Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of ToDo

10/15/07 16:43:07 (17 years ago)



  • ToDo

    v29 v30  
    1414|| Conversion of all 70cm data || Lucyna || ~~Straightforward once we know the conversion is working.~~ [[BR]] ~~20070921: Underway~~[[BR]]20071015 Done ||
    1515|| Once converted, incorporate information into mySQL database || Lucyna? Matthew? (minimal effort once conversion is started) || If we wait till all data is converted, this is only one step. ||
    16 || Work out necessary metadata for the 70cm data to go into database -- what fields in the table? || Matthew, Dick, ... || What metadata do we want to make public? How similar to the existing "observations" table do we want it [[BR]] 20070912: Matt has preliminary schema in source:trunk/docs/VOimplementation.pdf[[BR]]20071015 Spec. complete, implementing new schema ||
     16|| Work out necessary metadata for the 70cm data to go into database -- what fields in the table? || Matthew, Dick, ... || What metadata do we want to make public? How similar to the existing "observations" table do we want it [[BR]] 20070912: Matt has preliminary schema in source:trunk/docs/VOimplementation.pdf [[BR]] 20071015 Spec. complete, implementing new schema ||
    1717|| Put Multibeam Survey data onto raid array at Parkes || Dick || Underway [[BR]] 20070912: No evidence of this yet. ||
    1818|| Make sure the Multibeam survey data is accessible for archive queries || Vince || 20070912: waits on data being set up on disk ||