Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#30 closed task (fixed)

AxisDim array consistency

Reported by: MatthewWhiting Owned by: MatthewWhiting
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Input Version: 1.1.3
Severity: normal Keywords:


Something that needs to be checked:

If we have a cube that does not have its axes ordered like spatial-spatial-spectral, are we going to have trouble? Most of the references to Cube::axisDim that are after a particular axis assume that they are in this order (ie. to get the spectral axis, we get axisDim[2]), so if they aren't put that way at the start, we could be in trouble.

Need to check carefully through the getImage and FitsIO code...

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by MatthewWhiting

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Looks fine -- all the Cube's references to the axes use the wcsprm lng,lat,spec references, so we should be fine. If there is no WCS, then we just assume they are 0,1,2 respectively. I think in that case it is up to the user.

Closing ticket.

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