Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#135 closed enhancement (fixed)

Machine Readable Output

Reported by: kevin.vinsen@… Owned by: MatthewWhiting
Priority: normal Milestone: Release-1.2
Component: Building/Installation Version: 1.1.13
Severity: normal Keywords:


Could a machine readable output be provided for theSkyNet runs.

The data in the text file is parsed to find the parameters and possible detections.

Would it be possible to put the parameters for the run and the detections in a single xml document. Something like this: <run>


<parameter id="parameter name" value="value"/>


</parameters> <detections>

<detection id=0, ra="1:01:01.000", dec="" .... /> etc....



Not fussed the exact structure, as long as it has all the columns the text output gas (which the VOTable version doesn't) and all the parameter values.

Regards Kevin

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by MatthewWhiting

Milestone: Release-1.1.14
Status: newassigned

I want to release a new version shortly, so will try and incorporate this into the next release (probably called 1.1.14).

I think I will just expand the VOTable output to include the full set of output data and the full list of parameters.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by MatthewWhiting

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

This is essentially done, and will be present in the next release (which I'll now be calling 1.2, I think :)

Here's what the top part of the VOTable looks like now:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VOTABLE version="1.1" xmlns:xsi=""
  <COOSYS ID="J2000" equinox="J2000." epoch="J2000." system="eq_FK5"/>
  <RESOURCE name="Duchamp Output">
    <TABLE name="Detections">
      <DESCRIPTION>Detected sources and parameters from running the Duchamp source finder.</DESCRIPTION>
      <PARAM name="imageFile" ucd="meta.file;meta.fits" datatype="char" arraysize="63" value="/DATA/CUSCUS_1/whi550/ObsData/cubes/H201_abcde_luther_chop.fits"/>
      <PARAM name="flagSubsection" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="1"/>
      <PARAM name="subsection" ucd="" datatype="char" arraysize="22" value="[31:130,47:146,1:1024]"/>
      <PARAM name="flagStatSec" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="StatSec" ucd="" datatype="char" arraysize="7" value="[*,*,*]"/>
      <PARAM name="searchType" ucd="meta.note" datatype="char" arraysize="8" value="spectral"/>
      <PARAM name="flagNegative" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="flagBaseline" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="flagRobustStats" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="1"/>
      <PARAM name="flagFDR" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="threshold" ucd="phot.flux;stat.min" datatype="float" value="0.05"/>
      <PARAM name="flagGrowth" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="minVoxels" ucd="" datatype="int" value="3"/>
      <PARAM name="minPix" ucd="" datatype="int" value="1"/>
      <PARAM name="minChannels" ucd="" datatype="int" value="3"/>
      <PARAM name="flagAdjacent" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="1"/>
      <PARAM name="threshVelocity" ucd="" datatype="float" value="3"/>
      <PARAM name="flagRejectBeforeMerge" ucd="" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="flagTwoStageMerging" ucd="" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="pixelCentre" ucd="" datatype="char" arraysize="8" value="centroid"/>
      <PARAM name="flagSmooth" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <PARAM name="flagATrous" ucd="meta.code" datatype="boolean" value="0"/>
      <FIELD name="Obj#" ID="col01" ucd="" datatype="int" units="" width="5"/>
      <FIELD name="Name" ID="col02" ucd=";meta.main" datatype="char" units="" arraysize="15"/>
      <FIELD name="RA" ID="col03" ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="float" units="deg" width="11" precision="6"/>
      <FIELD name="DEC" ID="col04" ucd="phys.angSize;pos.eq.ra" ref="J2000" datatype="float" units="deg" width="11" precision="6"/>
      <FIELD name="VELO" ID="col05" ucd="phys.veloc;src.dopplerVeloc" datatype="float" units="km/s" width="9" precision="3"/>
      <FIELD name="w_RA" ID="col06" ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="float" units="arcmin" width="9" precision="2"/>
      <FIELD name="w_DEC" ID="col07" ucd="phys.angSize;pos.eq.dec" ref="J2000" datatype="float" units="arcmin" width="9" precision="2"/>
      <FIELD name="w_50" ID="col08" ucd="phys.veloc;src.dopplerVeloc;spect.line.width" datatype="float" units="km/s" width="8" precision="3"/>
      <FIELD name="w_20" ID="col09" ucd="phys.veloc;src.dopplerVeloc;spect.line.width" datatype="float" units="km/s" width="8" precision="3"/>
      <FIELD name="w_VELO" ID="col10" ucd="phys.veloc;src.dopplerVeloc;spect.line.width" datatype="float" units="km/s" width="8" precision="3"/>
      <FIELD name="Integrated_Flux" ID="col11" ucd="phot.flux;spect.line.intensity" datatype="float" units="" width="10" precision="3"/>
      <FIELD name="Peak_Flux" ID="col12" ucd="phot.flux;spect.line.intensity" datatype="float" units="Jy/beam" width="10" precision="3"/>
      <FIELD name="S/Nmax" ID="col13" ucd="phot.flux;stat.snr" datatype="float" units="" width="7" precision="2"/>
      <FIELD name="Flag" ID="col14" ucd="meta.code.qual" datatype="char" units="" arraysize="5"/>
      <FIELD name="X_av" ID="col15" ucd="pos.cartesian.x" datatype="float" units="" width="6" precision="1"/>
      <FIELD name="Y_av" ID="col16" ucd="pos.cartesian.y" datatype="float" units="" width="6" precision="1"/>
      <FIELD name="Z_av" ID="col17" ucd="pos.cartesian.z" datatype="float" units="" width="6" precision="1"/>
      <FIELD name="X_Centroid" ID="col18" ucd="pos.cartesian.x" datatype="float" units="" width="7" precision="1"/>
      <FIELD name="Y_Centroid" ID="col19" ucd="pos.cartesian.y" datatype="float" units="" width="7" precision="1"/>
      <FIELD name="Z_Centroid" ID="col20" ucd="pos.cartesian.z" datatype="float" units="" width="7" precision="1"/>
      <FIELD name="X_peak" ID="col21" ucd="pos.cartesian.x" datatype="int" units="" width="7"/>
      <FIELD name="Y_peak" ID="col22" ucd="pos.cartesian.y" datatype="int" units="" width="7"/>
      <FIELD name="Z_peak" ID="col23" ucd="pos.cartesian.z" datatype="int" units="" width="7"/>

I've just got it to write out the parameters that will affect the preprocessing & searching (so not the information about output files and so forth), but I think this is all you need.

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