idx = 0 ; 1578 1579 while ( low <= high ) { 1580 idx = (Int)( 0.5 * ( low + high ) ) ; 1581 Double t = timeList[idx] ; 1582 if ( t < target ) 1583 low = idx + 1 ; 1584 else if ( t > target ) 1585 high = idx - 1 ; 1586 else { 1587 return idx ; 1588 } 1589 } 1590 1591 idx = max( 0, min( low, high ) ) ; 1592 1593 return idx ; 1543 1594 } 1544 1595 … … 1584 1635 ROArrayColumn<Bool> mFlagCol( tab, "FLAG" ) ; 1585 1636 ROArrayColumn<Complex> mDataCol( tab, "DATA" ) ; 1586 for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { 1587 Bool crossOK = False ; 1588 Matrix<Complex> mSp = mDataCol( irow ) ; 1589 Matrix<Bool> mFl = mFlagCol( irow ) ; 1590 Matrix<Float> spxy = sp.xyPlane( irow ) ; 1591 Matrix<Bool> flxy = fl.xyPlane( irow ) ; 1592 for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) { 1593 if ( corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::XY || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::YX 1594 || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::RL || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::LR ) { 1595 if ( !crossOK ) { 1637 if ( npol < 3 ) { 1638 // Cube<Complex> tmp = mDataCol.getColumn() ; 1639 // Float *sp_p = ; 1640 // Complex *tmp_p = ; 1641 // for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < sp.nelements() ; i++ ) 1642 // sp_p[i] = tmp_p[i].real() ; 1643 Cube<Float> tmp = ComplexToReal( mDataCol.getColumn() ) ; 1644 IPosition start( 3, 0, 0, 0 ) ; 1645 IPosition end( 3, 2*npol-1, nchan-1, nrow-1 ) ; 1646 IPosition inc( 3, 2, 1, 1 ) ; 1647 sp = tmp( start, end, inc ) ; 1648 // sp = tmp( Slice( 0, npol, 2 ), 1649 // Slice( 0, nchan, 1 ), 1650 // Slice( 0, nrow, 1 ) ) ; 1651 //sp = real( mDataCol.getColumn() ) ; 1652 fl = mFlagCol.getColumn() ; 1653 } 1654 else { 1655 for ( Int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) { 1656 Bool crossOK = False ; 1657 Matrix<Complex> mSp = mDataCol( irow ) ; 1658 Matrix<Bool> mFl = mFlagCol( irow ) ; 1659 Matrix<Float> spxy = sp.xyPlane( irow ) ; 1660 Matrix<Bool> flxy = fl.xyPlane( irow ) ; 1661 for ( Int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) { 1662 if ( corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::XY || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::YX 1663 || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::RL || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::LR ) { 1664 if ( !crossOK ) { 1665 spxy.row( ipol ) = real( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ; 1666 flxy.row( ipol ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; 1667 if ( corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::XY || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::RL ) { 1668 spxy.row( ipol+1 ) = imag( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ; 1669 flxy.row( ipol+1 ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; 1670 } 1671 else { 1672 spxy.row( ipol+1 ) = imag( conj( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ) ; 1673 flxy.row( ipol+1 ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; 1674 } 1675 crossOK = True ; 1676 } 1677 } 1678 else { 1596 1679 spxy.row( ipol ) = real( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ; 1597 1680 flxy.row( ipol ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ; 1598 if ( corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::XY || corrtype[ipol] == Stokes::RL ) {1599 spxy.row( ipol+1 ) = imag( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ;1600 flxy.row( ipol+1 ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ;1601 }1602 else {1603 spxy.row( ipol+1 ) = imag( conj( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ) ;1604 flxy.row( ipol+1 ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ;1605 }1606 crossOK = True ;1607 1681 } 1608 }1609 else {1610 spxy.row( ipol ) = real( mSp.row( ipol ) ) ;1611 flxy.row( ipol ) = mFl.row( ipol ) ;1612 1682 } 1613 1683 } … … 1622 1692 Vector<Double> &azel, 1623 1693 Vector<Double> &srate, 1624 MSPointing &ptab, 1694 ROScalarColumn<Double> &ptcol, 1695 ROArrayColumn<Double> &pdcol, 1625 1696 MEpoch &t, 1626 1697 MPosition &antpos ) … … 1630 1701 String refString ; 1631 1702 MDirection::Types dirType ; 1632 uInt diridx = getDirection( idx, dir, srate, refString, ptab, t.get("s").getValue() ) ; 1703 //uInt diridx = getDirection( idx, dir, srate, refString, ptab, t.get("s").getValue() ) ; 1704 uInt diridx = getDirection( idx, dir, srate, refString, ptcol, pdcol, t.get("s").getValue() ) ; 1633 1705 MDirection::getType( dirType, refString ) ; 1634 1706 MeasFrame mf( t, antpos ) ; -
r2237 r2238 90 90 91 91 // get direction for DIRECTION, AZIMUTH, and ELEVATION columns 92 casa::uInt getDirection( casa::uInt idx, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &dir, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &srate, casa::String &ref, casa::MSPointing &tab, casa::Double t ) ; 93 casa::uInt getDirection( casa::uInt idx, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &dir, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &azel, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &srate, casa::MSPointing &tab, casa::MEpoch &t, casa::MPosition &antpos ) ; 94 void getSourceDirection( casa::Vector<casa::Double> &dir, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &azel, casa::Vector<casa::Double> &srate, casa::MEpoch &t, casa::MPosition &antpos, casa::Vector<casa::MDirection> &srcdir ) ; 92 casa::uInt getDirection( casa::uInt idx, 93 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &dir, 94 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &srate, 95 casa::String &ref, 96 casa::ROScalarColumn<casa::Double> &ptcol, 97 casa::ROArrayColumn<casa::Double> &pdcol, 98 casa::Double t ) ; 99 casa::uInt getDirection( casa::uInt idx, 100 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &dir, 101 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &azel, 102 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &srate, 103 casa::ROScalarColumn<casa::Double> &ptcol, 104 casa::ROArrayColumn<casa::Double> &pdcol, 105 casa::MEpoch &t, casa::MPosition &antpos ) ; 106 void getSourceDirection( casa::Vector<casa::Double> &dir, 107 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &azel, 108 casa::Vector<casa::Double> &srate, 109 casa::MEpoch &t, 110 casa::MPosition &antpos, 111 casa::Vector<casa::MDirection> &srcdir ) ; 95 112 96 113 // create key for TCAL table … … 99 116 // binary search 100 117 casa::uInt binarySearch( casa::Vector<casa::MEpoch> &timeList, casa::Double target ) ; 118 casa::uInt binarySearch( casa::Vector<casa::Double> &timeList, casa::Double target ) ; 101 119 102 120 // tool for HPC
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