{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (523 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (501 - 523 of 523)

1 2 3 4 5 6

(empty) (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Severity Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#16 absorption searches Wavelet reconstruction closed fixed 1.1.1 enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 02/12/08
#28 Major problems when using subsections Searching closed duplicate 1.1.3 defect normal highest MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 02/12/08
#26 flagXoutput with no pgplot Output closed fixed 1.1.3 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 02/05/08
#24 wcslib problems with configure script Installation closed fixed 1.1.2 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 01/11/08
#25 Requirement of getopt during build Building/Installation closed fixed 1.1.3 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting mad134@… 01/10/08
#18 Reported velocities offset from actual values Output closed fixed 1.1.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting taylorr5@… 12/07/07
#21 Columns run into each other in results output textfile Output closed fixed 1.1.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting korinnem@… 12/07/07
#23 Create a mask cube FITS reader closed fixed 1.1.2-beta enhancement normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 11/14/07
#22 ticket test other closed fixed 1.1.1 task normal normal MatthewWhiting anonymous 09/28/07
#20 Testing the ticket system other closed invalid 1.1.1 defect normal normal Matthew Whiting anonymous 09/19/07
#14 Install Duchamp in the CONRAD 3rdParty repository other closed fixed 1.1 task normal normal MatthewWhiting anonymous 08/04/07
#13 make duchamp able to compile without pgplot FITS reader closed fixed 1.1 defect normal normal MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting 07/25/07
#12 Several verifications fail in building 1.1. other closed fixed defect normal normal MatthewWhiting jhallum@… 07/20/07
#15 Testing the ticket system other closed fixed 1.1 task normal normal MatthewWhiting mwhiting@… 07/20/07
#10 Make "no X-windows output" a command line flag Input closed fixed 1.0.7 defect normal normal Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting 05/14/07
#7 Segment the array prior to searching Searching closed invalid enhancement normal normal Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting 05/01/07
#11 Use a statsec to define the statistics Searching closed fixed enhancement normal normal Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting 04/05/07
#6 New way of storing Detections other closed fixed enhancement major normal Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting 04/03/07
#4 Incorrect assigning of velocity units from fits files produced from Livedata/gridzilla FITS reader closed fixed defect normal normal Matthew Whiting korinnem@… 04/03/07
#9 Bug in VOTable output Output closed fixed 1.0.7 defect normal normal Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting 02/22/07
#8 Segment the array prior to searching Searching closed invalid enhancement normal normal Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting 02/06/07
#5 Allowing the subsection to be expressed as 'take x number of pixels off the edges' FITS reader closed fixed enhancement normal normal Matthew Whiting korinnem@… 01/25/07
#3 strange behaviour with Cube::setCubeStats() component1 closed fixed defect normal high Matthew Whiting 12/06/06
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.