

18:06 Changeset [435] by DavidSmith
Added code to prevent the user downloading if their filesize is too much
15:03 Changeset [434] by DavidSmith
Basic opal login code.
10:58 Changeset [433] by DavidSmith
interim commit
10:58 Changeset [432] by DavidSmith
fixed bug when creating symlink from data directory to a source file …
09:58 Changeset [431] by DavidSmith
several fixes, renamed the Observation class as ObservationHeader? and …


17:57 Changeset [430] by DavidSmith
13:15 Changeset [429] by DavidSmith
basic opal login
11:01 Changeset [428] by DavidSmith
New interfaces for ObservationData2 and ObservationSet?, this required …


14:24 Changeset [427] by DavidSmith
improved output
14:18 Changeset [426] by DavidSmith
catch any exceptions during the isnert operation, print an error and …
14:01 Changeset [425] by DavidSmith
use the Pulsar::no_amps directive to force psrchive to save time by …
14:00 Changeset [424] by DavidSmith
we get data types like PDFB1, just scan this string and set the data …
13:28 Changeset [423] by DavidSmith
Updated to take in all the old parameters, removed columns …


13:53 Changeset [422] by DavidSmith
Some bug fixes that produced mysql exceptions when run on herschel.
12:09 Changeset [421] by DavidSmith
Updates to code to import more details of each observation into the …
10:46 Changeset [420] by DavidSmith
New program to import observations into database, written in c++ using …


14:15 Changeset [419] by DavidSmith
round the max and min mjd values up and down respectively so that the …
14:11 Changeset [418] by DavidSmith
When constructing, make calibrations be an empty Array, so that later …
11:04 Changeset [417] by DavidSmith
removed button styling, we can't get the butttons to be underlined and …
10:51 Changeset [416] by DavidSmith
modified to work from new location, you have to link to Tests from …
10:25 Changeset [415] by DavidSmith
removed extra tags, this solved footer problem
10:17 Changeset [414] by DavidSmith
10:15 Changeset [413] by DavidSmith
change the style of buttons to appear as link
10:09 Changeset [412] by DavidSmith
Keep this in the test area, simply create a link to the Test directory …
10:05 Changeset [411] by DavidSmith
Moved the test suit out of the web area, simply create a link in the …


12:01 Changeset [410] by DavidSmith
don't rely on calling page to include ScrunchingParameters?.php or …
11:16 Changeset [409] by DavidSmith
Fixed the cart form actions so that we can download just obs, or just …


15:07 Changeset [408] by DavidSmith
This class replaced by ObservationData2
15:06 Changeset [407] by DavidSmith
Created a new interface ObservationData2, which replaces the use of …
15:04 Changeset [406] by DavidSmith
removed use of Archive class, Added more detailed exceptions


14:49 Changeset [405] by DavidSmith
Added data_loc as a variable, for debugging purposes, will hide it in …
14:47 Changeset [404] by DavidSmith
fixed bug with AddPreExtension?


14:38 Changeset [403] by DavidSmith
commented out debugging output
14:16 Changeset [402] by DavidSmith
extra space below the form, so that the footer doesn't cover content.
14:14 Changeset [401] by DavidSmith
formatting, removed border style
14:10 Changeset [400] by DavidSmith
Changed psrhome to point to etch binaries in /nfs/atapplic/pulsar/
12:23 Changeset [399] by DavidSmith
some tidying up to meet html standards
10:14 Changeset [398] by DavidSmith
Display the number of rows that were truncated in the search with a …
10:07 Changeset [397] by DavidSmith
New object to display link/buttons for selecting different forms (new …
10:05 Changeset [396] by DavidSmith
Set a limit on the number of entries to return from a cone query using …
10:01 Changeset [395] by DavidSmith
Fixed the displaying of the exception handling a little, also made it …
09:58 Changeset [394] by DavidSmith
Added a constant for the maximum number or rows to extract from the …
09:57 Changeset [393] by DavidSmith
Changed the Display function so that we still get the header and …
09:53 Changeset [392] by DavidSmith
record the number of rows truncated during the query search and output …


15:06 Changeset [391] by DavidSmith
Added a function to pass through a call to the observation data object …
15:05 Changeset [390] by DavidSmith
seperated the creation of downloadable files into two stanges …
15:04 Changeset [389] by DavidSmith
Make a new function ObservationData::MakeSourceFile? so that we can …
14:17 Changeset [388] by DavidSmith
14:09 Changeset [387] by DavidSmith
Added throwing an exception if the database is not set, changed …
14:08 Changeset [386] by DavidSmith
corrected extraction of rajd and decjd
14:08 Changeset [385] by DavidSmith
Changed the DateRangeQuery? to have a SetDatabase? function for …
14:07 Changeset [384] by DavidSmith
fixed to query properly
11:47 Changeset [383] by DavidSmith
Added controls to go back to the results, or the query form or the …
11:46 Changeset [382] by DavidSmith
Added handlers for NewQuery?, ReturnToResults? and ShowCart? commands
11:30 Changeset [381] by DavidSmith
set WEB_ROOT to point to the actual root
10:50 Changeset [380] by DavidSmith
Added more defaults for parameters to show.
10:02 Changeset [379] by DavidSmith
changed RealAction? to PostAction?.
10:02 Changeset [378] by DavidSmith
changed RealAction? to PostAction? and made it for post data only, no …
10:00 Changeset [377] by DavidSmith
now presents each observation and iterates through the calibrations
10:00 Changeset [376] by DavidSmith
Changed links to buttons
09:59 Changeset [375] by DavidSmith
Added headings
09:58 Changeset [374] by DavidSmith
changed RealAction? to PostAction?
09:57 Changeset [373] by DavidSmith
changed links to buttons
09:56 Changeset [372] by DavidSmith
changed the value used in select fields from any to "", changed logout …
09:54 Changeset [371] by DavidSmith
Changed RealAction? to PostAction?
09:54 Changeset [370] by DavidSmith
Added functionality to display profiles and cals as a basic page
09:53 Changeset [369] by DavidSmith
Made this form extend the ViewProfilesAndCals? form, and just not …
09:50 Changeset [368] by DavidSmith
Added code to deal with not having an observation set
09:50 Changeset [367] by DavidSmith
Added NewQuery? action
09:49 Changeset [366] by DavidSmith
new consearch, uses the ConeQuery? to perform the query
09:48 Changeset [365] by DavidSmith
matthew whittings original xmlFunctions, modified to use class …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.