{2} Active Tickets by Version (14 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

(empty) (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#83 CABB data processable with other MIRIAD packages? MIRIAD - CABB branch enhancement MarkWieringa new 06/11/09
#92 atlod - document correct 'default' options for CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch defect JamieStevens new 09/11/09
#84 image quality comparisons MIRIAD - CABB branch task MarkWieringa new 06/18/09
#63 Document test procedures miriad4cabb project enhancement VincentMcIntyre new 06/19/08
#102 Uranus flux model too simplistic MIRIAD - main line defect JamieStevens new 11/25/09
#47 atlod can apply xyphase corrections to CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch task MarkWieringa assigned 01/17/08
#105 deprecate TVFLAG MIRIAD - CABB branch task MarkWieringa new 02/17/10
#61 find a location for miriad-cabb test case data MIRIAD - CABB branch task MarkWieringa new 06/13/08
#77 investigate performance issues MIRIAD - CABB branch task MarkWieringa new 02/27/09
#118 pgflag can't flag data properly across UT 0 boundaries MIRIAD - CABB branch defect JamieStevens new 09/28/10
#41 set up a tree of test case data files (for regression tests) MIRIAD - CABB branch task StacyMader reopened 11/30/07
#110 shared-library verison of miriad MIRIAD - main line defect VincentMcIntyre new 04/21/10
#58 update Changes to match new milestones MIRIAD - CABB branch defect MarkWieringa new 03/07/08
#65 write one regression test script MIRIAD - CABB branch enhancement VincentMcIntyre assigned 06/27/08
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