Custom Query (104 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#86 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre wontfix mirds9 script

CARMA miriad has a csh script to allow display of miriad data in the DS9 image viewer. The reason for this is to allow display of images on a 24-bit X screen; xmtv cannot use this visual.

It seems it should not be too difficult to add this to miriad, though the list of dependencies looks ugly.

#89 MarkWieringa JamieStevens fixed calred output format needs updating

The current calred gives the following output with CABB data:

calred: Version 1.2, 2007/02/22 23:41:13 UTC

Applying bandpass corrections to g301.33000/
Applying gain corrections to g301.33000/

Source        Sca(mJy)  Vec(mJy) Con  The  Act   NCorr
g301             1618     1584     -   226   202547500
g301             1618     1583     -   225   206565750
g301             1624     1583     -   226   224200750
g301             1619     1582     -   223   205565750
g301             1619     1583     -   223   205547500
g301             1618     1584     -   223   199200750
g301             1628     1583     -   271   233547500
g301             1628     1583     -   273   234565750
g301             1627     1582     -   275   232200750

The problem is that with CABB, the number of correlations is bigger than what was expected when calred was made (I assume). So the Act column merges with the NCorr column.

The solution would be to add one or two more spaces between the Act and NCorr columns, and to allow for larger numbers in the NCorr column.

#94 VincentMcIntyre EmilLenc fixed 64 bit version of Miriad for Macs

I have been asked (and this is something I've been wondering myself), will a 64 bit capable binary installation of miriad be made available for Mac OS X? I'm not really sure what the requirements for this would be but I guess it would require at least an Intel Core 2 Duo and Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6)? If such a release will be made and supported I am quite happy to act as a beta tester for this.

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