
Version 5 (modified by MatthewWhiting, 17 years ago) (diff)


Fields for pvosummary

When a csv file is produced by pvosummary, the full list of parameters is written. The complete list can be viewed by typing

pvosummary -p

The full list of parameters, in the order that they appear in the csv file, is:

 Filename       The FITS file.
 File Location  The full path of the FITS file.
 Header Version The version of the PSRFITS definition used.
 Survey         Which survey the data comes from:
                  left blank if not known or not a survey file.
 Source Name    The SRC_NAME keyword (printed as SRC_NAME to screen).
 Telescope      Where the observations were made.
 Data_type      The type of data -- usually the backend instrument used.
 RAJ            Right Ascension,
 DECJ           Declination, dd:mm:ss.sss 
 RAJd           Right Ascension, in decimal degrees.
 DecJd          Declination, in decimal degrees.
 GL             Galactic Longitude, in degrees.
 GB             Galactic Latitude, in degrees.
 BMAJ           The FWHM of the major axis of the beam.
 BMIN           The FWHM of the minor axis of the beam.
 BPA            The position angle of the beam.
 DATE-OBS       The UT time and date of the observation, in FITS
                 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssss
 MJD            The Modified Julian Date of the start of the observation.
 OBSFREQ        The central observing frequency
 ChanBW         The channel bandwidth (from the HISTORY table).
 Nchan          Number of channels (from the HISTORY table).
 Scan length    The SCANLEN keyword.
 Tsamp          Time per sample [ms] (from the SUBINT table).
 NBits          Number of bits per datum (from the SUBINT table).

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