source: trunk/python/ 2607

Last change on this file since 2607 was 2606, checked in by Kana Sugimoto, 12 years ago

New Development: No

JIRA Issue: Yes (CAS-3616, Trac-274)

Ready for Test: Yes

Interface Changes: No

What Interface Changed:

Test Programs:

Put in Release Notes: No

Module(s): flagplotter, sdflag

Description: fixed misc bugs in flagplotter.

File size: 11.8 KB
1from asap.asapplotter import asapplotter
2from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec
4from asap.parameters import rcParams
5from asap.selector import selector
6from asap.scantable import scantable
7import matplotlib.axes
8from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
9from matplotlib.text import Text
11class flagplotter(asapplotter):
12 """
13 The flag plotter
14 Only row based panneling is allowed.
16 Example:
17 scan = asa p.scantable(filename='your_filename',average=False)
18 guiflagger = asap.flagplotter(visible=True)
19 guiflagger.plot(scan)
20 ### flag/Unflag data graphically.
21 guiflagger.save_data(name='flagged_file.asap',format='ASAP')
24 The flagged data is not saved until you explicitly run
25 """
26 def __init__(self, visible=None, **kwargs):
27 self._scan = None
28 asapplotter.__init__(self,visible=visible, **kwargs)
29 self._assert_plotter(action='reload')
30 self._plotter._set_window_title('Flag Plotter')
31 self._panelling = 'r'
32 self.set_stacking('scan')
33 self._ismodified = False
34 self._showflagged = False
35 self.set_colors("blue gray",False)
37 def _new_custombar(self):
38 backend = matplotlib.get_backend()
39 # Flag plotter relys on supported GUI backends
40 if not self._visible:
41 asaplog.push("GUI backend is not available")
43 elif backend == "TkAgg":
44 from asap.customgui_tkagg import CustomFlagToolbarTkAgg
45 return CustomFlagToolbarTkAgg(self)
46 elif backend == "Qt4Agg":
47 from asap.customgui_qt4agg import CustomFlagToolbarQT4Agg
48 return CustomFlagToolbarQT4Agg(self)
49 else:
50 asaplog.push("Unsupported backend for interactive flagging. Use either TkAgg or PyQt4Agg")
53 def set_showflagged(self, show):
54 """ Whether or not plotting flagged data"""
55 if type(show) == bool:
56 self._showflagged = show
57 print "self._showflagged =", str(show)
58 else:
59 raise TypeError, "Input parameter should be a bool."
61 @asaplog_post_dec
62 def _invalid_func(self, name):
63 msg = "Invalid function 'flagplotter."+name+"'"
64 #raise AttributeError(msg)
65 asaplog.push(msg)
68 def set_panelling(self,which='r'):
69 """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
70 if which.lower().startswith('r'):
71 return
72 msg = "Pannel setting is fixed to row mode in 'flagplotter'"
73 asaplog.push(msg)
75 self._panelling = 'r'
77 def set_range(self,xstart=None,xend=None,ystart=None,yend=None,refresh=False, offset=None):
78 """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
79 msg = "Plot range setting is not allowed in 'flagplotter'"
80 asaplog.push(msg)
82 self._panelling = 'r'
84 def plotazel(self,*args,**kwargs):
85 """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
86 self._invalid_func(name='plotazel')
88 def plotpointing(self,*args,**kwargs):
89 """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
90 self._invalid_func(name='plotpointing')
92 def plottp(self,*args,**kwargs):
93 """ This function is not available for the class flagplotter """
94 self._invalid_func(name='plottp')
96 def save_data(self, name=None, format=None, overwrite=False):
97 """
98 Store the plotted scantable on disk.
99 This function simply redirects call to
101 Parameters:
103 name: the name of the outputfile. For format "ASCII"
104 this is the root file name (data in 'name'.txt
105 and header in 'name'_header.txt)
107 format: an optional file format. Default is ASAP.
108 Allowed are:
109 * 'ASAP' (save as ASAP [aips++] Table),
110 * 'SDFITS' (save as SDFITS file)
111 * 'ASCII' (saves as ascii text file)
112 * 'MS2' (saves as an casacore MeasurementSet V2)
113 * 'FITS' (save as image FITS - not readable by class)
114 * 'CLASS' (save as FITS readable by CLASS)
116 overwrite: If the file should be overwritten if it exists.
117 The default False is to return with warning
118 without writing the output. USE WITH CARE.
119 """
120 if not self._data:
121 raise RuntimeError("No scantable has been set yet.")
122 # simply calls
125 def set_data(self, scan, refresh=True):
126 if self._is_new_scan(scan):
127 self._ismodified = False
128 asapplotter.set_data(self, scan, refresh)
129 set_data.__doc__ = asapplotter.set_data.__doc__
131 @asaplog_post_dec
132 def plot(self, scan=None):
133 if self._is_new_scan(scan):
134 self._ismodified = False
135 if not self._showflagged:
136 self.set_legend(mode=None,refresh=False)
137 elif not self._legendloc:
138 self.set_legend(mode=1,refresh=False)
139 asapplotter.plot(self,scan)
140 plot.__doc__ = asapplotter.plot.__doc__
142 @asaplog_post_dec
143 def _plot(self, scan):
144 self._plot_with_flag(scan,self._showflagged)
145 #asapplotter._plot(self,scan)
146 # rescale x-range of subplots 5% margins
147 ganged = (self._plotter.axes._sharex != None)
148 if ganged:
149 np = 1
150 else:
151 np = len(self._plotter.subplots)
152 for ip in xrange(np):
153 ax = self._plotter.subplots[ip]['axes']
154 lim0 = ax.get_xlim()
155 offset = (lim0[1]-lim0[0])*0.05
156 ax.set_xlim(lim0[0]-offset,lim0[1]+offset)
157 del ax, lim0, offset
158 _plot.__doc__ = asapplotter._plot.__doc__
161 @asaplog_post_dec
162 def _plot_with_flag(self, scan, showflag=False):
163 # total number of panles to plot as a whole
164 nptot = scan.nrow()
165 # remaining panels to plot
166 n = nptot - self._ipanel - 1
167 ganged = False
168 maxpanel = 25
170 if n > 1:
171 ganged = rcParams['plotter.ganged']
172 if self._rows and self._cols:
173 n = min(n,self._rows*self._cols)
174 self._plotter.set_panels(rows=self._rows,cols=self._cols,
175 nplots=n,margin=self._margins,ganged=ganged)
176 else:
177 n = min(n,maxpanel)
178 self._plotter.set_panels(rows=n,cols=0,nplots=n,margin=self._margins,ganged=ganged)
179 else:
180 self._plotter.set_panels(margin=self._margins)
181 #r = 0
182 r = self._startrow
183 # total row number of scantable
184 nr = scan.nrow()
185 panelcount = 0
186 allylim = []
187 allxlim = []
189 while r < nr:
190 # always plot to new panel
191 self._plotter.subplot(panelcount)
192 self._plotter.palette(0)
193 # title and axes labels
194 xlab = self._abcissa and self._abcissa[panelcount] \
195 or scan._getabcissalabel()
196 if self._offset and not self._abcissa:
197 xlab += " (relative)"
198 ylab = self._ordinate and self._ordinate[panelcount] \
199 or scan._get_ordinate_label()
200 self._plotter.set_axes('xlabel', xlab)
201 self._plotter.set_axes('ylabel', ylab)
202 lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, mode='title', userlabel=self._title)
203 if type(lbl) in (list, tuple):
204 if 0 <= panelcount < len(lbl):
205 lbl = lbl[panelcount]
206 else:
207 # get default label
208 lbl = self._get_label(scan, r, 'title')
209 self._plotter.set_axes('title',lbl)
210 panelcount += 1
211 # Now get data to plot
212 y = scan._getspectrum(r)
213 # Check for FLAGROW column
214 mr = scan._getflagrow(r)
215 from numpy import ma, array
216 if mr:
217 ys = ma.masked_array(y,mask=mr)
218 if showflag:
219 yf = ma.masked_array(y, mask=(not mr))
220 else:
221 m = scan._getmask(r)
222 from numpy import logical_not, logical_and
223 if self._maskselection and len(self._usermask) == len(m):
224 if d[self._stacking](r) in self._maskselection[self._stacking]:
225 m = logical_and(m, self._usermask)
226 ys = ma.masked_array(y,mask=logical_not(array(m,copy=False)))
227 if showflag:
228 yf = ma.masked_array(y,mask=m)
230 x = array(scan._getabcissa(r))
231 if self._offset:
232 x += self._offset
233 #llbl = self._get_label(scan, r, mode='legend', userlabel=self._lmap)
234 #if type(llbl) in (list, tuple):
235 # llbl = llbl[0]
236 #self._plotter.set_line(label=llbl)
237 self._plotter.set_line(label="data")
238 #plotit = self._plotter.plot
239 #if self._hist: plotit = self._plotter.hist
240 self._plotter.plot(x,ys)
241 if showflag:
242 self._plotter.set_line(label="flagged")
243 self._plotter.plot(x,yf)
244 ylim = self._minmaxy or [min(y),max(y)]
245 xlim= self._minmaxx or [min(x),max(x)]
246 elif mr or ys.mask.all():
247 ylim = self._minmaxy or []
248 xlim = self._minmaxx or []
249 else:
250 ylim = self._minmaxy or [ma.minimum(ys),ma.maximum(ys)]
251 xlim= self._minmaxx or [min(x),max(x)]
252 allylim += ylim
253 allxlim += xlim
254 if (panelcount == n) or (r == nr-1):
255 break
256 r+=1 # next row
258 # Set x- and y- limts of subplots
259 if ganged:
260 xlim = None
261 ylim = None
262 if len(allylim) > 0:
263 allylim.sort()
264 ylim = allylim[0],allylim[-1]
265 if len(allxlim) > 0:
266 allxlim.sort()
267 xlim = allxlim[0],allxlim[-1]
268 self._plotter.set_limits(xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)
270 # save the current counter for multi-page plotting
271 self._startrow = r+1
272 self._ipanel += panelcount
273 if self.casabar_exists():
274 if self._ipanel >= nptot-1:
275 self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_next()
276 else:
277 self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_next()
278 if self._ipanel + 1 - panelcount > 0:
279 self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.enable_prev()
280 else:
281 self._plotter.figmgr.casabar.disable_prev()
285 def _get_label(self, scan, row, mode='title', userlabel=None):
286 if isinstance(userlabel, list) and len(userlabel) == 0:
287 userlabel = " "
288 elif not mode.upper().startswith('T'):
289 pms = dict(zip(self._selection.get_pols(), \
290 self._selection.get_poltypes()))
291 if len(pms):
292 poleval = scan._getpollabel(scan.getpol(row), \
293 pms[scan.getpol(row)])
294 else:
295 poleval = scan._getpollabel(scan.getpol(row),scan.poltype())
296 label = "IF%d, POL %s, Scan%d" % \
297 (scan.getif(row),poleval,scan.getscan(row))
298 else:
299 label = "row %d" % (row)
301 return userlabel or label
304 def _is_new_scan(self,scan):
305 if isinstance(scan, scantable):
306 if self._data is not None:
307 if scan != self._data:
308 return True
309 else:
310 return True
311 return False
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