

15:33 Ticket #79 (can't login as 'lucyna') created by anonymous
I used to be able to login to the archive …
14:59 Ticket #78 (Provide references to surveys) created by MatthewWhiting
The data files should have a FITS header keyword that refers to the …
14:39 Ticket #60 (invert sense of bits) closed by MatthewWhiting
fixed: It has been resolved that the bit inversion is not necessary for the …
14:36 Ticket #49 (updated header keywords) closed by MatthewWhiting
fixed: This has been taken care of. The converted FITS files now work with …
14:19 Changeset [482] by MatthewWhiting
Additional fix…
14:17 Changeset [481] by MatthewWhiting
Trying to fix the header and footer on the users guide.
12:25 Ticket #77 (WBC data not being returned) created by MatthewWhiting
It appears that WBC data is not accessible -- eg. search for …
12:21 Ticket #76 (Problems with results table) created by MatthewWhiting
There are a number of issues with the table of query results: * The …
12:21 Ticket #75 (Problems with query page) created by MatthewWhiting
There are a few issues with the query page: * The date range doesn't …


13:57 Ticket #74 (closure document) created by VincentMcIntyre
write closure document for PRB and submit it.
11:26 Ticket #73 (http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/pulsar/data_archive/ is broken) created by VincentMcIntyre
Should this URL be used for anything any more? It was given in the …
11:15 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by VincentMcIntyre
11:01 DetailedWorkNeeded edited by VincentMcIntyre
10:54 Ticket #72 (conesearch.php: example does not work in browser) created by VincentMcIntyre
Following this link …
09:41 Ticket #71 (users guide: php warnings) created by VincentMcIntyre
Clicking on this link: …
09:38 Ticket #70 (front page: spelling check, etc) created by VincentMcIntyre
* s/proprietry/proprietary/g * stylesheet - there should be a …


14:36 Ticket #64 (add s70 table to ConeQuery) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Implemented, the ConeQuery? now returns results from both the …
14:35 Changeset [480] by DavidSmith
Changed the query to extract results from the s70 table as well as …
14:33 Changeset [479] by DavidSmith
Changed the interface for Band class somewhat. To use the constructor …
14:32 Changeset [478] by DavidSmith
Load the bands from form data
14:32 Changeset [477] by DavidSmith
Added Band.php to the list of classes that must be declared before we …
11:05 Changeset [476] by DavidSmith
Added function to add string to test if the user has authorization to …
10:47 Changeset [475] by DavidSmith
Added the sql code to perform the actual query.
10:47 Changeset [474] by DavidSmith
Added a list of authorised projects to the parameters and functions to …
10:46 Changeset [473] by DavidSmith
clarified the variables used in the sql.
10:45 Changeset [472] by DavidSmith
Fixed loading associated_prejects from session data.
10:44 Changeset [471] by DavidSmith
changed the download size test to use the constant DOWNLOAD_LIMIT …
10:44 Changeset [470] by DavidSmith
Change the proprietary period test to use the constant PROP_PERIOD …
10:43 Changeset [469] by DavidSmith
Added constants for setting the proprietary period and the download limit
10:37 Changeset [468] by DavidSmith
We now create a user data object in order to get the associated …
10:36 Changeset [467] by DavidSmith
Added call to set the database on the ProjectQuery?.
10:35 Changeset [466] by DavidSmith
Added outputting the associate projects from user_data.


19:10 Changeset [465] by DavidSmith
Basic outline of the improvements I've made to the web part of this …
18:07 Ticket #68 (View profiles broken) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: psrchive now requires the TEMPO environment variable to be set at all …
18:06 Changeset [464] by DavidSmith
changed tempo path to a path that agrees with both my laptop and herschel
18:03 Changeset [463] by DavidSmith
Fixed up rendering of plots, TEMPO environment variable is now also …
17:38 Ticket #69 (Display download size in CartForm) created by DavidSmith
The cart form should display the download size estimate. This is …
17:38 Ticket #68 (View profiles broken) created by DavidSmith
Currently the ViewProfiles? pages come up, but no plots are shown, this …
17:36 Ticket #67 (Display current scruncing parameters.) created by DavidSmith
The scrunching parameters are set using an expandable form, when this …
17:34 Ticket #66 (IE compatibility) created by DavidSmith
I have added functional compatibilty code for internet explorer, this …
17:30 Ticket #65 (QueryResultsForm reverts to other pages) created by DavidSmith
When on the QuerResultsForm? clicking any buttons returns you to the …
17:27 Ticket #64 (add s70 table to ConeQuery) created by DavidSmith
I was going to encorporate the s70 data into the observations table, …
17:23 Ticket #63 (Opal Login) created by DavidSmith
The code to login using an opal email and password is functional, …
17:18 Ticket #62 (DBUpdater accepts invalid directory names) created by DavidSmith
The DBUpdater program will add directories of CPSR2 data found in the …
17:11 Ticket #48 (symlink warnings) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: The ObservationData2 class checks what files exist before creating any …
17:09 Ticket #61 (import new code to svn) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: imported under htdocs2
17:09 Ticket #56 (scrunch directories of files) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: done. class CPSR2Combiner will combine these when required.
17:07 Ticket #58 (CPSR2 observations report only 1 subint) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Fixed, we count the number of files in the observation directory …
17:07 Ticket #31 (find_archives.pl - update to a/c for schema changes) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: This script has been replaced with a c++ program called DBUpdater, …
17:06 Ticket #40 (archive search - implement proprietary period limits) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: implemented, proprietary period is 18 months for anonymous login, and …
17:05 Ticket #38 (Select based on project ID) closed by DavidSmith
17:05 Ticket #59 (all CPSR2 observations should be added to the tar file as one file) closed by DavidSmith
17:04 Ticket #29 (determining who is atnf) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: logging is implemented as anonymous with email, and logging in through …
17:04 Ticket #51 (Add scrunching before downloading files) closed by DavidSmith
12:01 Changeset [462] by DavidSmith
Added indirection in ObsInterface? to get its data from the header …
11:58 Changeset [461] by DavidSmith
An CalInterface? is the same as an ObsInterface?.
11:52 Changeset [460] by DavidSmith
Calibration class renamed CalibrationHeader?
11:49 Changeset [459] by DavidSmith
corrected function call, removed old commented code.
11:47 Changeset [458] by DavidSmith
removed debugging output
11:46 Changeset [457] by DavidSmith
Correcting login bugs.
11:32 Changeset [456] by DavidSmith
11:30 Changeset [455] by DavidSmith
no need to escape ' in "" sequences.
11:27 Changeset [454] by DavidSmith
comment style for oci
11:24 Changeset [453] by DavidSmith
bug fix, missing $ on variable name $sql
11:14 Changeset [452] by DavidSmith
bug fix, connection is now called link in base class.
11:13 Changeset [451] by DavidSmith
Added SetDB to ProjectQuery?, fixed call to SetBB to be SetDB for …
11:10 Changeset [450] by DavidSmith
Update LoginForm? to use HashQuery? and ProjectsQuery?, basic hacked …
11:04 Changeset [449] by DavidSmith
change members to protected.
11:03 Changeset [448] by DavidSmith
Changed overrideable interface functions in SQLDatabase from private …
11:00 Changeset [447] by DavidSmith
Added OCIDB Disconnect function (required).
10:58 Changeset [446] by DavidSmith
minor bug fixes.
10:54 Changeset [445] by DavidSmith
This function, along with providing a <input type=hidden …
10:53 Changeset [444] by DavidSmith
two new queries, the has qiery checks the opal database for the hash …
10:52 Changeset [443] by DavidSmith
Added support for storing and retrieving an array of project names …
10:51 Changeset [442] by DavidSmith
Added code to use the new OCIDB class.
10:51 Changeset [441] by DavidSmith
Added constants for opal login
10:50 Changeset [440] by DavidSmith
New base class for all database classes, and OCI implementation …


20:25 Changeset [439] by DavidSmith
Added code to only purge calibrations and observations if they are …
19:58 Changeset [438] by DavidSmith
Added linking against tempo2, added support for greater precision when …
19:53 Changeset [437] by DavidSmith
internet explorer compatibility
19:53 Changeset [436] by DavidSmith
Changed to use ie_compat.js and a hidden PostAction? variable in order …


18:06 Changeset [435] by DavidSmith
Added code to prevent the user downloading if their filesize is too much
15:03 Changeset [434] by DavidSmith
Basic opal login code.
10:58 Changeset [433] by DavidSmith
interim commit
10:58 Changeset [432] by DavidSmith
fixed bug when creating symlink from data directory to a source file …
09:58 Changeset [431] by DavidSmith
several fixes, renamed the Observation class as ObservationHeader? and …


17:57 Changeset [430] by DavidSmith
13:15 Changeset [429] by DavidSmith
basic opal login
11:01 Changeset [428] by DavidSmith
New interfaces for ObservationData2 and ObservationSet?, this required …


14:24 Changeset [427] by DavidSmith
improved output
14:18 Changeset [426] by DavidSmith
catch any exceptions during the isnert operation, print an error and …
14:01 Changeset [425] by DavidSmith
use the Pulsar::no_amps directive to force psrchive to save time by …
14:00 Changeset [424] by DavidSmith
we get data types like PDFB1, just scan this string and set the data …
13:28 Changeset [423] by DavidSmith
Updated to take in all the old parameters, removed columns …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.