Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 104)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#19 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed ATLOD can read in a simulated datafile containing multiple correlator modes

This is the corollary to 17.

Atlod can do this already - a second 'frequency configuration' is added when it first appears in the data.

#20 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed ATLOD can handle known CABB birdies

There will probably be some self-generated interference from CABB, as with the current correlator. ATLOD should be able to flag out the channels affected by this, automatically.

#21 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed ATLOD can handle known external RFI

There will definitely be some frequencies in the CABB bandpass that are always affected by RFI coming from sources other than the correlator.

ATLOD should be able to flag these automatically.

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