Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of ToDo

10/15/07 16:53:54 (17 years ago)



  • ToDo

    v34 v35  
    2222|| Existing web archive: front page should still display even if the backend db is unreachable || Matthew/David/Vince || The page appears to be dependent on a call to mysql_connect() and it falls over badly if that call fails. (ticket: [ticket:22])  ||
    2323|| Existing web archive: organise management of proprietary access || Matthew (talk with Arkadi) ||Can we use the methods that ATOA use?[[BR]] 20071015: still under study. New observations should have well-defined project ids (ie association with individual observing project members will be well-defined) ||
    24 || Set up VO cone search service that returns a VOTable || Matthew || This is done for the S70 data, albeit with a kludge to get the S70 data into the database. ||
     24|| Set up VO cone search service that returns a VOTable || Matthew || ~~This is done for the S70 data, albeit with a kludge to get the S70 data into the database.~~[[BR]] 20071015 Done ||
    2525|| Register the VO cone search service || Matthew || This might have to wait for the archive website going live. ||
    2626|| Make archive website live to outside world || Vince || Obviously this is the final step, once things are working ||