Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#28 closed defect (duplicate)

Major problems when using subsections

Reported by: MatthewWhiting Owned by: MatthewWhiting
Priority: highest Milestone:
Component: Searching Version: 1.1.3
Severity: normal Keywords:


When using subsections, we can get objects of different sizes depending on the subsection used, even when the object is nowhere near the edge of the subsection (and so should not be affected by it).

I have attached a few results sets from different runs that use different subsections. Note the first detected object in particular (the Galactic emission), and how its values change for each run. File 1 goes up to z=700, file 2 goes up to z=512, file 3 up to z=1024 (with a specified subsection), and file 4 has no subsection given.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by MatthewWhiting

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
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