Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of ToDo

09/12/07 11:32:36 (17 years ago)

update what "incorp 70cm data" means


  • ToDo

    v13 v14  
    1616|| Work out necessary metadata for the 70cm data to go into database -- what fields in the table? || Matthew, Dick, ... || What metadata do we want to make public? How similar to the existing "observations" table do we want it ||
    1717|| || || 20070912: Matt has preliminary schema in source:trunk/docs/VOimplementation.pdf ||
    18 || Put Multibeam Survey data onto raid array at Parkes || Dick || Underway[BR]20070912: No evidence of this yet. ||
     18|| Put Multibeam Survey data onto raid array at Parkes || Dick || Underway [[BR]] 20070912: No evidence of this yet. ||
    1919|| Make sure the Multibeam survey data is accessible for archive queries || Vince || 20070912: waits on data being set up on disk ||
    20 || Incorporate the 70cm data into the web archive system || Matthew || You should be able to download data from this. Will need changes to the index page, as well as the querying process (to incorporate the different metadata, and possibly provide option of selecting just survey or just timing data). ||
     20|| Incorporate the 70cm data into the web archive system || Matthew || We want searches to return survey or timing data without "prejudice", unless the user specifies the type. This means we will need to make changes to the index page, as well as the querying process (to incorporate the different metadata, and possibly provide option of selecting just survey or just timing data). You should be able to download survey data from the list of hits returned, as you can now for timing data. ||
    2121|| Fix up existing mySQL tables || Matthew || The existing timing data has problems with the way the positions are stored. We should add columns that have RA and Dec in decimal degrees -- this will make doing conesearches and the like easier and consistent with the S70 data ||
    2222|| Existing web archive: sort out security issues || Matthew (talk with Arkadi) ||  ||