source: trunk/python/ @ 2607

Last change on this file since 2607 was 2606, checked in by Kana Sugimoto, 12 years ago

New Development: No

JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-3616, Trac-274)

Ready for Test: Yes

Interface Changes: No

What Interface Changed:

Test Programs:

Put in Release Notes: No

Module(s): flagplotter, sdflag

Description: fixed misc bugs in flagplotter.

File size: 11.8 KB
[1996]1from asap.asapplotter import asapplotter
2from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec
4from asap.parameters import rcParams
5from asap.selector import selector
6from asap.scantable import scantable
7import matplotlib.axes
8from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
9from matplotlib.text import Text
11class flagplotter(asapplotter):
12    """
13    The flag plotter
14    Only row based panneling is allowed.
16    Example:
[2001]17       scan = asa p.scantable(filename='your_filename',average=False)
[1996]18       guiflagger = asap.flagplotter(visible=True)
19       guiflagger.plot(scan)
20       ### flag/Unflag data graphically.
[2001]21       guiflagger.save_data(name='flagged_file.asap',format='ASAP')
23    NOTICE:
24       The flagged data is not saved until you explicitly run
25    """
26    def __init__(self, visible=None, **kwargs):
[2117]27        self._scan = None
[1996]28        asapplotter.__init__(self,visible=visible, **kwargs)
[2453]29        self._assert_plotter(action='reload')
[2173]30        self._plotter._set_window_title('Flag Plotter')
[1996]31        self._panelling = 'r'
[2001]32        self.set_stacking('scan')
[2115]33        self._ismodified = False
[2606]34        self._showflagged = False
[2605]35        self.set_colors("blue gray",False)
[2173]37    def _new_custombar(self):
[2117]38        backend = matplotlib.get_backend()
[2173]39        # Flag plotter relys on supported GUI backends
40        if not self._visible:
41            asaplog.push("GUI backend is not available")
42  "ERROR")
43        elif backend == "TkAgg":
[2155]44            from asap.customgui_tkagg import CustomFlagToolbarTkAgg
[1996]45            return CustomFlagToolbarTkAgg(self)
[2173]46        elif backend == "Qt4Agg":
47            from asap.customgui_qt4agg import CustomFlagToolbarQT4Agg
48            return CustomFlagToolbarQT4Agg(self)
49        else:
50            asaplog.push("Unsupported backend for interactive flagging. Use either TkAgg or PyQt4Agg")
51  "ERROR")
[2606]53    def set_showflagged(self, show):
[2605]54        """ Whether or not plotting flagged data"""
55        if type(show) == bool:
[2606]56            self._showflagged = show
57            print "self._showflagged =", str(show)
58        else:
59            raise TypeError, "Input parameter should be a bool."
[1996]61    @asaplog_post_dec
62    def _invalid_func(self, name):
63        msg = "Invalid function 'flagplotter."+name+"'"
[2001]64        #raise AttributeError(msg)
[1996]65        asaplog.push(msg)
[2001]68    def set_panelling(self,which='r'):
69        """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
70        if which.lower().startswith('r'):
71            return
72        msg = "Pannel setting is fixed to row mode in 'flagplotter'"
73        asaplog.push(msg)
75        self._panelling = 'r'
[2605]77    def set_range(self,xstart=None,xend=None,ystart=None,yend=None,refresh=False, offset=None):
78        """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
79        msg = "Plot range setting is not allowed in 'flagplotter'"
80        asaplog.push(msg)
82        self._panelling = 'r'
[2001]84    def plotazel(self,*args,**kwargs):
85        """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
86        self._invalid_func(name='plotazel')
88    def plotpointing(self,*args,**kwargs):
89        """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
90        self._invalid_func(name='plotpointing')
[2001]92    def plottp(self,*args,**kwargs):
93        """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
94        self._invalid_func(name='plottp')
[1996]96    def save_data(self, name=None, format=None, overwrite=False):
[2001]97        """
98        Store the plotted scantable on disk.
99        This function simply redirects call to
101        Parameters:
103            name:        the name of the outputfile. For format "ASCII"
104                         this is the root file name (data in 'name'.txt
105                         and header in 'name'_header.txt)
107            format:      an optional file format. Default is ASAP.
108                         Allowed are:
109                            * 'ASAP' (save as ASAP [aips++] Table),
110                            * 'SDFITS' (save as SDFITS file)
111                            * 'ASCII' (saves as ascii text file)
112                            * 'MS2' (saves as an casacore MeasurementSet V2)
113                            * 'FITS' (save as image FITS - not readable by class)
114                            * 'CLASS' (save as FITS readable by CLASS)
116            overwrite:   If the file should be overwritten if it exists.
117                         The default False is to return with warning
118                         without writing the output. USE WITH CARE.
119        """
[2451]120        if not self._data:
121            raise RuntimeError("No scantable has been set yet.")
[1996]122        # simply calls
125    def set_data(self, scan, refresh=True):
126        if self._is_new_scan(scan):
127            self._ismodified = False
128        asapplotter.set_data(self, scan, refresh)
129    set_data.__doc__ = asapplotter.set_data.__doc__
131    @asaplog_post_dec
132    def plot(self, scan=None):
133        if self._is_new_scan(scan):
134            self._ismodified = False
[2606]135        if not self._showflagged:
[2605]136            self.set_legend(mode=None,refresh=False)
137        elif not self._legendloc:
138            self.set_legend(mode=1,refresh=False)
[2115]139        asapplotter.plot(self,scan)
140    plot.__doc__ = asapplotter.plot.__doc__
[2175]142    @asaplog_post_dec
143    def _plot(self, scan):
[2606]144        self._plot_with_flag(scan,self._showflagged)
145        #asapplotter._plot(self,scan)
[2175]146        # rescale x-range of subplots 5% margins
147        ganged = (self._plotter.axes._sharex != None)
148        if ganged:
149            np = 1
150        else:
151            np = len(self._plotter.subplots)
152        for ip in xrange(np):
153            ax = self._plotter.subplots[ip]['axes']
154            lim0 = ax.get_xlim()
155            offset = (lim0[1]-lim0[0])*0.05
156            ax.set_xlim(lim0[0]-offset,lim0[1]+offset)
157            del ax, lim0, offset
158    _plot.__doc__ = asapplotter._plot.__doc__
161    @asaplog_post_dec
[2606]162    def _plot_with_flag(self, scan, showflag=False):
[2605]163        # total number of panles to plot as a whole
164        nptot = scan.nrow()
165        # remaining panels to plot
166        n = nptot - self._ipanel - 1
167        ganged = False
168        maxpanel = 25
170        if n > 1:
171            ganged = rcParams['plotter.ganged']
172            if self._rows and self._cols:
173                n = min(n,self._rows*self._cols)
174                self._plotter.set_panels(rows=self._rows,cols=self._cols,
175                                         nplots=n,margin=self._margins,ganged=ganged)
176            else:
177                n = min(n,maxpanel)
178                self._plotter.set_panels(rows=n,cols=0,nplots=n,margin=self._margins,ganged=ganged)
179        else:
180            self._plotter.set_panels(margin=self._margins)
181        #r = 0
182        r = self._startrow
183        # total row number of scantable
184        nr = scan.nrow()
185        panelcount = 0
[2606]186        allylim = []
187        allxlim = []
[2605]189        while r < nr:
190            # always plot to new panel
191            self._plotter.subplot(panelcount)
192            self._plotter.palette(0)
193            # title and axes labels
194            xlab = self._abcissa and self._abcissa[panelcount] \
195                       or scan._getabcissalabel()
196            if self._offset and not self._abcissa:
197                xlab += " (relative)"
198            ylab = self._ordinate and self._ordinate[panelcount] \
199                   or scan._get_ordinate_label()
200            self._plotter.set_axes('xlabel', xlab)
201            self._plotter.set_axes('ylabel', ylab)
202            lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, mode='title', userlabel=self._title)
203            if type(lbl) in (list, tuple):
204                if 0 <= panelcount < len(lbl):
205                    lbl = lbl[panelcount]
206                else:
207                    # get default label
208                    lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, 'title')
209            self._plotter.set_axes('title',lbl)
210            panelcount += 1
211            # Now get data to plot
212            y = scan._getspectrum(r)
[2606]213            # Check for FLAGROW column
[2605]214            mr = scan._getflagrow(r)
215            from numpy import ma, array
216            if mr:
217                ys = ma.masked_array(y,mask=mr)
218                if showflag:
219                    yf = ma.masked_array(y, mask=(not mr))
220            else:
221                m = scan._getmask(r)
222                from numpy import logical_not, logical_and
223                if self._maskselection and len(self._usermask) == len(m):
224                    if d[self._stacking](r) in self._maskselection[self._stacking]:
225                        m = logical_and(m, self._usermask)
226                ys = ma.masked_array(y,mask=logical_not(array(m,copy=False)))
227                if showflag:
228                    yf = ma.masked_array(y,mask=m)
230            x = array(scan._getabcissa(r))
231            if self._offset:
232                x += self._offset
[2606]233            #llbl = self._get_label(scan, r, mode='legend', userlabel=self._lmap)
234            #if type(llbl) in (list, tuple):
235            #    llbl = llbl[0]
236            #self._plotter.set_line(label=llbl)
237            self._plotter.set_line(label="data")
238            #plotit = self._plotter.plot
239            #if self._hist: plotit = self._plotter.hist
240            self._plotter.plot(x,ys)
[2605]241            if showflag:
242                self._plotter.set_line(label="flagged")
[2606]243                self._plotter.plot(x,yf)
244                ylim = self._minmaxy or [min(y),max(y)]
245                xlim= self._minmaxx or [min(x),max(x)]
246            elif mr or ys.mask.all():
247                ylim = self._minmaxy or []
248                xlim = self._minmaxx or []
249            else:
250                ylim = self._minmaxy or [ma.minimum(ys),ma.maximum(ys)]
251                xlim= self._minmaxx or [min(x),max(x)]
252            allylim += ylim
253            allxlim += xlim
[2605]254            if (panelcount == n) or (r == nr-1):
255                break
256            r+=1 # next row
[2606]258        # Set x- and y- limts of subplots
259        if ganged:
260            xlim = None
261            ylim = None
262            if len(allylim) > 0:
263                allylim.sort()
264                ylim = allylim[0],allylim[-1]
265            if len(allxlim) > 0:
266                allxlim.sort()
267                xlim = allxlim[0],allxlim[-1]
268            self._plotter.set_limits(xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)
[2605]270        # save the current counter for multi-page plotting
271        self._startrow = r+1
272        self._ipanel += panelcount
273        if self.casabar_exists():
274            if self._ipanel >= nptot-1:
275                self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_next()
276            else:
277                self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_next()
278            if self._ipanel + 1 - panelcount > 0:
279                self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_prev()
280            else:
281                self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_prev()
285    def _get_label(self, scan, row, mode='title', userlabel=None):
286        if isinstance(userlabel, list) and len(userlabel) == 0:
287            userlabel = " "
288        elif not mode.upper().startswith('T'):
289            pms = dict(zip(self._selection.get_pols(), \
290                           self._selection.get_poltypes()))
291            if len(pms):
292                poleval = scan._getpollabel(scan.getpol(row), \
293                                            pms[scan.getpol(row)])
294            else:
295                poleval = scan._getpollabel(scan.getpol(row),scan.poltype())
296            label = "IF%d, POL %s, Scan%d" % \
297                    (scan.getif(row),poleval,scan.getscan(row))
298        else:
299            label = "row %d" % (row)
301        return userlabel or label
[2115]304    def _is_new_scan(self,scan):
305        if isinstance(scan, scantable):
306            if self._data is not None:
307                if scan != self._data:
308                    return True
309            else:
310                return True
311        return False
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