{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (14 matches)

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Active Tickets (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#41 set up a tree of test case data files (for regression tests) MIRIAD - CABB branch 7. Stage 1 - available for testing task StacyMader reopened 11/30/07
#47 atlod can apply xyphase corrections to CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch 14. Stage 5 - available for testing task MarkWieringa assigned 01/17/08
#58 update Changes to match new milestones MIRIAD - CABB branch 7. Stage 1 - available for testing defect MarkWieringa new 03/07/08
#61 find a location for miriad-cabb test case data MIRIAD - CABB branch 7. Stage 1 - available for testing task MarkWieringa new 06/13/08
#63 Document test procedures miriad4cabb project 7. Stage 1 - available for testing enhancement VincentMcIntyre new 06/19/08
#65 write one regression test script MIRIAD - CABB branch 7. Stage 1 - available for testing enhancement VincentMcIntyre assigned 06/27/08
#77 investigate performance issues MIRIAD - CABB branch 10. Stage 3 - available for testing task MarkWieringa new 02/27/09
#83 CABB data processable with other MIRIAD packages? MIRIAD - CABB branch enhancement MarkWieringa new 06/11/09
#84 image quality comparisons MIRIAD - CABB branch 16. Closure document task MarkWieringa new 06/18/09
#92 atlod - document correct 'default' options for CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch defect JamieStevens new 09/11/09
#102 Uranus flux model too simplistic MIRIAD - main line defect JamieStevens new 11/25/09
#105 deprecate TVFLAG MIRIAD - CABB branch task MarkWieringa new 02/17/10
#110 shared-library verison of miriad MIRIAD - main line defect VincentMcIntyre new 04/21/10
#118 pgflag can't flag data properly across UT 0 boundaries MIRIAD - CABB branch defect JamieStevens new 09/28/10
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